When will you learn? I am Y/N!

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(2nd Person POV)

As Reiner bites his hand, you hurriedly run back inside and grab the syringe. Then You run back outside. "LEVI! I NEED YOU IT'S TIME!" You scream. Levi nods drawing his swords as you stab yourself in the upper right arm, injecting the Titans Spinal Fluid. 

"Y/n! NO! What the fuck are you doing! DON'T YOU'LL DIE!" Ymir screams, Unfortunately you had already turned into a mindless Titan.

RAWRRRR you turn into a Titan and go straight for Bertoldt. As you grab him Reiner charges at you, Of course you didn't realize because you weren't in control of your body. Eren then transforms and kicks Reiner away from you. 

As he does this you eat Bertoldt falling to the ground. "Y/N!!!!" Ymir yells running towards you. Reiner rawrs and the ground starts shaking.

(3rd Person POV)

The Levi squad is still standing outside when the ground starts shaking. "Everyone! Go under that big tree!" Captain Levi exclaims, pointing towards a large oak tree to the right of everyone.

 "How can he even transform? Y/n cut out a small part of both their spines." Connie says. Still running everyone looks back at Connie seeing that he is the furthest behind them, Then they look at each-other. 

"Well, Titan Shifters can heal a lot faster than normal humans. That's probably what happened" Ymir slightly shouted at the others. Everyone looked at her and then each-other, Then Jean spoke up. 

'"How would you know that? You weren't there when we all learned it. Are you a Titan?" Jean asks. "NO! of course not, do you know how many times i've been injured in expeditions and shit, Don't you think i'd of turned into a Titan at least once if not all times I had gotten injured?" Ymir replies sassy as HELL.

As everyone found their way to the tree, they all looked back to see Y/n and Reiner fighting? "H-how does she already have control over the thing?....." Sasha questions. Everyone stays silent staring at Y/n while she twisted off Reiners Left lag from the knee down.

Reiner punches Y/n in the face causing her to fall while she grabs his right leg trying to twist it off just like the last. Reiner doesn't give up yet, nor does Y/n.

 They continue fighting as soldiers come and try to help Y/n knowing what Reiner had done. Hanji comes out of nowhere and tries to slice the back of Reiners leg but fails when a huge cloud of smoke appears from where bertoldt had been. "I THOUGHT Y/N HAD CHIPPED OFF A PART OF THEIR SPINES!!" Sasha yells covering her eyes from the debris that had started travelling through the air and the ground.

Y/n Rawrs loud, no one understanding her, But Ymir does somehow..... Ymir ends up holding herself back. 

Bertoldt starts slowly walking towards Y/n as his Titan Form is very slow. When everyone looks away Bertoldt makes a noise which didn't sound like a rawr but more like a cry. They all turn their heads to see Y/n with her each and every tooth sunk into the Colossal Titan's neck.

 Everyone gasps when the shock of what's truely happening hits them straight in the face. "G-guys.. won't she turn into the Colossal?" Sasha asks still staring at the sight in-front of her. "S-sasha shouldn't we go h-help her?" Connie asks. Everyone stays put not answering him, so he just takes that as a no. 

"W-wait...I thought that Y/n already well uh...Ate him!" Jean yells. Levi sighs looking towards Jean. "Horse-face... Sadly, It was a fake....I had to put it thee in order to keep her from going absolutely berserk.." He responds. Everyone just stays quiet.

What seems to be In slow motion, everybody watches as Y/n eats bertoldt with Reiner charging at her. Eren then transforms and pushes Reiner out of the way. Eren then proceeds to stand right beside Y/n, both of them taking their fighting stance.

Levi squad and all near by soldiers look mesmerized as Y/n and Eren look like they are in a movie.

Y/n stops Eren from pushing Reiner to the ground, charging at Reiner herself. 

Y/n completely latches her arms around Reiners head and starts twisting but to no abort. Reiner then tries to take her off but Y/n is slowly creating a new Titan form the 'Colossal-Runt Titan' due to her having special powers. T

his new Titan form will be stronger than all other forms once fully materialized due to the fact that the form will have the powers of the Colossal Titan plus the powers of Y/n herself.

As Y/n falls off of Reiner, she charges at him again when out of nowhere...Reiners head pops of....

My computer is going to die so I'm gonna take a bit of a break :/

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