Take Three (The Armored Titan)

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(3rd Person POV)

Y/n starts running on the wall trying to find a good spot to jump off. When she finds the right spot she gets her ODM Gear ready and jumps down to a building. Y/n starts going from building to building following the Armored Titan slowly from behind. "I'll be back. i-I PROMISE!" Y/n screams to her friends that are looking at her with worry in they're eyes.

Y/n grapples onto the Armored Titan and uses 15% of her Hamster Transformation Powers making her stay in her human form but at the same time make her completely weightless.

She crawls up the back of the Armored Titan with her swords hanging from her sides, and stands up. She finds a small crack from Captain Levi's earliest attack. Y/n then takes her swords and stabs the Titan in the neck causing a louder Rawr. But this time it wasn't just a Rawr....

Out of no where the Colossal Titan appeared startling everyone. Ymir, Christa, Mikasa, Armin, Connie, Sasha, And Captain Levi started evacuating the citizens that were still inside the walls. While Y/n was still on the back of the Armored Titan. 

She kept stabbing the same spot slowly chipping off parts of it's Amour and usually yelling something along the lines of "You think your so cool calling your little friend aye? I- No WE will find out who you are!" or "Don't worry you son of a bitch, We'll catch ya!". The Armored Titan never seemed effected by it until...

"HEY! WHY WERE YOU TRYING TO STEAL MY FRIEND CHRISTA AYE?" Y/n asks. The Armored Titan turns it's head around, stopping in it's tracks trying to find Y/n. The Armored Titan then proceeds to try and run towards the Colossal Titan but Y/n switches from being weightless to weighing more than a Titan causing the one she was on to slow down.

The Armored Titan continues to drag it's feet and half of it's body along the ground still trying to make it's way to the Colossal Titan. Y/n is holding her ground but she hasn't eaten much lately, The more she eats the heavier her Form will be.

The Armored Titan stops and Rawr's looking towards the Colossal Titan. The Colossal Titan then starts almost deteriorating and falls down with its mouth open. It falls straight onto Y/n.....

"NOOOOOO, YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T DIE, YOU PROMISED ME!" Ymir yells now crying on the top of the wall. She along with everyone else hears a loud sound and when they look over they see steam. "I-is that STEAM?" Armin questions. "Yes Arlert, that is steam." Captain Levi responds sarcastically smiling.

As he says that, Y/n jumps out from the body of the Colossal Titan holding an unconscious and unknown somebody. Heading towards the Armored Titan. Y/n goes to the part of the nape that she had chipped off and took out a bottle of anesthetics? She also proceeds to take out a syringe. 

She starts filling up the syringe with the anesthetic and stabs it into a hole that was where she had chipped off some armor. The Armored Titans head then falls to the ground.

Y/n proceeds to cut open the Titan to reveal another unknown somebody. Everyone was staring at her in awe as she carried both of the men to the basement and restraint them each to a bed. Everyone else followed behind her from a far just in-case. Eren had just woke up and was slowly following as well.

When they reach the basement, Captain Levi notices Y/n sitting on a chair in-front of a specific cell. "So Y/n, Who are the culprits?" Captain Levi asks. "I-it's Bertolt and Reiner...." Y/n responds. Everyone just goes completely silent.....

.....Editing! Editing! Ouuu Edi edi editing~

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