Speechless - 25

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Duncan's POV:
I watched the freckled brunette snap at her tall friend as the hallways begun to fill up with students, eager to maybe witness another fight in our God awful school. Unfortunately for them, there was no fight, just a short female yelling at her friend over something that seemed idiotic to me.

She huffed loudly and scurried away from Bridgette, leaving her confused, Geoff silent, and the crowd fired up. Her soft brown eyes grew bigger, so it was safe to assume she was seconds away from breaking something, or someone. But for some reason I opened my mouth and spoke.

"Don't you think you're overreacting princess?" I asked sharply. She looked at me angrily before kicking her feet and walking away from me. Fun. I love a good chase.

"Like seriously, you're mad at her for caring about your health?" I continued, "and I thought I was ice cold."

"Leave me alone." She bluntly stated. I rolled my eyes. I don't get people.

"You made a whole scene back there and think Bridgette should just hate herself for being a decent friend?" She rolled her eyes and turned a corner. Ignoring me still.

"What the fuck... why do I care what you do?"

"I'm asking myself the same question." She said bluntly. This time I rolled my eyes, realizing that I've been giving this girl so much of my attention for god knows what reason. "Just because I open up to you about my past doesn't make you and i best friends, if I want to be mad at her, I can." She growled.

I never cared about how people acted, I ignored it all, focused on myself, how I felt, who pissed me off, but here I am getting irritated because Ms. Diva is having a bad day and taking it out on her friend. She stopped and looked at me while crossing her arms angrily. She softly spoke under her breath while looking away, "fuck everyone, it was so much better when it was just me." I rolled my eyes and walked away from her while shoulder bumping her.

"Duncan Nelson doesn't worry about people's feelings, or make people smile, Duncan Nelson, distances himself from people. I need to stay away from her," I mumbled to myself angrily.

"Bro why are you talking to yourself?" Tyler asked chirpily. I rolled my eyes and entered the classroom.

Gwen's POV:
"Good morning  adolescent teens!" Mr. Cupid said entering the room. At least someone's happy this morning. I watched as my friends separated from each other as everyone sat in their seats. Courtney, sat at the far end of the room by the window, Bridgette next to me, silently, Geoff and Duncan remained in the back but Duncan seemed quiet, the quiet he used to be back when... he was cold.

"Fuck, how am I going to fix this?" I asked myself unaware that I was speaking out loud. I looked at the class who's eyes were now on me. "How am I going to fix this... bra, because the straps are twisted in and kinda making me uncomfortable right now..." I said embarrassingly saving myself from saying what I was actually thinking.

"Ms. Fallon if you'd like to go to the ladies room please, don't hesitate to go, saves us time away from our lesson and you the... uncomfortableness," the teacher said awkwardly. Ugh, why did I have to say that?!

"What a loser," Heather said loudly as Lindsay chuckled. I rolled my eyes. I forgot the snake was in our class. And so was Alejandro, which also reminded me of the cute photo of her and him kissing by what I'd assume to be his house, because her house obviously has to be ten times bigger than that, she can't think of herself as a queen AND live in a low down house like the rest of us peasants.
The day continued with everyone ignoring each other awkwardly, of course lunch was the worst part of the school day because that was when we'd actually have to sit with each other and make at least one eye contact, but of course they found their way out of that as well.

Duncan's POV:
"Not. A. Word." I stated angrily as I sat with Heather and her minions. Alejandro rolled his eyes as always but this time I was quite intrigued with how much he loves seeing me.

"What? trouble in paradise island?" Heather asked happily. Tyler and Lindsay continued to ignore that I was sitting at their table as I requested but of course the brat always had a word for everything out of order. Her beau on the other hand made it clear he did not want me at this table, I guess pretending to date his owner made me a target in his eyes.

"Didn't know we were allowing anyone to sit here," he said softly, like the bitch he was.

"I'd fix that attitude if I were you Guzman." I said as I ate my food and continued to listen to the music coming out of my beats.

"Or what?" He asked angrily. Again, I was intrigued. It has been a while since I tangled, too long to be exact. I smirked and got up.

Courtney's POV:
After such a terrible day at school, I immediately decided to wash off the bad feelings I had in the shower. I wanted nothing to ruin my weekend. Especially because I was going to see George tomorrow evening and thank his wife for everything her and her family has done for me over the years.

"I should probably text Bridge and Gwen and tell them that—" I looked at the old messages on my phone from our group chat and realized, "oh yea, we aren't talking."

"Hey Court just coming to check up on yo—

"UGH, what don't you people get! I'm not a patient! Stop worrying about me so damn much!" I shouted angrily. Now at Lucy, interrupting her abc making her have a reason to worry now.

"Is everything ok Courtney? Did something happen at school?" She asked. I rolled my eyes. No, everything wasn't alright.

"Im fine... just got mad at my friend over something little." I looked away from the blonde and up at my mirror, watching my movements as if I wasn't in my own body.

"Ok well.. don't stress yourself out too much, you know too much of it is bad for your health," she continued. I sighed. Defeated. Normal teenagers stress over tests and heart breaks, I'm stressing because I don't know how to control my behaviors. "Maybe I should cancel tomorrow's dinner with George and his family, we can have a day to just relax and talk?" She asked trying to comfort me.

"No.. no, I wouldn't want to cancel last minute, it's ok Lucy, I'll be fine like always." I caught her looking at me and giving a sad smile before leaving me to my room.

I just hope tomorrow I don't act out in front of George's family, I'd hate for them to see me like this.

Tomorrow's Courtney first interaction with George and his family!! How will things go between them? What will unfold? Will Courtney and her friends work things out? Is Duncan going back to his old self? Who is the old Duncan?

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I've been on tik tok a lot and let me tell you there are some funny ass shit on there!!!

Also it took me a good 5 minutes to find my profile page on this new update... I don't like it 🧚🏾‍♀️🧚🏾‍♀️✨✨

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