More questions means more answers

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(Y/n's POV)

As Doctor Peter finishes up with Ymir, I walk into the stall and start redoing her chains as she might try to escape.

Using my Telepathy I tell her..."Ymir, i've always loved you.....Even if you aren't on our side.....Nothing will change the way I feel about you....."


Ymir broke free from her chains and grabbed onto me, hugging me like never before. Of course Levi heard and burst through the doors, Hanji following behind. Levi look pissed...

"OI! HAND'S OFF OF L/N NOW OR I SWEAR I'LL-" He goes to finish but Connie covers his mouth. Levi stands and watches as I wrap my arms around her as well.

" I love you to...." She says. I Look at her and smile.

"You have an explanation for all of this right?" I ask, getting teary eyed. Ymir nods her head.

"Could you guys uhm.....Undo the chains please.. They are VERY uncomfortable." Ymir requests. I nod my head saying yes we can. She let's out a sigh of relief.

"So Ymir, Explanation please?!" Sasha shouts. Ymir once again nods her head.

"So basically it all started when Historia died....I had met up with Reiner and Zeke. He's is the one known as 'Boss' amongst Titan Shifters. We had been ordered to abort mission and return back to what they call the maryl-and. It's where all the others meet up. Other than me an Reiner, there are four others left. The rest have been killed or kidnapped without an escape route. There is another Jaw Titan like me, his names Proco Galliard, Then the beast Titan who's name is Zeke Yeager. Then there's the cart Titan who's name is Peick Finger and lastly the War hammer Titan who's name is Lara Tybur." Ymir states.

Everyone turns their heads sideways

"Y-YEAGER!?" Yells, Eren, Sasha, Connie, And Hanji.

I glare at them causing them to calm down. "So, where is this place anyways?" I ask.

"Well, it's past the ocean you need a boat to get ther-" Ymir gets interrupted by Armin.

"DID YOU SAY O-OCEAN?!?!" He asks, Ymir nods her head and Armin faints into Jeans arms as he caught him.

"Hurry up with this please. He's not as light as he seems!" Jean exclaims.

"So, anything else Ymir?" Hanji asks.

"Well, I'd like to a......A....apologize to you guys....I shouldn't have left without warning and I also shouldn't have lied....." She says, I smile and look at her.

"It's alright Ymir" I say, grabbing her hand. "Everyone, don't disturb me. I'm gonna be with Ymir in my room so yeah..." I order.

"Hohoho" Connie says, smirking. I send him a deadly glare causing shivers to go down his spine. "S-sorry Y/n..." He apologizes...

I grab Ymir's arm and drag her all the way to my room.

"What's this about?" She asks a I pin her to the wall.

"Why......WHY DID YOU LEAVE ME?" I yell as I start to tear up. She gets loose from my grip and hugs me gently as I sob silently.

"You don't have to worry about me leaving Y/n...I'm here okay?...i'm here.." Ymir says, comforting me. I just stay in her grasp for a little longer to regulate my breathing and feelings.

Then I look up...And kiss her...

"W-what is......This for....?" She asks, holding back her smirk. I smile at her with a tear going down the right side of my face.

"I mi-ssed you!" I exclaim. She kisses me back and then rests her head on top of mine.

I won't let you leave me again Ymir......I won't..... And I can promise you that!

We then walk over to my bed and fall asleep in each others grasp.
I wake up to someone BANGING on my door and as I go to answer someone barges in.

"L/N! THE DAMN MONKEY'S HERE GET OUTSIDE!!" I hear Levi yell. Ymir and I both sigh as she gets up to answer Levi.

"The damn monkey, is still in Marley. Leave us alone now" She puts her hands up to her face pretending to be cute. "S-sir!" She finishes. Levi flares at her and then looks at me.

"OI L/N, GET YOUR ASS UP! THE DAMN MONKEY IS HERE!" I realized that it was true as Levi wasn't one to lie especially to a comrade.

"Alright Levi! I'm coming!" I yell, loud enough for him to hear obviously.

I get up and start putting my harness's on as fast as I can. The beast is stronger than some of the other shifters.

We'll be okay......Right?..

I look at Ymir worried that she might leave with the thing.....

Please don't go Ymir...

She looks back at me which catches me off guard.

"Eeeeek!" I exclaim.

"You don't have to worry Y/n, I'm not going anywhere. I won't leave you EVER again..." She says, giving me hope...

God......I don't know what I would do if you left....I want to be with you....For the rest of my utterly shitty life...

"I love you, Let's get going before it's too late.." I say, Ymir just nods.

Though, as I go to run out the door. Ymir grabs my arm.. And kisses me.

"Y/n.....Please don't die..." She says, I nod my head.

"If you die.....I'll kill you.....So you better not die either...." I reply. She just nods and smiles.

We then run out of HQ to see the Beast Titan who's fighting along with what seems to be the Cart Titan Ymir had been talking about previously.

"Levi! Who is that!?" I ask, making my way over to him.

"Peick Finger! It's the Cart Titan Ymir was talking about!" He yells back as I land beside him.

"Is that true Ymir? Is that the Cart-"I go to ask looking back at her but then realizing....She's gone...

I turn and look at the cart just to see Ymir's Titan form jumping onto it and biting at the machine guns.

"Ymir! What the fuck do you think your doing?!" I yell, hoping to get her attention. She doesn't look back once, rather continues to try and take down the Cart Titan.

Looking at her fighting..... I wanna go and help her but no....I can't...


Hey guy's! Just wanted to know how your all doing :)- Author~Chan

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