Apples :3

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(3rd person POV)
It was a day before the colossal Titan was gonna fall on shiganshina. Ymir was just sitting at a tree all by herself when a hamster? Came up to her with what looked like an apple. "Hello there little guy, what are you doing all the way out here?"~ she asked the hamster. The hamster just stood there for a moment but then walked up to her and placed the apple in her hand which was on the ground. And then licked her knee and ran away..... 'hm that was rather strange' Ymir thought to herself as she ate the apple.

(Time skip)

The colossal Titan had just appeared about three hours ago, and people were dying all over the place. But suddenly a girl came with what looked like newer 3DM gear and started chopping down titans nape, after nape, after nape. Ymir had no idea of this because she was helping Christa and the others getting to HQ. The girl was truely amazing, she had beautiful (H/L) (H/C) hair, sparkling (E/C) eyes and glowing (S/C) skin.
Jean who was helping Mikasa calm Armin down had noticed a bunch of Titans just falling to the ground and said~ "hey, what's going on? Why are all of those Titans just falling to the ground? Mikasa, Do you have a clone!?". Everyone looked over to where he was talking about and saw this beautiful, yet broken girl fighting Titans left and right. Ymir then looked over and gasped 'oh my Great Wall Maria, this girl.... her hair colour is the same colour/'s as that hamster I saw earlier today. Wait that's just gotta be a coincidence no one can turn into a hamster' as she left her train of thought... "RAWRRRRRRRRRRR" a huge Titan screeched.... 'it's Eren, isn't it' Mikasa said to herself which caught Ymir's attention because Ymir was with Mikasa, Armin, Jean, and Christa. Mikasa grabbed Armin while Ymir grabbed Christa and Jean ran off in the opposite direction of Ymir and Christa. Mikasa took Armin towards Eren, while Ymir took Christa towards an abandoned house further away from the Titans.

"KEEP RUNNING CHRISTA, WERE ALMOST THERE GOD DAMNIT" ~Ymir yelled at Christa while they were running because she was getting tired.

"YMIR" ~ is all Christa could get out before they came to a holt.

"See i told ya we're almost here, and now we are here" ~ Ymir said in a snarky voice

Christa just pouted as the walked inside the unknown, shallow looking, one story house. They heard noise coming from a closet further back in the house so they both drew their swords and started walking towards the sound slowly and quietly.

*BOOM* they bust open the door to find you, the girl from before trying to fix her 3DM gear

"Who are you?"~ Christa said in a low tone voice making her seem a little shy.

You looked up at Christa and Ymir and said "I-I'm Y/n L/n Ma'am?...Ma'am's?" 

Christa looked at you and seemed a little more hyped up as her eyes widened "OH MY GREAT  SHIGANSHINA YOUR THE GIRL WHO SLAUGHTERED LIKE 30 TITANS IN ONE GO, EVERYONE THOUGHT YOU WERE CAPTAIN LEVI'S COUSIN MIKASA" ~ she shouted at you

You then looked at Ymir and then back to Christa leaning your head to the side, and lifting up one eyebrow you replied~ "Captain Levi? Mikasa?"

Ymir had changed her expression from emotionless to second hand embarrassment while Christa's jaw dropped looking at you. You all hear the front door being opened and then footsteps as all three of you drew your blades.

"Anyone in here?"~ a rather monotonous voice shouted

Ymir and Christa draw back their swords and sighed. Looking at you Ymir finally spoke.
"You see Y/n, that's captain Levi you'll meet him in just a second. CAPTAIN LEVI, WE'RE IN HERE" She yelled the last part of her sentence catching you off guard. He came in and said~"everyone's leaving if you wanna catch a ride you have to leave now, also who's this?" Looking at you with his eyebrows furrowed.

"This is Y/n sir, she's with us" ~Christa replied.  Levi looked you up and down then repeated~ "everyone's leaving if you wanna catch a ride you have to leave now" and he walked off.

(Time skip)

Everyone was looking for food, Christa was nice enough to give away her bread but Ymir forced her to eat the bread she herself was given. Ymir saying that she wasn't hungry anyways. Ymir looked over to see you handing out apples "apples"~ Ymir whispered as you walked over to her. "Here take some! I made sure that I didn't give out too many since u guys were nice to me. I would've been trapped back there if u hadn't found me"~
you say giving them a bright smile. "Woah..." They both say. You look at them both in confusion. "N-nevermind.." They both say. You then handed them the small bag of apples taking two and walked off mouthing a 'thanks again'.

Authors note: Hey!! Sorry if the next few chapters are short. I'm editing this book but please leave future book requests if you'd like! The information i'll need is the setting, Y/n's gender, Y/n's partner or if they don't have one. And any extra information you'd like me to know. Thank you! ~ Author-chan.

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