Speechless: Season 2 - 31

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Welcome to Season 2 of Mend My Elastic Heart!
It's been quite a while since I updated so I'll start off with a recap for those who may have forgotten about this awful story written by a depressed teenager obsessed with Duncney who's now a depressed adult obsessed with Duncney🕺🏾!

"Yea, back when you two were kids, Courtney would always stick behind you whenever we visited, I believe I still have some photos of you two!"

"Hey in my defense, I literally could not speak to anyone but you I guess. So be lucky I even stuck by you, I am a princess after all," Courtney said rolling her eyes.

Duncan smiled and replied, "That you are."

And I thought to myself, Courtney Barlow, and I? Together? Maybe when pigs fly.

"You ok Lucy? you look like you're about to have a stroke," I said nonchalantly, trying to make her and I laugh. She looked down then back up at me. "Seriously, whats wrong, you're freaking me out."

"I just got a call from the hospital in North Bay... your father... he woke up."

Unfortunately for me, I wasn't thinking. And not thinking could land you in trouble, like sitting in the back of a cop car because you got high in the back alley of a liquor store that a cop was standing 6ft away from you.

Speechless: Chapter 31 — Four Weeks Later...

Duncan's POV:

"I can't do this anymore Elizabeth... it doesn't matter how much time you'll spend making sure Duncan doesn't end up rotting in a cell, he always finds a way back."

"We have family, aunts, uncles, cousins who has devoted their life fighting for this country and yet here I am looking at my son from outside a cell. What did I do wrong?"

My eyes flickered as I tried to come back to my senses, the sweat beads that sat on my forehead as I sat behind an alleyway of a liquor store now gone and replaced with a headache. I looked at my father who repeatedly screamed at my mother who stood in front of some bars.

I looked around and saw a single bed and three other guys staring at them as they bickered on. This wasn't my usual bedroom, and I suddenly realized that when my father eyed me and looked at me in disgust.

"Lets go," he said to my mother as he exited the room. She turned around and saw me but this time that cheerful smile she had on her face was replaced with an uninvited glare and I knew that I was the reason behind it.

"If he isn't beating the shit out of someone he's getting high in a state where the possession of marijuana and any  other drug is illegal. But guess what? Duncan Nelson doesn't care because he gets do whatever the hell he wants." My father continued now driving down an empty street. "Fuck the law right?"


"No. You don't get to tell me I'm wrong right now, I'm done. Done with him, his shit, and bailing him out of jail because he can't comply with the basic rules of our government," my father continued.. now cutting off my mother. My headache grew louder as the man went back and forth with himself in the car.

Maybe this was the part where I'd learn my lesson and change into a better human being from this point forward, but right now, all I wanted was for him to shut the hell up.
I pressed my face against the window glass and watched all the buildings and people fly by as George drove in anger.

"This... today...  tonight... this is the last straw." He continued, making me roll my eyes. "The next time you want to spend a month in jail Duncan, bring a toothbrush because nobody, not me, not your mother, is going to be there to rescue you." I smirked unapologetically ready to say something about the flaw in that sentence but my eyes stopped me when I noticed something outside the window. But of course it was just my own imagination trying to toy with me.

"Duncan, this is serious, when we get home I want you to give me the keys to your bike, your PlayStation console, and from now until you've regained our trust, you will go to school and come home. No Geoff, no Trent, and definitely no parties," my mother said, joining my father as he talked down on my behavior.

"Whatever, I don't even like Trent anyways," I mumbled under my breath. "Dudes way too uptight."

"You think this a joke..." my father said hysterically as he eyed me from the drivers mirror and read my lips. "... Well I rather have an uptight son than a criminal."

"Gerald!" My mother exclaimed as if my father didn't mean a word of what he said. I rolled my eyes.

"He's right you know." I turned to my left to see a blue eyed young adult sitting next to me, as he looked out the window as well. My heart skipped a beat and my pupils widened as I tried to look twice, thinking this wasn't real, he... wasn't real. "You really fucked up this time— I mean blowing up your principals car was probably the most fucked up shit you've ever done but this??"

I watched as he moved his lips and blinked evenly while looking out the window. I put my hands out and moved them towards his body to just touch him. "Just look at dad, I don't even think he's pissed... I think he's finally disappointed in you, like the time I crashed his car into the lake out of anger." I turned to look at my father who continued to yell but unfortunately for him, I couldn't hear him.

"M- Mateo??" I whimpered as my brother sat next to me. He turned around and gave me his signature smile that let me know that everything was going to be ok, except it wasn't. Nothing was ok.

"What's wrong with you man?" He asked now looking at me with those soft blue eyes. I froze, unable to speak. "Duncan..."

"Duncan..." I heard, "Duncan!" I turned to see my father yelling to get my attention. He rolled his eyes and looked at me through the mirrors. "Are you going to get out of the car or do you plan on smoking in here?" He asked annoyed. I realized that we had finally came home, but my attention was far from that. I turned back to my left side window but the person who had my attention was gone.

Hey guys thanks so much for being patient with me on my stories. The start of season 2 is a little long so hope you guys enjoyed today's read. Chapter 32 will be published soon (I promise).

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