Speechless - 1

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I'm telling you, it wasn't my fault. Principal McClain really pissed me off this week so I decided to give him what he wanted for over three months now, a "Big Bang." I'm only seventeen, I should be in school getting educated instead of rotting in a cell with a guy named Christina.

I told my principal to think about what he was doing when he pulled up to my house with the police, I mean they banged on our door like they were our downstairs neighbors coming to ask if we could stop stomping our feet, back in our apartment days. My dad didn't even care that I was going to be away from them for a while, he just chatted with his colleagues, the police officers, and laughed on as they talked about how his son was a pain in the ass.

I live with both my parents who are police officers. Along with my older cousins, aunts and uncles, here in Ontario Canada. Been here since my mom pushed me out of her vagina, but I secretly think she cheated on my dad with someone else because there's no way in hell that man could be my father. "Good riddance" he said as they drove away with me in the backseat.

I was called into a room where there were mirrors all pointed towards me, I stared at myself and sighed, "They didn't even let me comb my hair," I mumbled under my breathe. I heard a voice coming from the corner of the walls, asking me questions and I, replying back to them. They asked me basic questions, did I have thoughts of hurting myself? Was there anyone with me when I ignited my principals car into flames? Did I have thoughts of hurting anyone? "No, no, and maybe, if I felt like it."

After my last long and boring group therapy counseling was over for the week I finally got to my cell where I was greeted by my cell mate Christina. I started writing a letter to my mom, I missed her birthday so I wanted to make it up to her with something from the heart, since I am the favorite son in the house of course.

Dear mom,
How are you? I am in jail just because I blew up McClaine's car. Can't believe he got so mad that he actually called the police, he could have just called George, but whatever, prison isn't so bad except they don't let us go out much and Christina always stares at me when it's lights off. On the up side, the food here is much much better then the one chef Hatchet cooks for us in school, actually, "cook" is a compliment, he probably dumps a bunch of shit together and says "bon Apple teeth," well... happy birthday,  send cake! 😡
                                          Love your awesome son,

After a week of listening to grown men and teenagers cry and wish they could start their lives all over, I woke up to one of the guards telling me it was time to go home, so I said goodbye to my pals Bear, Snake, and Richard. I got into my moms beat up chevy and she babbled on about how much she missed me and the latest gossip at her hair salon, as she drove me to school.

When I walked into the classroom I saw the principle talking to the teacher, probably about you know who. I walked over to the back of the classroom and sat in my favorite carved out chair, all the fucked up designs that was slathered on the wood desk let other people know not to sit in this seat unless they liked dealing with me. I saw my two pals, Geoff, a blonde charmer and Trent a raven haired guitarist and gave them a low five, then noticed that Gwen, our little glue paste like skin of a friend was in front of me staring at her notebook, probably drawing Trent, though she denies it every time, or something.

I took out a notebook and pencil assuring my teacher that I was ready to hear the lessons for today but instead, drew a skull head inside. I was just about to go to sleep when a stranger walked into the class. Everyone stopped what they were doing to watch, she wasn't much of a talker though, I mean she didn't speak at all. She had freckles on her nose, big brown eyes, and shoulder length hair that was both dark and light brown, not that I was really paying attention to her features.

One of the classmates, Scott, tried to talk to her as she was walking towards her seat, towards me, but he was quickly mesmerized by her icy glare. She caught me staring at her and quickly looked away. She took her seat and stared out the window as if she didn't want to be here, but to be honest, who would.

She wasn't like any girl I've seen before and I was quite excited because of that, who was this mystery girl?

Thanks to everyone following and liking all my stories, I've decided to update all my stories and I now have a broader idea of what I want to do with each one, thank heavens, I can update frequently now cause of this dang virus, so expect a lot of changes to these characters and the way they act.
Now, here's *another one* ( my Dj Khalid voice :/ )

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