Zoras Domain

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*Revalis POV*

Zora's Domain really is amazing! It looks like a really big sculpture, but so pure in detail. It's a miracle how these airy structures can hold everything stable.

Mipha: Hey Revali. I'm glad you're here. Did your travel went well?

She cares so much about everyone...

Revali: Yes everything went well. As always.

Mipha: Oh there comes Urbosa!

Revali: Hmph

Urbosa: Savaaq! Oh the cucco is here already. You always want to be the first one huh?

Revali: Once agin, I'm not a cucco. And well...to the second statement I'd just say that you're just not fast enough.

She'll never be faster than I am! I can fly, something what the others cannot do and on top, I'm the Rito Champion so of course I can fly even faster. Still I think they don't see what I'm capable of...

Urbosa: You wanna bet?

Revali: Tse I know that I'll always be faster than you all

Urbosa: Well, when I'll break you're wings...

Revali: Don't you dare to do something like this!

Urbosa: Or what?

Revali: I-

Mipha: There comes the princess and Link!!

Ugh, really? I will hate you for ever Link I swear! What do you have done to earn this title? You just pulled a sword out and now you want to be the "legendary hero". You didn't worked as hard as I did! I always dreamed to get attention, to be a hero and I took this title to show everyone, especially him, what I'm capable of and I thought I'm a hero, but no, now I'm just one of  the four people who assist the hero.

Link: You look again grumpy, Revali.

Revali: Me? Hmph, why should I? I just lost myself a bit in my thoughts, isn't that allowed anymore?

Link: And what are you thinking about?

Revali: That's none of your business!

(Intensive stares are exchanged)

Zelda: Well I must say Zora's Domain is always a pleasure to watch.... Revali, I can't remember but do you were here before?

Revali: No I wasn't. I don't travel that much.

Zelda: Oh you don't? I thought you were at many places before because you know, you can fly everywhere.

Revali: I could but I won't.

Zelda: Am I allowed to ask why?

Revali: No.

Zelda: Everytime someone wants to ask you something you just block, turn away and don't want to talk anymore. Seriously, what's the matter?

Revali: ...

Urbosa: Come on Revali, don't be shy.

Revali: I'm not shy I just don't want to talk right now!

Zelda: And here we go again...*deep sigh*

Daruk: Wow what bad mood here!

Mipha: Oh Daruk, welcome. I didn't saw you coming...

Daruk: Yea I think no one did. Tense situation here!

Mipha: Well, now that we're all here, I could give you a quick guidance if you want.

Zelda: Yes, sure!

Why I don't open up? They wouldn't take me serious if I'd tell them something. I never talk about why I do something or about my past. Can't they just accept it? Maybe, it's also because no one ever asked me questions others then "oh how can I be a better warrior to become just like you" before? I don't know how to interact well with people. I never had others around me so most of my time, I'm alone. I try my best but I don't think I do well. I hear them talking behind my back. They don't like me. I just say what I think and I mean, all the others were selected to be a champion automatically. Urbosa is a queen, Mipha is a princess and Daruk was literally born with his shield. I had to suffer a lot more to earn this. I'm not a prince or a leader. I'm just a simple Rito who is not even very talented but just had to work hard, too hard, to achieve a magic gale and archery skills. The others can fight, of course, but I still believe it was a lot more easier for them to get to this rank. And then Link , an ordinary Hylian knight comes along, got this sword out of nowhere and now he's one of us. And we must protect him! Really, this doesn't make any sense! He's the chosen one who can beat everything with his "magic sword" and we must protect him?!

Urbosa: Revali? REVALI!

Revali: Huh? Yes?

Mipha: You were lost in your thoughts again.

Revali: Oh, sorry. Didn't mean to.

Zelda: It happens a bit often today...

Revali: I said I'm sorry okay?! What's the matter?

Zelda: I asked everyone how well you can control your divine beasts now and if you've made progress.

Revali: Everything's going well with Medoh. I struggled on some functions but now I can control him perfectly.

Zelda: Very good. I see you all achieved something. I didn't. I was again at a spring and..my power still doesn't awake..

Urbosa: Please, not again Princess. Don't blame yourself. The time will come where your power will become noticeable.

Zelda: But I don't have time.

Urbosa: Don't push yourself so hard. It's not good for you. I have faith in you. We all have faith in you. And also...when your power is still not awake when Ganon is there, you still have us. We're friends and we will protect you.

Friends? We're friends? Is this what a friend is? *sigh* I don't know exactly what it is. It's a person where you have some kind of good relationship or something like that. But I never had this experience. I learned that it's better when I don't ask anymore. I really am alone.

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