A Break From Everything

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(3rd Person POV)

Y/n sighed, You finally get to rest at least that's what you had thought. Captain Levi had gave you the OK to take a day off seeing that You had been going through so much.

You started walking to your room when you hear people yelling. Letting out another long, and loud sigh. You roll your eyes and just continue walking towards your room door. 

You flinch hearing a huge bang coming from the mess hall. 'Guess I should grab something to eat..." You thought to yourself.

Walking down the hall you halt in-front of the mess hall. Cautiously, you press your hand on the creaky wooden door and make your way over to the bread. Once you reach the bread stand you just grab a piece of bread and then grab a pre-made tea that Levi had always set out.

(Flash back)

You couldn't sleep as you continuously thought about what Ymir had said to you. "I.' love you Y/n' please! you probably felt pity for me and didn't mean it" You say out loud as you walk down the dark and silent halls towards the kitchen behind the mess hall.

"Green tea or rose tea?" You hear a monotone voice ask. You turn around the corner to see a small light turned on and your captain smelling a bunch of different kinds of tea, setting out about 50 or so disposable tea cups.

"Captain, is that you?" You ask as you walk closer. "Cadet L/n, what are you doing roaming the halls so late at night? It's 2 in the fucking morning!" He whisper yells back. You flinch as he shoots one of his famous death glares at you.

"I-I couldn't sleep so I w-wanted to get some tea sir" You say, quietly saluting your captain. Levi looks at you and then back at the tea cups which he is placing very neatly across the old wooden table. "I couldn't sleep either, i'm not quite sure if you've realized but I'm the one who sets out all the pre-made teas in the morning." He says, his voice sounding rather calm.

You make your own tea. "Goodnight captain" You whisper as you walk back to your room and go to sleep.

(End of flash back)

"Y/n! How have you been? I haven't seen you in ages!" You hear Hanji yell. You wave and walk out of the mess hall.

You walk outside and take a deep breath. "Smells like fresh spring to me" You say. For the first time in awhile, you smile.

You then proceed to walk over to a large tree standing further out from HQ. You start to eat your bread and watch as the new cadets train. You smile remembering the times that you'd been training when you had first came to the scout regiment.

"Cadet Y/n L/n, follow me please" You hear Levi say. You were confused as he usually no longer called you cadet because you were close friends. "Y-yea, Okay sir!" You replied.

It was silent but you were both walking up to Commander Erwin's office. You were worried because you didn't know if you had done something wrong or what, but you knew that you and Levi would fight for your place in the scouts.

Walking into Commander Erwin's office you salute him. "Hello Commander, I've been called sir!" You say. "No need for the formalities Y/n, come sit down" Commander Erwin replies. You look at Levi who has no sort of reaction and just nod as you walk over to the seat. "Y/n I have decided tha-" Commander Erwin goes to say but you interrupt him. "Commander Erwin please don't kick me out of the scouts this is my home, a-and i've done nothing wrong sir!" You say saluting him again, looking towards the ceiling trying not to cry.

Both Levi and Commander Erwin start laughing. You just glare at Levi and look at Commander Erwin confused. "Y/n, Your not getting kicked from the scouts okay. In-fact, You are getting your own squad. You may now call me Erwin" Your look of confusion turn into a huge smile.

"I'm gonna be a captain....."


My eyes are half shut at this point-

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