The arrival

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*Revalis POV*

Although I wanted to see Mipha again, I never thought it would be that soon and under these circumstances. Well, I should be happy about it. It's a good excuse to spend time with her, isn't it? The negative side is that there's a high risk that I have my "bad days" again and they sure won't be unnoticed. She will know much more about me after this experience. If I want to be with her, I have to open up. No idea how I will do that though..

*Miphas POV*

I don't know why, but I'm really excited to see Revali again. We had quite a lot of fun last time. He must be here soon...I wonder if he's doing alright. Sometimes, his mood swings are extreme and I guess I will experience a few while he's here. So I hope that I can help him more this time.

Revali: Good evening m'lady!

Mipha: Oh Revali! I didn't hear you coming. How are you doing?

Revali: I'm alright so far. How about you?

Mipha: I'm good as well. Should I show you your room?

Revali: I'd love to see it.

He seems quite cheerful....excited like a little child. I'm sure Sidon will be happy to see him again.

Mipha: Here it is. Do you like it?

Revali: It looks amazing! And..thank you.

Mipha: You don't have to thank me all the time. It's a matter of course. By the way, could you rescue anything from your house or is everything burned down to ashes?

Revali: A few things weren't burned off yet. Still, many of my stationary are gone for ever.

Mipha: I'm so sorry for that. Writing is one of your passions, or at least hobbies, isn't it?

Revali: Kind of...writing helps me to feel better, to cope with a few things...And it's something for the eternity.

Mipha: I see.

Revali: Er..are there more things I should know about "how to live in Zoras Domain"?

Mipha: Not much actually. But we will always have lunch and dinner together with my father. I even researched what Ritos eat so that you feel more comfortable.

Revali: Oh, I'm flattered. So, what do Ritos eat?

Mipha: Erm..I think there were seeds, fruit and fish?

Revali: No need to be that insecure. That's actually pretty accurate.

Mipha: And what's your favorite meal?

Revali: I like salmon meunière quite a lot. And favorite snack are frozen grapes. I normally just throw them in the snow to freeze them. Advantages of living in a cold region.

Mipha: That's interesting. Sorry that I have to leave you so abruptly, but I still have to report your arrival to my father. Make yourself at home.

Revali: I will.

*Revalis POV*

I packed the few things that I could rescue out and installed them in my room. It's not much but at least something. Most of my diarys are well preserved, still, a few pages and covers are burned. Same thing with my scarfs and *sigh* my knifes. To be honest I'm a bit nervous to see the king. I met him before, but just swiftly and he didn't especially talked with me. I'm sure he will ask me questions about what my intentions are and how I plan to go on with this situation. I'm also sure Sidon would want to play with me, but I don't have time for this. I must explore this region and look for training spots. I'm still not good enough and I have to use every second to improve myself. It's already late so I must hurry.

(Time skip 1 hour)

I unfortunately didn't have more time because of the common dinner. At least I found some places where I could potentially train. Mipha said she will pick me up for dinner at around 7 o'clock.

The dinner went better than expected. The dining room looks, just like everythin else in Zoras Domain, captivating. It's always admirable how the Zoras are able to build such a fine, but stable structure. The king tried to do a bit of smalltalk, but we didn't really get into deep questions. Fortunately. The meal was delicious, I didn't expect the Zoras to be that great at cooking. I wonder if Mipha has some skills in cooking too...
I still feel nervous, like I always feel around new places or people. For the rest of the day, I stayed alone in my room and eventually doze off.

Gosh, sorry that it took me so long to post again. I wanted to put in more in this chapter, more chit chat with the king, but I think it's better to finally post this. In the holidays, I unfortunately got sick, so I couldn't even work further on my fanfiction there 🥴 welp, stay healthy til the next chapter!

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