Speechless - 12

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"Court, you should come to the mall with Gwen and I, it'll be fun!"
screamed Bridgette through her voice message text. It was the start of the weekend and I was in my bedroom doing my usual weekend cleaning.

"Gwen? Mall? Don't even kid about that."
I replied back to the group chat, trying to hold in my laugh. I read Gwen's new text and was actually surprised she agreed to such an activity.

"And you know, I'd rather call your cellphone rather text." I looked at the communication device, I wasn't comfortable enough to have full on conversations, I was trying to open up a little even if I had one word sentences. Though we've known each other since age 11, we drifted apart due to circumstances with school and family.

"So what do you say? Mall?" She continued, weekends were the time that I stayed in my room and do what I always did, plan my future activities with my PDA and activity calendar. I plan to be a Counselor when I grow older, so I spend my days studying until I am emotionally and physically tired. Right now I am a counselor in training, CIT for short, and slacking off to go to the mall would damage my study schedule but boost my friendship status.

"I don't know..." I said slowly.

"There's a seminar on counseling!" She said before letting me finish. I immediately replied back with a confident yes.

Bridgette's POV
"When has there ever been a seminar at the mall?" Gwen asked as I got off the phone.

"Never?" I replied deviously. Tricking Courtney into coming to hang out with us wasn't great but it got a yes out of her. It was easier than getting Gwen to hang out though. The girl loves to stay in her dark, depressing room.

"You know Courtney, this dress would look really pretty on you," I held up a floral dress in my hand and gave it to Courtney. "Try it on."

She looked flustered as she took the dress out of my hand and walked into the dressing room.
"Does it fit?" I asked.


"Show us" Gwen added.

The brunette walked out with her head down, she looked like a little kid to be honest, I tried to hold in my laugh but it came dying out. Gwen looked at me and back at Courtney then she joined in on the laughter.

"What?!" Courtney exclaimed, "I demand a reason for why you are laughing!"

"Nothing, you look cute," I said in between my laughter.

"And now you can wear that dress at the party we're going to later." I said wittily.  The goth and the prep looked at me confused and both exclaimed.


"Did I forget to mention, one of the seniors, aka Alejandro's older brother is throwing a party at their house and we ladies are crashing." I said all at once. The girls looked at me frozen.


"Come on, who doesn't want to attend a upperclassman's party, imagine it, a car in a pool, drinks in people's faces, older, taller, ripped, guys" I caught myself, "No, men."

"Bridgette you're crazy, you're nuts, you're-you're, Izzy!" Gwen exclaimed.  I laughed deviously, carried away by my own words I accidentally tripped over and landed on a dress.

"Talk about embarrassing," Heather said as she and Lindsay giggled across the room. I softly blushed and picked myself up.

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