The Cart Titan

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(Y/n's POV)

"Yeah!" Souta yells, running with me on his back.

He continues to run until we see everybody fighting the other Titan's away while Levi, Hanji, And Mikasa fight off the Cart Titan.

"Hey! I'm gonna grab this blanket!" Souta says, talking bout a blanket that we seen on the ground.

"Oi! Focus you imbecile!" I shout as he picks it up with his paw, placing it into his mouth.

Souta and I then continue to run back to the fighting grounds. As he's not paying attention I come up with a plan.

"Oi! Stop there and hide!" I say, pointing to a small forest.

I then decide to use my Telepathy to talk to them and make up a plan.

"Hey guys, It's Y/n. I'm currently using Telepathy to speak to all of you but that's besides the point. At the moment your all fighting Titan's. Me and Souta are currently keeping ourselves hidden because we've got a plan..." I Say, taking a breath.

"Levi, if you, Hanji, Mikasa, and Eren could keep control of the other Titan's. Sasha, Connie and Jean if you could be our back-up, that'd be really helpful. though......I understand if you don't want to as this is really dangerous....Anyone else can stay back and if Levi and the others need help, you'll have to be their back-up." I say, almost finished.

"You sure you want to do this Y/n? You could die...." Souta says, not using Telepathy. I nod my head and take one last breath before telling the others the final part of my plan.

"Okay......And then i'm going to jump down into Peick Finger's throat and hopefully i'll be able to transform in there as Eren did when he first transformed...." The others look down to the ground as I finish.

I look through the tree's as I see Eren go back to his human form grabbing all of his gear and using his ODM gear to finally land ontop of a Titan.

"I'LL DO IT! I WILL DO IT CAPTAI-" Eren goes to yell but gets shut down by Levi's hand covering his mouth. He starts shaking his head No and Eren's eyes start to tear up. I look at the other Cadets also known as my friends. They're all.....Tearing up....

Well....At least I know that people actually care about me....

"Okay...Ready......Set.............GO!!" I say through Telepathy. Me and Souta then exit our hiding spot and start heading for the Cart Titan.  Firstly Levi, Hanji, Mikasa and Eren quickly leave and head for the other titan's. Sasha, Connie, and Jean start following a little further behind. And the other's including the new cadet's just sit back and watch waiting to be called on.

"Jean, If it's okay with you....And I know that it might not be considering that I kind of went off with your captain but......I'd like you to trust me and stay by Y/n's side...." Souta says, I look back at him and smile though I feel a little worried having him so close to the Cart Titan.

He nods his head and starts making his way to my left side. He looks down at Souta and nods his head again, showing that he still respects Souta.

"Alright, Jean. Please stand back for a second." I say, bringing everyone to a halt. I look at Souta and nod.

We both transform back into our human form and cover each-other with the large blanket we found on the way.

"Wow......" Sasha says, as we come out from under the rather large blanket.

"Alright, we're gonna go on feet now. Jean's gonna stay beside me, Springer and Blouse stay beside my brother please." I say, they all respond with "Yes ma'am!"

We all start running towards the Cart Titan who doesn't notice us right away. Though she does notice us as we get to her feet. 

She tries to claw Connie but he quickly get's out of the way with no trace. Sasha then goes to check on him as I try to distract the Titan with Jean and Souta.

I then use my ODM gear to make my way up her body. She has new gear now meaning of course.....More giant machine guns. 

I get up and head straight to the middle as there are now FIVE people controlling FIVE separate guns. I firstly see someone in the middle wearing a pin with their pronouns which are "They/It". I just nod my head acknowledging such.

I must kill them.....The others are gonna be put in more danger if they're sent to take care of the machines. They might not realize that there's a fifth machine hiding in the middle.

I am sorry for having to kill you...

I take my blade and look at them. Their just looking at me with teary eyes which I can not look at as I may hesitate....Actually...No! I won't just do it!

"Sorry not sorry...." I Say, taking my blade and shoving it into them....Specifically their face.

"Thank you..." Was their final words.

I smile at them knowing that they did not want to do anyone harm rather was forced to.

Okay, Sasha, Jean, Souta, And I can get the other four and give Connie a break.

"Alright Connie, YOU my friend get a BREAK" I say through telepathy. I stand up on the middle tank to look at my friends and my brother.

"Sadly you guys don't but y'all get to work with me! Jean front left Sasha back Right Souta back left and i'll take the front right tank. Be careful and please.....Don't die.." I finish through telepathy. They all smile and nod.

Okay.....I guess i'll give them a countdown after getting into position.

"Alright, everyone get into position and watch for my signal. I'll give y'all a countdown with my right hand and then we'll go."

They all nod as we head to our spots. I land on the branch with Connie landing beside me looking at me rather anxious. I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry Springer. She'll be okay. I'm here to take care of her." I say, Winking at him. He smiles and giggles a bit as I get ready to pounce.

"Go wait where ever Ymir is.....You'll be safe there..." I say, before taking off.


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