Y/n's Expedition (Pt 3)

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(Reader POV)

I woke up, still in my pj's from my about thirty minute nap to see Souta who's also still in his pj's which I didn't realize he had, coming inside my tent. "Excuse me! What the hell are you doing?!" I somewhat yell. He jumps at me and covers my mouth while continuously telling me to be quiet. I give him a questioning look kind of asking him what he's doing.

"Y/n, please be quiet....A Titan that looked like a girl is here. Everyone was gonna come get you but I told them to save themselves. We need to leave now....She didn't see me because when i'm in my wolf form I can shrink. I am assuming you can do the same so if you can, please do so and follow me to the others!" Souta whisper yells. My eye's widen as I realized that we should've left earlier. I nod my head and transform.

Me and Souta sneak by the Female Titan and head for the others. We both de-transform in different places and change so we can run on foot. We start to see the others but I can't see Ymir. "Levi! Wait where's Ymir?" I ask looking at him. He point's behind a rock wall and when I turn the corner I see Ymir just standing there with her head resting on an old oak tree.

I notice that her arm's are to her sides so I silently walk up behind her and snake my hands around her waist. "Y-y/n? Please tell me it's you....." Ymir says with sadness in her voice. "Babe, what's wrong? And yes it's me" I say. She quickly turns her body around and grabs my face with her hands basically slapping me while doing so.

"Uh hwi?" I say with my lips squashed together. Ymir sighs and lets go of my face. Right as I go to ask her what's going on she engulfs me in a huge hug. "Ymir?" I say. She squeezes me tighter. "I...I thought that you were dead...He told us to leave you there and we didn't want to but...We're supposed to trust him.." She says. I move her arms from my body and caress her face.

"I'm alive Ymir, look i'm here" I say smiling. She starts crying a bit which surprises me. "Please don't cry.....I don't like when you cry.." I say. She starts trying to hold back her tears as she smiles back at me. I plant a kiss on her soft pink lips "Let's go back to the others" I say she just nods as I grab her hand and lead her along as myself to the others.

"Hey, everyone listen up! We need as many people possible to help us in taking down the Female Titan as she is very strong. I think that we should let Souta join us. I've seen his strength and I believe he can help us. He's also thinking of joining us so this could give him the opportunity to prove his worth. Any objections?" I say, feeling proud of myself as I realize that I actually sound like a captain. "No ma'am!" Everyone yells.

"Wait! I do! He made us leave you behind! In this world those who break the rules are scum but....Those who abandon their friends are worse than scum!" Ymir yells causing everyon to look at her.

I respire. "Think nothing of it, I would've asked you guys to do the same thing if I were in his position"

"Okay, this is what I was thinking. The tree known as the 'Falling Tree' is where i'll have Sasha, Connie, and Historia lead the Female Titan. Levi and Ymir will scout on the North end of the forest as Eren and I scout the South end. Then i'll have Armin and Jean scout the East end while Mikasa and Souta scout the West end." I announce. Looking around I see Armin has a question.

"Yes Armin?" I say. He looks at me and then down to his brown boots. "I'm sorry if this sounds r-rude Souta but....How come he's n-not with you Y/n?" He asks. I see him lift his head back up and I give him a closed eyed smile.

"Well Armin, For one he needs to work with others so that i'm not the only one who trusts him just because i've quote on quote 'Known him longer' and for two. Mikasa is very overpowering so if he does something that makes him lose our faith in him....she can deal with him as easily as I could." I respond. He smile towards the ground and nods.

"Okay everyone let's do this, we will capture her and bring humanity one step closer to freedom!" I yell as I punch the air above my head. "Yeah!" Everyone except for Levi yells. Levi looks at me as though i'm some monstrosity.

All of us start making our way to our positions. Once everyone gives their signal letting us know they're all ready. "Okay, You guy's please don't die...." I whisper to Connie, Sasha and Historia. They all smile and salute to me. I give them each a hug and let them know I love them.

"Okay guy's, we can do this!" I hear Connie yell. Sasha and Historia yell back and then their out of my sight.

(Time Skip about Ten minutes)

We hear ginormous foot steps as we see Connie, Sasha, and Historia come flying through the trees. Levi aims for her arms as I aim for her nape but miss because she hardened her hands and covered her nape. "Damn it...." I whisper under my breath. I turn around, hooking my grapples to a near by tree but as I do this.... "HISTORIA, WATCH OUT!!!" I yell.

The Female Titan steps on Historia, squishing her into a pulp. Blood goes EVERYWHERE and we hear her last words. "Th-thank you guys..f-for making me...who I a-am... I love you all....." As the whole place is now silent, we hear her last and final breath.

Everyone's eye's widen. "N-no...." I hear Ymir behind me as she starts to sniffle. "WHOEVER YOU ARE, I'M GONNA MAKE YOU PAY FOR THAT!!" I yell, my face being beet red from both exhaustion and frustration.

I transform into my Hamster form and use my Ultra Healing Rays as I jump onto the Female Titans back and increase my weight causing the hardened skin to break. I smirk internally as I notice Levi coming towards us at inhuman speeds. 'So he knew my plan' I think to myself. Levi then cut's the nape of the Female Titan to reveal Annie Leonhart.

"I'm gonna kill you...." I hear Ymir whisper under her breath as she lands beside me and grabs my waist.


Still editing......When I am done editing i'm gonna have to edit these little authors notes-

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