Leaving and Flashbacks

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(Reader's POV)

We were all on our way home but it was kind of quiet. I mean I get that everyone is sad because of Historia's death but.....this isn't cool...

I'm sitting on my horse as I look around at everyone. "Guy's, we're all getting a few days off. Please stop looking so.....*Sigh* Dull...." I say. I halt and bring my horse around to face everyone as Levi who's beside me does the same.

"Look guy's.... I get that this is sad but don't let her death be in vain okay? Be thankful that we got the Female Titan and didn't lose anyone else. She was strong and independent. She wouldn't have wanted us to be moping around and crying over her death!" I say.

Wiping tears and taking deep breath's, everyone starts to relax. I sigh and wait for everyone to stop what their doing. "Okay everyone. If it's okay with your uh... c-captains. Could I uh... Well could I show you guy's a place. To be specific....My home....." I hear Souta say. I look towards him and he has his eyes closed while leaning his head on the horse.

"Everyone alright with that?" I ask, looking around because I figured no one would talk. Then people start speaking up.

"Well by the looks of it, Your gonna brag and make us meet your family trying to show us that everyone you love and care about is alive and not getting eating by titans!" Ymir yells.

"Yeah, i'm so sorry Souta but I'm gonna go with what Ymir has to say. I don't trust you enough to not agree plus if your an intruder.....You'd want us to let our guard down somewhere that we have no sense of direction in" Connie says.

Other's start agreeing and I look at Levi. We both look at each-other giving ourselves the 'Are they really?' face.

"Damn brats..." Levi scoffs as he looks away.

"Okay, that's it!" I yell catching everyone's attention. "Y'know, Souta has done nothing wrong for any of us to not trust him. I get if you don't fully trust him because you don't know that guy but give him a break! We are going to this place weather any of you like it or not and once your breaks over. Including me and Levi." I say looking at Levi and then back to the others. 

"We are all cleaning up HQ! Now stop doubting people including yourselves because we all have lost many. And don't assume that just because Souta is a happy go lucky person that he hasn't lost anything. We are leaving now!" I finally finish.

Everyone looks at me in shock as I roll my eyes. They rarely see me yell at them which I knew and they've never really seen me as the type to just go and trust strangers. But I have a good feeling about Souta.

"Souta, lead the way!" I say, giving him a shut eyed smile. He just smiles back at me and points somewhere south.

As we all start leading our horses, I wave my hand for Souta to come beside me. "Do you by chance come from Trost District?" I ask, putting my index finger up to my bottom lip. "Y-you don't have to answer it's just... Trost is south..." I say, looking at my horses feet as they clank together and you can just slightly hear the horse shoes.

"N-no Y/n, I-i'm not but i'm actually from a town a-about an hour away from there? Yeah about an hour away.." He answers as he let's go of his reins and put's his arms behind his head. The horse turns her head and looks at Souta. He starts apologizing to the horse as he grabs back onto the reins. "I'm sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry Uh.....What's the horses gender and name?" He asks.

"Well, she's a girl. We clarified that with a 'Communicator'. And her name is Dandelion after the flowers she'd lay in with her mom when she was a foal." I answer.

"O-okay, Well s-sorry D-dandelion!" He yells. Some of the others let out low giggles causing me to smile. Knowing that they can still feel  at least some emotions makes me internally sigh of relief.

(Time skip to Souta's home town. Readers POV)

"Okay, w-we're here!" Souta yells as we start walking towards a huge stone gate. It looked really old. The stones it had been made if were full of moss and dirt. The wood creating the sign had chips missing and also had moss on it. And the one lock that had been left was barely hanging on to the hinges.

"O-okay, let's go..." I say, giving everyone a nervous laugh. They all look calmed down which makes me feel somewhat at ease.

We all start walking in, still on our horses we look around. We're only about five steps into the gate and already. "A-are th-those h-h-humans......" Connie asks, As everyone else is wide-eyed. I gasp as I look around.

"S-souta..." I hear everyone say. Souta, Levi, and I being at the front turn around together. Everyone's standing on the saddle of their horse and they all bow. "WE'RE SORRY!!" They yell. "It's completely o-okay!" He stutters. I laugh a bit. "You guys, your all overwhelming him. He's stuttering like a lost sheep." I say, still laughing. Everyone but Ymir looks at me and starts to giggle a little bit.

"Okay guy's, let's continue. But first all I want to say is that i'm proud to be called your captain and your guy's friend. You didn't trust Souta which I totally understand but, Once you realized you were wrong you all apologized and noticed your mistakes-" I go to finish. "O-okay! *giggles* Y/n, that's kind of cringe.." Eren says. We all giggle again and continue into the town.

As we step further in, We see a house. As soon as I look at it my sight goes blank and then it's like a movie playing in my head.

I see the house, I see a blue wolf and a purple tiger, I see a huge titan that's got a huge white jaw attached to it's face on all fours with blonde hair, I see someone who I believe to be my Mom, The I see someone who I believe to be my Dad, I then see Souta.

I gasp causing everyone to look at me and then I blackout after hearing people call my name a few times.


I'm gonna fall asleep on my computer lol

Eren: Again, Author-chan your really cringy!

Me: Oh shut it googly eyes!!

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