Speechless: Season 2 - 42

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Dear Duncan,
You deserve to be happy. After everything you've been through with your older brother, I dont think running away is going to fix that bond you so deserve from your family. Stay with them, open up to them, the way you've opened up to me, so that they may help you realize that you're not a disappointment. And if we ever meet again, we should start over, when life isn't so crazy.

"Why the hell would you plan to runaway with a seventeen year old?!" Clifford shouted as Duncan, George, and him raced down the highway in search for his daughter.

Duncan rolled his eyes as he listened to Courtney's father ramble in the backseat of his fathers police car. He closed his eyes as he clenched his hands into a tight fist. His nails begun to sink into his palm but the pain was nothing to him.

"We were supposed to go together..." he said coldly.

"Why?" George asked.

Duncan sat quietly as the sirens pierced through the streets of Muskoka. "You know, you're nothing but trouble, I don't know what she was thinking being around someone like you." Clifford continued.

"Stop." George stated.

"Constantly getting thrown into cells, fighting in school, you know guys like you belong—

"Ok that's enough." George pulled the car over to the curb of the train station by Elmer street. "My son, may have done stupid shit for God knows what but that gives you no right to talk down to him."

"Thanks da—

"Shut up." He said cutting off the teen. "Do you honestly think you're a good enough man to sit here and talk shit to my son?" He added, "how about a good father?" The car grew quite. "Let's go."


Clifford — Nine Years Into The Past

"You're going to have to argue with yourself on this case Ben, I refuse to push trial dates just to accommodate to your defendants lack of time management."
"Look my client made it very clear that he needs to show up in front of the judge this Tuesday afternoon, or the hearing will automatically fault in her favor."
"He's the one getting divorced, and all this just proves that my client is right. Good bye Benjamin." I took a breath of relief after ending my call and turned to look forward as my driver switched lanes.

"Work never ends, huh?" My wife asked, rhetorically.

"What can I say, they love me. Even on my days off." I replied back, now looking at her. The freckled brown skinned woman perked up her nose as she looked at me then rolled her eyes. "What?" I asked coldly.

"Nothing." And we road home in silence with that just said. Nothing.

"The girl's still not home from school yet?" I asked as I walked out of the kitchen.

"That girl, is your daughter, and no she comes off the bus at 6 since she has piano lessons, I believe. My wife rolled her eyes again as she held up our daughters schedule.

"Well show starts at 6 and I'd like to make it in time to both 'run into' my boss and find a good seat."

"You know just once, I'd prefer if you didn't bring your work into our family life," she continued, "you're always 'working' while I'm here telling Courtney that her father is out making sure we have everything we need," she said angrily. "You're never here to help her with her work, take her to the park, you made her take piano lessons but never asked to hear her play, ha—,"

"I bet you didn't even say happy birthday to her this morning." She screamed as she threw herself upstairs.

I rolled my eyes, this again. "For God's sake Maria, will you get off my neck?" I fired back. "Everything you have, everything she has is because I get up every morning and I work those long hours"

"I bet you don't even do overtime you bastard, you're always coming home smelling like booze, maybe it's another woman out there." I rolled my eyes this time at her insane remark.

"So which is it Maria, am I a terrible father or am I a cheating bastard?" I asked as I watched her rush towards the front door with a freshly new outfit on.

"I don't know Clifford, you tell me." She replied.
I walked towards the door and lightly elbowed her out my way, making my way outside and back into the car. She followed.

"Let's go."
The car ride was silent as always. It's been like that for a while after my wife demanded to know why a red lace undergarment was inside of it one night when she asked our driver to take her and Courtney out to the Muskoka hill mall.

I refused to tell her why, I love her too much too see her walk out of my life. Especially with our child.

"There's too much traffic on the e-way, why don't you get off Oliver? I'd like to get to the play by 6." I asked the driver.

"No problem sir."

"You were so different back when we were in high school," she stated, just looking out the window.

I sighed.

"I grew up Maria, did you?"

My eyes pierced as the light turned green for us to continue. But the sound of a blaring noise crept up on us and before making a quick decision a car collided with ours and we begun to spun out.


I tried to grasp on to her hand after making my way out of the totaled car but it was so hard to reach since my chest kept bleeding. "Maria, I'm tryi—"

"Sir, you have to get away from the car it's going to explode!" Someone said behind me. I didn't listen, I couldn't listen.

"Maria, take my hand!" I shouted.


"Courtney... tell Courtney, I said happy birthday." I heard a faint screech come out of my wife. Courtney, we were supposed to take her.

Thank you guys for the constant support though I disappear often, I try to update this as often as I can but please be patient with me, this story hasn't ended yet.

I hope you guys enjoyed the read 💗
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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2022 ⏰

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