Revalis home

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*Miphas POV*

I'm still shocked of what he said. He doesn't really care about his health I guess. But this can't be good for him. For no one! We enter the Flight Range. It goes deep down at the cliff...what if someone falls off? I see targets everywhere...and a hut...So this is what he calls his home. I can feel a burdensome the same time a sad...but also a strong one. When we enter his hut, he makes clear that we shouldn't touch anything. In his house, I could feel an aura of suffering, pain and distress. This place is filled with energy made of anger, desperation and this feeling of injustice. Why do I feel this? Do the others feel it too? Or am I the only one? But more importantly...why are all these negative feelings and this negative energy assembled at this place? Does it all come from Revali? I saw his broken eyes...
I notice that his fire place isn't light up although it is so cold here. Does he really likes feeling this cold...?

Daruk: It's even colder in here...

Urbosa: Why shouldn't we touch anything?

Revali: Because most things are private.

Urbosa: Revali, are these books diarys?

He looks very stressed. Already since we entered his hut...and now even more. His body stiffed, his eyes look irritated and are rushing around...he's obviously not accustomed that other people come in here...

Revali: Yes, they are...I normally need two per year...

Urbosa: So how old are you again?

Revali: 22

Urbosa: So you write them since you're 18 years old?

Revali: Yeah.

Daruk: Wow, didn't expect that you're the type who keeps diaries.

Urbosa: Do you write every day?

Revali: Almost.

Urbosa: I'm curious what is written in them...

Revali: I'll not let you find out!

Zelda: I notice that you got very much stuff to write on, from big scrolls to little you draw?

Revali: Um yea among other...I have some hobbies...

Urbosa: I thought you train in your whole free time?

Revali: Most of my free time, I spend in training, that's right, but sometimes, I also do...other things...

I can see that he's feeling uncomfortable telling us these things. He has cold sweat...and his face is heating up.

Mipha: Are you okay? You look very stressed...

Revali: I-I'm f-fine.

He sweats and heats up even more...panting...

Revali: I'm just not accustomed to have visitors, that's all. Don't care about me.

Mipha: Why shouldn't I care...?

Revali: I just don't want okay? I-I'm...

Urbosa: You are what?

Revali: Forget what I said! Excuse me, I have get fresh air.

*Revalis POV*

I never let anyone in my hut before. And now, they are all in there and try to pick up every detail. I hid some things, but still, I feel so nervous and anxious. What the hell am I doing...this wasn't a good idea...the others all welcome everyone and just act normal and friendly...and I get almost a panic attack doing this here! Can I really interact this badly with people? I really am a pain for everyone... It's better when I'm alone...I hope when I don't observe them now, that they really don't touch anything and don't look in any drawer...and of course in any script! I like writing poems and sometimes also kind of songs but no one must ever find out this. This is something what only woman do and is not allowed for us male Ritos. We should just concentrate on archery...but I can't do only that...not anymore...I need something where I can write down my thoughts, my fears.

*Links POV*

He always has a problem. This is slowly getting on my nerves! He doesn't have a problem to talk badly with or about me. And now he acts more and more strange...What goes trough your mind, Revali? He hates me and I don't see a reason...and so I hate him. I gave him a chance, but now it's enough!

*Urbosas POV*

And again he just runs away. I better touch nothing...also when I'm curious. I wonder what he's hiding in all these little drawers and what is written in all those notes...maybe I could just read one little.........Oh nope he comes back! Hope he won't notice anything.

*Zeldas POV*

I want to let him his privacy but he's exaggerating...this isn't normal anymore. We're now riding back to the castle and more and more questions are going through my mind...

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