Speechless - 10

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The sunlight beaming through my window struck my face and what appeared to be a great start of the morning blew up as I felt my body being dragged out of bed. "Good morning Gwenny, time for your 2nd week of high school!" She said chirpily.

"Mom, I'm tired so goodnight!" I groaned.

By this time my mom would have given up but just as I let my guard down my body quickly made its way to the floor. "Oh great, now that you're up, why don't you shower and get dressed." She said as she exited my room. I slowly got off the floor and walked out of my room and into the bathroom, starting my morning by brushing my teeth then taking a shower. I entered the tub and turned the handle and felt cold water splash onto my body as I leaped into the air.

"MOM! the water is freezing!" I screamed out. Living with an out of control boy I call my brother comes with its perks, like all the hot water being wasted or like yesterday when I found a demon rat in the tub.

"Make due with it sweetie, and hurry or you'll be late!" She shouted back. I quickly took a shower and ran out of the bathroom, seeing my brother in the hall laughing.

"Wendall and I enjoyed our shower sis, it was nice and hot." He cockily said, holding his pet demon rat in his hand. It's a gerbil but potato po-ta-toe.. I slammed my bedroom door as I entered and put on my clothes, panties, a skirt, socks, shirt, the usual attire and made my way downstairs.

I saw my mom and brother sitting at the table eating breakfast and rolled my eyes, like always. I grabbed my breakfast and ate while watching this morning episode of Cops. "Gwen, Bridgette is on the phone" my mom said as she handed me the phone.

"Gwen I texted you like 300 times, you could have at least replied back." She said. I looked around for my phone and saw it in the gerbils cage.

"Henry! Why is my phone in that demons cage?" I asked the 13 year old shoveling pancakes into his mouth. He looked at me and shrugged. "Sorry bridge, my idiot brother had it." I said, causing him to give me a nasty stare. I took my phone and looked at the 3 messages Bridgette texted me and rolled my eyes at her exaggeration. "What does 'Omfg' mean?" I asked the blonde teen. I felt her concern for my 21st century knowledge from all the way here.

Duncan's POV
"Duncan if I tell you to get up one more time I'm dumping a pile of water on you!" My father screamed at me.

"Chill dude, I'm already up." I said getting off the bed. "You look so handsome this morning." I said as I smirked and left him in my room. I went into the bathroom and took a shower and brushed my teeth and hair. I walked out of the bathroom and into my room and dressed myself.

"Duncan you have 5 minutes left! Get down here!" I heard my dad shout from downstairs. I smiled as I opened my window and jumped out, landing on my sisters trampoline.

"Time for some before school fun." I said smirkingly. I left the area and made my way to the school where id usually take a nap in the bathroom until I felt like going to class. When I arrived to my destination I saw a orange haired kid prancing around in a black cape. "Oh man, dude are you wearing a dress?" I asked him as I laughed hard.

"Jeesh Duncan, it's a cape, maybe if you weren't ignoring knowledge so much, you'd know that." He said confidently.

"What was that dweeb? You want to die?" I screamed into his ear as I held him by the collar. "Listen here Harriet, I'm giving you a chance to tell me why I shouldn't kick your ass." I said. Sometimes I'm generous enough to do a good deed.

"I- I" he said shakingly making me angrier.

"Spit it out dweeb!" I shouted, making other people stare at us.

"I'll do all your homework for a month!" He screamed out, making me smile. That's what I wanted to hear. I let go of the dork and watched him collapse onto the floor, then patted his head.

"What a nice boy, your mother must be proud." I said and walked away.

30 minutes later

Bridgette's POV
"Isn't he gorgeous?" I asked the goth standing next to me and my locker. 

"Totally, but he's not my type." She said as she looked at him in disgust.

"And what is your type? Nerdy? Harold? Or the bad boy? Duncan Nelson?" I said teasingly as we both saw him walk up to Geoff.

"Shut up, I don't like Duncan, he's such a-"

"Player?" Our good friend LeShawna said, joining into our conversation. We gave her a hug and continued. "Gwen what you need is a nice guy, a guy with black hair, green eyes,  a guitar, a guy like"

"Trent?" I said finishing LeShawna's sentence. We both thought Trent was perfect for Gwen, especially because they act like wild animals around eachother.

"I don't like Duncan, and I don't like Trent." She snapped. We looked at her disappointingly. As I was about to say something the bell ring and so did the kids running into classes. "Well gotta go to English so bye." She said annoyed.

Gwen's POV
I entered my class and sat at the first desk I saw, I looked around and saw Noah and Harold sitting at their desks. English with the two annoying kids, great, well as long as Cody isn't here then I'm forever grateful. Minutes past and the teacher entered the class and so did the rest of the students. I looked up from my phone and saw both Duncan and Trent enter the class.

"Morning students, I'm Mr.Cupid, your English teacher, now I know we haven't seen each other for a week because you guys were off on a beginning of school year camping trip but I like to make sure my students have people to count on in this class so if you'd all turn around and smile at the person sitting next to you because they will be your partner in crime for every project we do in this class.

I turned around and saw Courtney looking right at me with a dead stare, like she was looking right through me. "Hey Court, what's up?" I asked softly to the brunette.

She looked like she was ready to cry and murder someone at the same time. It was creepy and sad. I slowly turned around and huffed. "What's wrong with her." I said to myself.

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