Nightmares :l

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(Your POV)

I transformed back into my human form and carried Ymir to the infirmary. When we got there they took her in and started doing some tests. 

I could feel my heart racing as I'm tapping my foot, and biting my lip. I couldn't focus I felt light headed and there were so many thoughts going through my head. 

"Calm down Y/n, your gonna be okay, Ymir's gonna be okay" I'm thought to myself as the doctor walked out and said that Ymir had been poisoned and that they'd have to do a surgery and put her on bypass because the poison made it's way to  her heart. The doctor had said that was why she had passed out and fell onto me. I felt like I was the one with poison in my heart after I heard these words I don't know why but it was different when it came to her, she was special..... I mean, I know I just met her but....It's like i've known her for years.

(Time skip 48 hours)

"Y-y/n?" I hear someone say in a groggy voice. I lift my head up off of Ymir's lap to see that it was her, she was awake.

"YMIR, YOUR ALI-" I go to say as I hear her raise her voice and say "Y/n, pl-ease quite d-down" As she tried to sit up.  "D-don't try to get up! Oh god.... I'm so sorry it's just your, your alive..." I say as a tear starts to slowly make its way down my cheek. "Hmph, and I thought you were strong" Ymir says while smirking. I roll my eyes and stand up to stretch when the nurse walks in and starts checking Ymir's vitals. "Would you be able to get me some w-ater please" Ymir says, I nod and walk down to the cafeteria to get her and myself water. As I'm walking back to the stairs my stomach drops as I hear someone say over the speaker "Code blue: Ymir's room, I repeat. Code blue: Ymir's room." I run up the stairs as fast as I can and see that.... she's alright? I go and sit back in the chair that's beside her bed. Obviously i'm sitting there really anxious forgetting I had her water in my hand. "W-water" Ymir spits out. "OMG IM SO SORRY HERE" I say as I bow and give her the water she's been waiting for, Ymir giggles at me and I smile she then goes to sleep me along side her falling into a deep slumber.

(Sorry but time skip to 3:34am)

I wake up to Ymir breathing heavily in her sleep, I stand up and look at the clock which reads (3:34am). I walk over to Ymir and tap her lightly but she doesn't wake up. So I shake her a little more harshly "Y-Ymir are you okay.... WAKE UP PLEASE" I yell causing some glares from the nurses which I could see as the door had been open. One then walks in and asks "is everything alright Ms. Y/n?" I just stand there staring at Ymir not realizing that the nurse is there until I feel a hand on my shoulder "Ms. Y/n, are you okay?" I turn my head "y-yea I'm fine but she's having a nightmare or something and won't wake up". The nurse tries to wake Ymir up but i doesn't work so she goes to get the doctor but comes back with "a cloth?" I say "yes, it has a solution which has a vial scent to it, which should wake her up" the nurse replies.

As the nurse sways the cloth under Ymir's nose she says "Ms. Y/n could you please get a basin, Your friend here will most likely throw up when she wakes up." I the nod my head and walk over to the sink where the basins were. I also decided to grab a cool wet cloth because she had a fever a little bit ago. As I'm walking back towards her bed she starts to wake up, then I hear her gagging 'oh god' I think to myself as I get the basin right under her head as fast as I can. She then puke's everywhere and she fill's the basin. it gets all over my shoes and all over the nurses shoes along with her pants and her scrubs.

When she was done throwing up and the nurse left, the room became awkwardly silent. After about 5 whole minutes of this uncomfortable silence I finally said "Ymir, what were you dreaming about? It's okay if you don't wanna tell me but you were breathing heavily and you were shaking a lot..." I say, Tears about to form in my eyes. "You just.... really scared me and I know we don't know each other that well but I feel connected to you somehow" I finished.

(Ymir's POV)

Y/n's asking me about my dream and she looks as though she may start crying. "I'll tell you my dream, just don't cry you nerd" I said, she starts to giggle a bit while wiping away her tears. I look at her and say "okay, here goes nothing it's just basically what happened when the-,Well... I got kidnapped".

(Flash back/ nightmare from Ymir's POV)

I was walking down to the mess hall with Christa when I notice someone in the corner of my eye. it looked like there were maybe 3 guys? I just decided to ignore them and continue my conversation with Christa. "So Christa, When are you gonna tell me your real name?" I ask as she just looks down with a bit of a worriedly looking smile. Out of no where I hear Christa scream "YMIR, WATCH OUT" I look behind me and as I turn around someone puts a bag over my face and starts dragging me somewhere. I slowly start to feel tired and I fall asleep.

As I woke up, I had realized that the bag or whatever was on my head before was no longer there. But I had tape over my mouth and my arms were tied up. The unknown guy who was standing far in the shadows of this hidden room starts asking me questions "Are you a Titan?", "How old are you?", "Do you love this Christa girl?". As he said that it started ringing in my ears and repeating it self as he asked me more continuous questions. He then walked out of the shadows and I see he has longer, basically platinum blonde hair, glasses, and Grey eyes. 'Who's this guy, I feel like I know him' I thought to myself for a moment then I realize he looks like Eren's dad Grisha Yeager but that's impossible because he died or at least went missing.  He then walks behind distracting me from my ongoing thoughts, he rips the tape off my mouth which causes my lip to start bleeding a bit. Then he puts a knife to my throat and says "now miss Ymir, answer my questions" as he says that and I don't respond he glides the knife slowly across my forehead and says "are you going to answer or shall I kill you?". I then look at him and respond "that was never my intention, I'm not gonna tell you anything" as I said this he shoved a pill down my throat and looked back to his hands "SHIT, I gave  her the wrong one" he says, "we gotta go I hear someone coming their about 4 flights away, just tape her mouth shut"a familiar sounding voice announced. They both took of and ran out and there was another two people I couldn't see that ran out with The guy that blonde hair along side his partner. I start screaming through the tape and the steps were getting louder and louder until they stopped... I looked and saw you Y/n.

(End of flashback/ Nightmare)
I thought to my self as Y/n just looked at me with her mouth A-gape 'I remember her turning into what looked like a hamster I wonder if she remembers'
"Oh my god... Ymir..." Y/n finally said as she started crying and hugged me. I just hugged her back and let the corner of my mouth pull itself up so that I was smiling because for once

I was actually grateful someone was there for me......


Still editing lol. You can still let me know if you have any book ideas for me :)

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