Rito Village

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*Zeldas POV*

I'm happy to see Rito Village again. It's small but also comfy and everyone is so friendly. But there are also arrogant exceptions just as Revali. But well, Revali is in every point an exception. I've never met such a person before. He is closed, trains all day and can be really annoying, unfriendly and arrogant. He's a jerk but you get used to it when you know him a bit. Well, "know" is probably a bit exaggerated but let's say if you know him to 7%. But it also could be that Link is right and he actually has nothing to hide. But then, he wouldn't act like this. On the other hand, everyone has hard times. It just belongs to everyones life. I shouldn't agonize too much about him. When he's ready he'll tell us. Not earlier.

We're now at the entrance of Rito Village and are greeted by Revali. The other champions arrive gradually. Everyone put something warm on, just as Revali told us. Then, he gave us a quick round trip.
He seems to be proud about his village. All the other Ritos look up to him with respect but I can't tell if all of them are his friends. Probably not. I just realize now how small Revali is compared to the others. Maybe in the past, they looked down at him, just due to this fact.
The little children came to us with a big smile on their faces. They were happy about the fact that they finally could meet all the Champions! And they were so cute! I heard them asking when Revali could give them fly lessons again. I didn't thought Revali would do that. I mean would he want that at some point, someone other is better than him? I even saw him smile for a second which is very rare! Mipha lifted one of the little ones up. She's always so friendly to everyone and everyone loves that about her. She's very emotional too and can listen very well when someone has something on their mind. Urbosa is more like a mother. Daruk like a best friend and Revali.....is a motivation? I didn't really thought about it before. Anyways, every single one of the little Ritos seemed to have a lovely education and a joyful life. I wonder what Revali had.....

Urbosa: And where is your house?

Revali: I don't have one here. I rarely come into the village so I live outside...at the flight range.

Mipha: You live where you train?

Revali: Exactly. It's practical and it saves time, doesn't it?

Mipha: But when you quasi live there, how much do you train then?

Revali: ....I don't know. I'm not counting the hours.

Mipha: You also have to rest sometimes, you know?

Revali: Ugh everyone says that. It's asinine. I can't spend time on just sitting around and doing nothing. I always have to do something useful, otherwise I waste my time. We just live once...

Mipha: Revali, do you even sleep?!

Revali: Ugh, what's that for a question, of course I sleep sometimes.

Mipha: Sometimes? Revali, please take this serious. Your health is the most important!

Revali: ....if you say so.

Zelda: But what Mipha says is right!

Revali: Don't tell me what to do! I have my rules and I follow them long enough to know my limits!

Mipha: Which rules? Do you really want to live like this?

Revali: Yes, otherwise I wouldn't do it. Believe me or not, I know what I'm doing. I thought long enough about it. We should move on. I can show you where I live if you want.

Mipha: ...

Urbosa: Yes please

I always  have to do something useful...I sleep sometimes...I have my rules...We just live once...could there be another meaning behind these words?

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