The excursion

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*Miphas POV*

As I woke up in the morning, I wanted to look after Revali and ask him if he slept well, but I couldn't find him. He wasn't in his room. He's probably outside, but where exactly? I shouldn't worry, I'm sure he's fine. But I'm still curious and want to know more about his daily life..He once said that he doesn't sleep much. The opposite applies to training.

I decided to go outside as well, to train and to swim, till I heard a few noises. At first I was alarmed, but I noticed a few seconds later that I know this sound! It was Revali. He was on top of one of the mountains, practicing his gale and new techniques to shoot his arrows. I decided to walk closer to his spot. He looked again exhausted but graceful at the same time. I remember the feeling of his fluffy blue feathers on my skin and the cold, windy air that made my scales shiver. I would like to repeat this experience. But now is not the right time for that. Now he's at my home...

Mipha: Hey Revali! For how long did you train here already?

Revali: Woah, is eavesdropping your new hobby?! And I don't know. Several hours? I woke up early..Now leave me alone, I've got work to do!

Mipha: Don't you think you deserve a break? You trained enough already.

Revali: It's never enough as I use to say. And what else could I do?

Mipha: You gave me such a wonderful day and now it's my turn to pay you back.

Revali: What? No! You already helped me enough...

Mipha: "It's never enough", correct? It's not healthy to train all day long.

Revali: Tse, are you trying to mock me? Well, I'm used to this kind of training.

Mipha: That doesn't matter. You can still injure yourself or have aftermaths. You already trained enough, believe me.

Revali: Hmph. I didn't.

Mipha: Please come with me. I want to have some fun with you.

He raised an eyebrow, which gave the impression that he never heard that someone wants to have a fun time with him.

Mipha: Please.

Revali: Tch fine.

Mipha: Great!

Revali: *sigh* So, what do you want to do?

Mipha: gave me the ability to we could go swimming? You're at Zoras Domain after all and that's what we do here.

Revali: ....

Mipha: Why are you looking at me like this?

Revali: It's a bit embarrassing for me to say this but know... we Ritos learn how to fly but not how to swim. So um yea I-I cannot swim...

Mipha: No worries! I can teach you then!

Revali: Really? I don't know if it will work with my feathe-

Mipha: I will make it work, trust me.

Revali: Man, where did you get this enthusiasm...

He flew down the mountain and I slid down the crystal water, somersaulting into the water beneath me to finish it off. Revali seemed impressed and looked at the pond like he never saw water before. I asked him if he's scared but of course he denied it. The only thing he said is that he's not sure if he should do it, because he couldn't fly afterwards due to his soaked feathers. So I grabbed his wing and pulled him into the water. His face was priceless! He screamed like a little child and panicked a bit because he didn't know what to do. But he calmed down after realising that the water isn't that deep, that he could still stand on the ground.

Revali: WhAt wAS ThAt FoR?!

Mipha: I had to get you in the water somehow, we don't have all day long.

Revali: Tse, I'd also have made it without your "help".

Mipha: Yeah, totally. So, let's finally start with the swim lesson!

During the whole lesson, I could sense that he was still scared and that he tried not to show it. And as he achieved to swim like 2 meters, his ego was immediately back again and he almost drowned.

Mipha: You shouldn't overestimate yourself.

Revali: But I did well, didn't I?

Mipha: Hem yes for only 2 meters it was...pretty okay.

Revali: Ha, I'm the best!

Somehow I like the way he talks. It just fits him and I don't think it's narcissism, it's just his kind of being funny but also protecting himself and giving himself new courage to make his achievements even greater. That is truly admirable. The only other person I know that has this burning ambition is..


We swam for a few hours and forgot about time. He was pretty exhausted which I could understand. He improved so much, he did efforts I didn't expect him to make. His perfectionism really keeps him going.
As he got out of the water, his feathers were soaked and therefore very heavy. Of course he couldn't fly like this. He tried to shake violently, like I've seen it already from dogs, to dry himself. Suddenly, he just puffed up. Puff, and he was a big ball of very fluffy feathers. I couldn't help but laugh. His facial expression, which you almost couldn't see anymore was annoyed, but I could still sense a smile.

He refused to walk back to Zoras Domain while looking this hideous, so we just laid down in the grass, looking up to the sky. I worried that we won't be on time for dinner, but Revali calmed me down and said that it will be okay.
Today, the sky was so clear that we could see many stars, even whole constellations. And...Revali was different again. He was so calm, even caring and talked about the stars. He explained the meanings of the constellations and some individual stars. When I asked him about how on earth he knew all this about little dots in the sky, he answered that he still remembers his mother talking about the constellations, one of his only happy memories, and that he would often lay alone in the snow and look up, trying to find her soul in one of the orbs.

Why can't he be like this in the group? I know, his sudden change would seem weird, but there must be other reasons. Maybe he doesn't want to show weakness? Am I the only one who sees his "soft" side or is he normally like this when he's alone with someone? Every time I look at him, I can only see his dreamy eyes and the smile that is growing bigger.

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