Y/n's POV:

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It's been about a week since I left the Survey corps and....I'm doing okay..Souta and I now have three cabins spread between three different forests, one of them happen to be underground.

"Hey Y/n! I'm heading to our south cabin to grab some more clothes and some food for tomorrow!" Souta yells.

A wave of anxiety flows over my body as he says that.

"O-okay! I'll be cooking while your gone!" I yell back. "Also, remember that I need a new shirt!" I finish. He walks into the kitchen. "WAHHHH.....You scared me..." I say.

"Hehe sorry about that Sis, But how did you rip your shirt again?" Souta asks.

I look at him in disbelief and giggle a bit. "How do you forget that? I was almost Titan chow!" I say.

"Oh yeahhhhhhh, I'm sorry about that....So I'm gonna go now!" He says, running to the front door.

"It's fine! And okay!" I yell back.

Once he leaves I walk into the kitchen smelling the nasty food from in the fridge.

*sigh*......I should go look for food as well...

I walk to the front door and grab the small list off of the ground.

Okay....So I need to find fresh tomatoes, cucumbers, mint, and potatoes. I also have to try and find some seasonings like salt.

I place the note into my right pocket as I slip on my old leather boots, and a jean jacket. Ever since I almost got eaten by a Titan, I've only had old bandages from a fallen soldier around my chest with the large gash along my abdomen.

Now, walking out of the door I start making my way back to HQ assuming that the others are already out searching for the unfound.
As I get close, I notice how quite it is here....

Well that's.....Probably not a good sign......What the hell happened here?

Slowly walking through the gate I notice something....There's a bad feeling in my gut as I realize that there's almost no one here....and the people who are here......Seem to all be in shock and look completely horrified...

I walk up to an elder lady who had been just sitting along the wall of what seemed to be her house. "Hello Miss, May I ask what happened" I ask, trying not to seem in a bad mood nor seem somewhat scared.

"I-it was.....A Titan! It had fur all over it's body...and it looked to be about...sixteen to seventeen metres tall...It was ginormous...." The lady replies. I just nod as I recollect myself by taking a deep breath.

I will find you.....and KILL you no matter what it takes!

"Oh, Did it by chance throw something? Maybe like a Boulder? Or a huge piece of something maybe from a house?" I ask, not trying to seem as though I know who or what that thing was.

"Y-yes, It had a Boulder in it's hand and out of nowhere it broke the thing into probably HUNDREDS of pieces! Then....." Her eyes widen..

"What's wrong Miss?" I ask, turning around to see another Titan....Though this one...Kind of reminded me of someone....

Medium length brown hair.....And a FEMALE Titan?!

"Th-that thing was with the other beast to!! That one killed my son!" She states, tears falling down her face.

I take out my swords and get ready to fight but then....It just..Transformed back?

"Ma'am, please get somewhere safe. I'm going to look for it and I will capture it! This is not a normal Titan..." I Say.

"O-okay....But may I ask, what is it then..?" She questions.

I look at her in fear, knowing that if this gets around people will be VERY uneasy and panicked..

Good grief...This is such a pain in my ass!

"Well Ma'am, you can't say anything as everyone will go into a state of panic but...I'm afraid it's another Titan Shifter...." I answer and walk off to find it..

I start running, passing all of the other terrified citizens trying to make it before the smoke disappears. I see someone with a scouts cape over their head start running.

Damn it.....

"GET BACK HERE YOU DAMN TRAITOR!" I yell as loud as I can.

I see another horse coming and take a quick glance, It's Souta!

"Hey N/n! What are you doing?" He says as he gets close to me.

"That person, is a Shifter! We need to catch them!" I answer

He just nods his head and follows me.
(Time Skip Into Forest)

We reach the forest, still being able to see the person but not being close enough to capture them for questioning or anything.

"Hey Y/n, you know that we'll have to go back if we capture them right?" Souta reminds me.
I stay quiet not wanting to think about it though....this whole time it's been lingering in the back of my mind...

We continue to follow the suspect catching and losing speed.

"I think their hood is about to fall off.." Souta whispers.

Okay, this might be our chance....Even if we don't capture them we can put in a report once we see their face...

"Okay....We must pay more attention then but still...make sure that you don't get hurt please..." I finish, Souta nods his head showing me he'll be fine.

As we follow them, their good keeps getting closer, and closer to falling off when eventually...

"IT'S OFF!" Souta yells...

I look in disbelief as I see the strangely familiar hair colour and style....

It can't be...Th-there's no way!

I take a closer look and.....She won't show her face but.....it must be her....

"Y/n! There's no way! She probably died!" Souta yells to me as it's getting harder to hear from the horses hooves speeding up.

"Please tell me....Is it you......Ymir?......"


Why am I so damn depressing-

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