Speechless: Season 2 - 32

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Speechless: Season 2 .. Chapter 32

Courtney's POV:

"Courtney, come on, it's been two weeks, I think you should go to school, get some fresh air, see your friends." Lucy said as she watched me strain the water out of a towel.

"I will, just let me finish with this first," I replied. I took the hot towel over to my father who lied in bed, sleeping soundly.

"That's what you said the first time he got home Court, now this time I need you to get out of this room and shower." She continued now angry.

Ever since my father came home I devoted my time to take care of him until he was able to take care of himself.

"But Lucy..."

"No buts, get out and go to school." She said dragging me out of the room this time. My father continued to sleep peacefully as the two females in his life bickered on about the well-being of him and one of them.

"Fine, but call me if he needs me," I said as I rolled my eyes. I rushed to my own bedroom to undress as quickly as I could and hop into the shower. It was 10AM and though school started at exactly 8AM, I realized that going to school wasn't as important as it used to be.

I looked at myself in the mirror as I fixed my hair and realized how bad I needed a decent nights rest. But those eye bags were nothing important.

"Seriously, call me if anything," I said to Lucy as she pushed me out the door. It's been a month now since I my father woke up and a few things has changed. I stopped going to school so that I could focus more on his recovery.

I mean of course I was still doing my school work and maintaining my grades, i was just.. doing it from home now. It was better that way anyways.

At school all I did was worry about whether or not my father was doing ok, and it was distracting me from participating in any of my class activities so I begged Lucy to talk to the principal about homeschooling.

But I guess Lucy could only take so much of me being home cause the blonde went behind my back and enrolled me back to school two week ago, though I didn't go.

"I wonder if dad is awake now," I said as I entered the city bus.  I had finally adjusted to life here in Muskoka. I'm even riding public transportation by myself. I don't expect to befriend anyone on here so of course it's easy for me to just catch a ride to school without having to stare at someone in silence as they tried to talk to me.

But sometimes I'd accidentally miss a stop and my anxiety would flare up so I'd just get off at the next stop, or fifth, and walk back in the direction of my destination. This time, it being school.

"Hey! keep your paws to yourself lady, this isn't a free show!" I heard a loud male voice shout out as he stood up. I saw a tall blue eyed teenager scream as a younger woman smiled at him. The guy looked at me and grew silent, then rolled his eyes and went back to playing his music.

"That's funny, he kinda looked like Duncan." I said to myself. I noticed my school lot coming closer and quickly made an announcement to the bus driver to let me off at the next stop. "If she was going to send me back to school, she could have at least given me a ride," I said to myself as I rolled my eyes. I quickly got off the bus and walked into the lot.

I walked into my 10:30 class and noticed everyone's heads down as they were engaged in a reading. "Ms. Barlow, welcome back..." I heard the teacher say, making everyone eyes turn to me. I looked at the crowd awkwardly then begun to walk towards my normal seat. In between Bridgette and Gwen. "Gwen, catch Courtney up on what we're reading, if you could."  Mr. Cupid continued.

The goth begun to revert back to a previous page she probably read and pointed towards it. She looked at me coldly and opened her mouth before being interrupted by another walk into the classroom.

"Wow, I guess all my students missed me huh!?" Mr. Cupid said as a scruffy raven haired teen waltzed into the classroom. He looked around coldly and walked towards the back.

"What does he mean.. has Duncan been ditching school?" I whispered to Gwen as the pierced kid walked passed me. I noticed the goth roll her eyes as she continued to read.

... ok. I guess we're not allowed to talk.

"Ok class, remember to study for next weeks quiz on The Great Gatsby, everyone should be getting close to the end of the book now so we'll celebrate watching the movie afterwards."

"Why couldn't we just watch the movie instead of reading this big ass textbook?" Geoff complained.

"For once I agree with pink shirt over there, do you know how many times Lindsay has asked me how to spell a word from this book?" Noah asked as he agreed with Geoff.

"Yea.. even Noah agrees..." Geoff said as he got up now confident.

"Ok calm down you two, I know it's a long read but trust me this is one of the best books created in the 1920s," the teacher said as the class got up and begun to disperse.

"Hey Noah, thanks for backing me up there," Geoff said as he stood behind me and Noah. "By the way.. where'd you come up with the awesome nickname, 'pink shirt?'" He asked the tan brown eyed kid who walked behind me.

"You wear the same shirt so much that I forgot your actual name." I heard before he walked away.

I looked around and saw Bridgette and Gwen walking towards their lockers as one laughed and one talked about something. I quickly rushed over to their side and smiled.

"Guys, can I borrow-

"No." Gwen said as she cut me off. I looked at her questionably and then at Bridgette who looked away.

"What?" I asked probably hearing things wrong.

"You don't get to come back to school after a month of ignoring our calls and texts and act like everything is back to normal," she softly shouted. I looked at Bridgette who looked at me sadly.

"I- I was..." I said trying to explain a situation that I honestly did not want to talk about.

"No, it doesn't matter what you were doing Courtney. Ever since you came back into our life you've been acting as if Bridgette and I meant nothing to you." She continued, "We have done nothing but tried to support you on what you're going through but it's getting harder to do that when all you do is shut us out." She said as she slammed her locker, "If you didn't want to be our friends, you could have just said that."

I watched as Gwen grabbed her book bag off the floor and walked away angrily, leaving me and Bridgette alone. "Look, she's just hurt and I hope you can understand where she's coming from, but she's not wrong, you've been acting like an asshole for the last month." She added before following up with Gwen's trail.

... How was I supposed to know our friendship meant this much to them.

🔊 Ayo I just posted 🔊🔊 2 chapters in 1 night 🔊🔊
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