I love you Y/n....

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(Your POV)

I ran out of Ymir's room and didn't stop. 'She's so gonna hate me now, she loves Christa not me! She doesn't even know me damnit!' I think to myself. I then feel my heart start to race, The room starts spinning, My head starts hurting, And I start puking. Everything goes blurry and Hanji comes up to me, Catching me just as I pass out.

(Ymir's POV)

"I feel the same way"...... I say as Y/n starts running out of the room. I slowly get up off my bed leaning against the wall trying to walk out then I hear Squad Leader Hanji scream "Y/N WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU, NURSE, NURSE I THINK SHES HAVING A HEART ATTACK" My eyes widen as I hear that "y/n..." I whisper to myself as I feel some warm liquid run down my cheek. "A tear? A-am I crying?" I question myself.

As the nurses bring Y/n into a different room I wait in the waiting room as I slowly pass out.

  (Ymir's Dream)

Christa: You just met her, what do you even feel for her.....?

Ymir: I-I don't know my heart pounds, my face flushes,
and I feel warm inside okay....

Christa: Well who do you love more Ymir hm? Who do you love more?
Me or that girl you just met who is obsessed with apples?
Me or her?

Ymir: W-what?

Christa: Who do you love more me or her?

Ymir: I-I never said I loved her

Christa: well I can tell you love her okay?
Please Ymir just tell me the truth I'll be okay, I can just see Eren O-or Reiner!.

Ymir: *whispers* I don't know

Christa: Please speak up, I can't hear you.


Christa: Does she know?

Ymir: Does she know what?

Christa: about your 'abilities'

Ymir: Next question please.

Christa: Fine me or her, who do you love more?

Ymir: Christa. Please stop with that....


Ymir: Don't make me choose between you and her...

Christa: Why? Because you'll choose her?

Ymir: Yeah....I'll choose her..

(End of dream)


(Still Ymir's POV)

I wake up to Hanji tapping my shoulder 'hm?' I mumble only slightly opening my eyes at first as they hurt due to the bright lights in the infirmary. "Y/ns surgery's done, I feel like you guys are close so you can go see her" Hanji says walking away. ' I love her, I love her, I love Y/n.....' I think to myself as I grab a near by wheelchair.

As I sit down in the wheel chair I roll my way to the head nurses desk and ring the bell. "How may I assist you? The nurse asks me.

 "I was sleeping when my friend got admitted into her room. Her name is Y/n L/n could you tell me her room?" I reply. The nurse searches up her file as I start tapping my foot getting inpatient.

 "I'm sorry miss Ymir, but miss Y/n L/n has no family and only family are allowed visits in rooms 120-150."  She says smiling. I stand up slamming my fists on her desk. "ROOM NUMBER NOW, I'M THE CLOSEST THING SHE HAS TO FAMILY OKAY? I WILL VISIT HER IF ID LIKE TO." I Demand, She just rolls her eyes. 

"Ma'am I'm sorry but I cannot give that information out." She replies. I look at her up and down "fine then, she's in one of the rooms between 120 and 150? I'll go find her myself because I know for a fact that their are patient charts outside the doors stating the name of the patient inside" I sass as I take my wheelchair and start searching.

(Time skip)

I'm starting to get tired as I continue to wheel myself down the hallway. "Finally" I say as I reach room number 149. I walk in to see Y/n seemingly fast asleep hooked up to a bunch of machines and not able to breathe on her own.

"I love you Y/n" I say, thinking she's asleep.

'I love you to' she signs back......


Again.....Still editing. Sorry for the delay and again i'd like to apologize for the short chapters.

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