Speechless: Season 2 - 39

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Author's POV:
He watched as Courtney brushed a strand of her hair out of her face while looking down at the floor. Unable to make eye contact with him as she continued to tell him they should just be friends.

Or in their case, acquaintances.

She walked away from the raven haired kid and he watched her, unable to form a sentence. "I don't want you anyways." He said to himself as he dug his nails into the palm of his hand.

Duncan grabbed his bookbag and made his way out of the cafeteria to catch up with his friend who was already headed towards their next period.

Courtney's POV:
"You sure you're okay Court?" Gwen asked. I rolled my eyes for the fifth time. Annoyed now, since Bridgette asked me the same question ten minutes ago.

"Guys, for the last time, I'm fine." I said as I changed out of my gym clothes. I grabbed my phone from off the bench and scrolled through my recent notifications, hoping to see a text.

"Alright but if you need us to beat his scrawny ass just say the word and I got you girl," LeShawna added. We became a little cool after weeks of having gym together. Maybe it was the hatred we all have for Heather that brought us together. I chuckled after listening to her. Then sighed.

I grabbed my belongings and walked out of the locker room after my friends. "Hey Taylor!" I heard an excited blonde cheer out, making Tyler adjust his tracksuit in frustration. I rolled my eyes at them both and stared down at my phone, in hopes of something that could take my mind off this awful urge I have sitting on my chest.

I scrolled through my facebook messages to find unwanted attention by people I barely or don't know at all and huffed. Last period was just a classroom full of air heads and a substitute teacher who talked more about the forecast than our actual lesson so I pondered on leaving early.

It wasn't normal for me to leave school early but I felt so uncomfortable being there at the moment. So, I went to my locker to get the last of my things and walked towards the main office to sign myself out. Assuming, that's what everyone does when they leave early as well.

"I can do it myself, damn it woman I'm not crippled!" I heard as I entered my house. The sound of my father knocking silverware on to the floor as Lucy tried to catch it flooded through our hall.

"Just let me help you before you break something else!" Lucy shouted in response to the heavy demand. I walked into the kitchen to see my dad struggling to get himself up and Lucy trying to pick up the plate of food he dropped.

"What happened?" I asked as I rushed over to my father. He shrugged my hands off his shoulders as he grabbed the countertop for assistance. "Da-"

"I said I can do it my damn self!" He shouted while cutting me off.


The man grabbed another plate and begun fixing what seemed to be two plates of food. I looked at Lucy who was now looking down at the floor. "Where is your mother?" He asked while holding both plates.

"What do you mean?" I asked unsure of an answer to the question. He rolled his eyes and gave a smug look, the one I recognized from my earlier ages.

"Maria!" He shouted, "Maria! Come eat with me!" He continued now making me look down at the floor with Lucy. "Courtney, go get your mother so that we could eat together as a family should." He asked.

"Clifford, maybe we should get you back in bed, you can eat there if you'd like?" Lucy asked, trying to take control of the situation, while I remained stuck.

"Nonsense. Lucy, where is Maria? She never takes this long."

I walked out of the kitchen after hearing that question, not because I was scared of the answer, but because hearing it over and over became more tiring than sad. Tired of hearing my dad repeat the same question everyday, tired of him screaming and shouting when he hears the answer, and tired of him blaming me.

"She would still be here! She would!" He shouted from in his room this time, "If only we didn't take that damn girl out for her birthday," he continued, now making me feel at fault.

It is my fault though, I wanted to go out with my parents for my birthday. If I had just accepted presents and a card telling me they would be home next week to celebrate with me, none of this would have happened.

Duncan's POV:
"You know, its never too late to turn back."
I grabbed one of my moms bobby pins she uses to grasp the hair on his head that didn't already fall out from old age, and begun to jiggle it into a closed up shop. "Or you can completely ignore me like always and do something stupid,"

The door creaked open and the voices in my head disappeared like the love I have for most things nowadays. I looked around as I walked in and thought of what I could grab before some fuck shit happen to me.

I spotted some dusted up tools and car parts laying around the shop so I did what I knew best, stole them. I begun stuffing some things into my duffle bag when I saw red and blue lights appear through the window. "Shit," I said to myself before running towards the back.

"You sure you saw someone come in here Ralph?" I heard from a distance.

"Swore I did, but I think I may still be gassy from lunch earlier, you know it messes with my thought process."

I rolled my eyes as I crept towards the back door I found while running towards the mechanic room, dumbasses.

I struggled to fit the bobby pin in the doorknob since it was so dark back here but a sudden flash helped me to see better. "Duncan?" I heard from behind me. I turned around to see a nearly bald Canadian with glasses and a uniform on.


"It's the same dance over and over with this kid Elizabeth," my father exclaimed to my mother after driving me home in the backseat of his police car. "I'm tired of finding my delinquent son at a crime scene he created."

I overheard my parents argue on what to do with me this time after George caught me trying to rob an abandoned mechanic shop. In my defense, the owner did die.

"I tried giving you a warning you know,"
"All the stunts you pull, trying to one-up me or something?"

The voices in my head begun to flood my brain with unwanted thoughts and memories.

"Stop trying to be like me Duncan, you saw what happened to me for doing shit like this."

"I'm sending him to military school, and that's final." I overheard my father shout from downstairs.

Military school

"Mateo..." I said as my eyes begun to flood.

I quickly grabbed my lighter and a spliff and went towards my window, in hopes that I wouldn't be heard.

Courtney's POV:
I walked down the block until I was as far away from home as possible. All while trying to rub some heat from my hands back into my lifeless arms. "It's so cold in this town," I said. "Actually everything about this town is cold, the weather, the terrible food, and the—"

I stopped myself after bumping my head into something I was too busy complaining to see. I looked up to see a blue eyed teared up teenager smoking in a park.


Hey guys its been a while. If you still enjoy this story thank you for your support after all these years, if you're new here, welcome, i have constant roadblock 😋 . Anyways ... this story is going to do a time jump soon ill try not to confuse anyone. Please comment if you eat 💗

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