Speechless: Season 2 - 33

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Courtney's POV:

Lunch was as depressing as ever. I mean I sat at an empty table eating a tray full of what was supposed to be spaghetti and meatballs but ended up looking like a failed science experiment. I even started to think this school can't afford actual cafeteria staff so they just have Chef Hatchet put a hairnet on his bald ass head and serve us off brand meals.

I looked around me and noticed everyone talking amongst one another, even the weird girl who claimed her boyfriend went to a different school, Beth. Before leaving a month ago I found myself knowing a few peoples names, well those who was introduced to me, like Mike and Zoey who seemed to have liked each other or Cameron and Harold who got picked on because of their personality.

I looked around once more and stopped when I saw Gwen and Bridgette sitting at the table I sat at a month ago. My anxiety flared up as I imagined my father and I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket to call Lucy.

"Lucy hey, how's my dad? Did he ask for me?" I asked eagerly. I heard a sigh on the phone and continued to look at my two best friends, well Ex.

"He's fine Courtney, he's just watching some TV now." She said hardly. "Aren't you supposed to be in class right now?" She asked concerned.

"I'm actually at lunch so you don't have to worry about me missing a lesson," I said confidently.

"Yea because you missing a month worth of class time wasn't bad enough," she replied softly. "Look Courtney, go talk to your friends, I'm sure they missed you and want to know what's been going on!" She softly exclaimed remembering that I actually had friends.

I sighed and broke the conversation for a second. "My friends actually hate me for disappearing," I said softly. I heard the lunch bell ring letting everyone know that it was time to go to their last period class.

"Well thats expected, you did isolate yourself from everyone and became a nurse for your father even though you didn't have to." Lucy said, trying to make me regret my decision. I rolled my eyes. "You should probably apologize, and explain to them why you've been MIA. You know, being a genuine friend counts if everyone's willing to play the part." She said ending her lecture.

"Ok I'll try, but if they still hate me then that's that," I said as I grabbed my stuff. "When did you become so smart Lucy?" I asked confidently. I could feel the blonde rolling her eyes from behind the phone line and with no hesitation, she hung up.

I noticed the two girls walking towards the exit and quickly caught up to their pace.

I grabbed Gwen's shoulder and softly pulled her back making both her and Bridgette stop walking. I looked around at the crowd of people in front of us and mentally screamed, but right now, my Aspergers would have to wait because this was important.


"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry I left and didn't say a word to you both for the past month," I said softly as people bumped into us. "Last month I got a call from the hospital my father was being treated at and they told me that he woke up so I missed school to go see him and they were right, he was awake." I looked at them both as they looked at each other then back at me. "I've been taking care of him since he was released from the hospital and I was so wrapped up in taking care of him that I forgot that I have two amazing best friends who loves and care about me."

"Well shit, she called us her 'best friends' Bridge," Gwen said taking to the green eyed blonde. I softly chuckled as I tried to catch my breath from all that talking, and before I knew it I was being pulled into a tight hug.

"What are we going to do with you Barlow?" Bridgette asked as she wrapped her arms around both Gwen and I.

"Well you could forgive me?" I asked half sincerely and jokingly. The girls looked at each other and then back at me, and hugged me again.

"Of course we will!" They both said in unison.

And so, we stood there in what seemed like a hallway as the bell rung yet another time.

"Fight!!!!!" We heard as people pushed by us knocking us out of our moment to get to the scene of the action. We looked at each other. Me, being a mature and responsible adult, I decided not to engage in such stupid activities, but Gwen and Bridgette quickly grabbed my hands and sprung away to see who was battling it out as if school wasn't almost over.

Gwen pulled us through the busy crowd to get to see the match front row and within seconds we were there, watching as a black haired kid repeatedly knocked down another.

My eyes widened as I realized, Duncan was hovering on top of Jose as they both swung back and forth at each other's faces. But this didn't look like  ten second fight Duncan usually had. This was getting worse.

"I think he's going to kill him!" Someone shouted from the other half of the circle built around the two boys. "Someone stop him!"

And that's when someone did. Geoff quickly jumped into the fight to grab Duncan and Alejandro quickly grabbed his brother, Jose. Chef Hatchet, who seemed to have changed out of his lunch uniform and into his security, rushed through the crowd and grabbed the two boys with one pull.

I watched, as Duncan walked away angrily with Chef Hatchet standing over him, but when I looked him in those soft blue eyes, it felt like the blue was missing.

Did I stutter????
I mean I probably did cause I never proof-read and I'm high asl rn but DID I STUTTER???!!!!!
End of Chapter 33, Chapter 34 will be out soon 🤤

_________________________Did I stutter???? I mean I probably did cause I never proof-read and I'm high asl rn but DID I STUTTER???!!!!! End of Chapter 33, Chapter 34 will be out soon 🤤

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Also what in the bloody hell is this???

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