It's Quiet At Home...

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(Readers POV)

I wake up to a pain in my shoulder. "O-ow...." I say, Fluttering my eyes open quickly. "Y/NNN!" I hear my squad scream. "too loud....." I say, inaudible for people to hear. "What?" Sasha asks. "I SAID TO LOUD!" I yell. "Sorry, sorry, sorry!" People start to whisper yell.

I sit up, holding my head. "W-where are we?" I ask, now fully opening my eyes. "Well, we're in an abandoned town. It's about seven hours away from Wall Maria." Levi announces crankily. I nod my head. "Let me guess, I passed out?" I ask. Most of my squad just nods their heads.

"What happened?" I hear Jean ask. "Well, I can't remember clearly but.....I saw some visions, Then I felt like I was gonna puke, And then I believe that's when I passed out." I say. 

Just as i'm about to ask for Ymir, I hear the door open. "Hey I got some wate-" She goes to say but Eren interrupts her. "Y-y/n's awake!" He says. Ymir's eyes shoot open larger than the sun as she drops the water and she runs at me. Then she tackles me causing me to fall back.

"You've gotta stop doing this." She says. I feel my shoulder become moist and I look around to see almost everyone crying. "W-what's wrong guys?" I say, hugging her back. "W-we th-thought..." Eren starts to say. "WE THOUGHT WE...." Connie says. Looking down at his feet, trying to hide his tears as he sniffles. "I thought that I lost you to..." Ymir says... I look at them all in SHOCK.

"G-guy's, quit crying. I'm fine!" I say, They start to giggle and I sigh. 'God, they are so emotional' I think to myself. "Okay, let's head home!" I say, standing up. Puffing my chest out and placing my hands to my hips. "Yeah!" Everyone replies.

(Time Skip, Readers POV)

We just got to Wall Maria and we start heading towards Wall Rose. I look around at my squad and notice that everyone seems to be doing a lot better. Everyone except for Ymir.... "Hey, Ymir and I are gonna go to my office once we get back."

"Ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhh!" Sasha scream moans. I glare at her causing her to flinch. "THAT, is NOT what I meant!" I say, turning my head back forward. "Awwwww damn" Ymir says. Quickly spinning my head towards her, I send her a glare as well but instead of her flinching she smirks. I just roll my eyes and look at Levi.

"Your girlfriend is one horny bitch" Levi snickers. I nod my head at him as we continue to head for Wall Rose.

Once we reach Wall Rose, everyone starts to praise us. They don't realize that one of us has passed.

"Wow, they actually came back alive..." One older man says with his eyes wide just staring at my squad.

"Didn't they get a new captain? Or like a second one?" Another man asks.

"I wonder if they got the Female Titan!" A younger women, seemed to be in her twenties shouts.

"Okay, thank you for the realization everyone. Yea my squad now has two captains but that doesn't change anything because no members were changed. We can't give out anymore information i'm sorry" I say, hoping that they'll all just leave.

"Uh, sorry to bug you ma'am but what's your name? I can tell that you are the new captain." An elderly woman asks. I look at her and realize its Carrie~San. 

She helped me a bit when I was younger so I look back to her and smile. "Hello, Carrie~San! I'm not sure if you remember me but I am Y/n L/n, Yes I am the new captain but please just address me as Y/n" I say, bowing my head. (In Japan, it's considered respectful to address a woman as (something)~san unless they are for example your sensei. Then you address them as (Something)~Sensei or it's considered as disrespectful)

"O-okay Y/n, Thank you" Carrie~San replies. Me and my squad then continues on to HQ

We arrive to HQ and de-tack our horses then head inside. "Levi, Please tell Commander Erwin that we have the Female Titan on our side now and explain to him what happened." I ask Levi to do. He just nods and walks toward Commander Erwin's office.

"Ymir, My office now!" I say. She just nods and follows me to my office.

"What do you nee-" She goes to say. I just hug her and start crying. She holds me knowing that I like to feel comforted before I talk about my problems. She rubs my back as we just sit on my office couch and I lay across her lap. Combing her fingers through my somewhat messy hair she looks down at me and kisses my soft forehead.

"So, what's going on babe?" Ymir asks. Rubbing my eyes I sigh. "It's just that...I had flashbacks today.....And i'm well.....I'm starting to remember my past." I say as I sit up and lean onto Ymir with her wrapping her arm around me.

"Do you about it?" She asks. I shake my head as I start to dose off, Still laying on my girlfriends lap.

Once I woke up I realized that Ymir was no longer under me. I stand up, stretch my arms and my back, and walk towards the door.

Opening the door I look up and down the hallway. I notice that it's completely silent. I go back in and grab the lamp from my office which was siting on my desk and walk back out into the middle of the hallway. Then I slowly start walking further down. "Hello?" I whisper yell. 

'I wonder if titan's got in and i'm the only one who survi-' I get interrupted from my thoughts. I hear a crash outside and I run to the closest window. Once I look out the window I notice a bunch of the horses gone. Specifically my squads, Hanji's squads, and some other random cadets.

I then look right below the window to see what all of the noise was about and to my surprise I see Sasha. I then run down the stairs of HQ and grab onto her before she can run away.

"S-Sasha! Wh-where a-are the o-others?" I ask. She looks at me completely terrified.

"Th-their looking for Ymir...." Sasha says. I look back at her really confused. "W-Wh-what do you mean their l-looking for Ymir?" I ask, still gasping for air from running.

"She's gone........"

At this statement....My heart drops..


Hey just wanted to apologize if my story doesn't have enough emotion in it.... I'm very insecure about my writing as I struggle with feeling my own emotions personally. I don't know my own emotions so it's quite hard for me to express someone else's who isn't even real....

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