Die Or Prove Yourself

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( 2nd Person POV)

"So, What does anyone get out of this?" You ask calmly. The boys stay silent although...You could see the Pain and Sorrow in Reiner's eyes. Not so much in Bertoldts tho.... "I asked you both A QUESTION! ANSWER ME BEFORE I MAKE YOU!" You snap. 

This time both Bertoldt and Reiner flinch, And Reiner nods his head. "Well I can't tell you all of the details quite yet but...I'll tell you as much a-" "REINER!" Bertoldt interrupts him. Reiner looks at Bertoldt and shakes his head 'No'. "I'll tell you as much as I can right now, And when the time comes you'll find out the rest." You shake your head in response signaling  Reiner to continue. 

"Okay, so we originally were ordered by 'boss' to sneak into Wall Maria and join the Survey corps. So now you might be wondering how we did this, well we used our Titan Abilities to break down the wall along with the gate. Then, once other Titans started coming in we transformed back and joined up with you guys. That's all I can tell you...." Reiner finishes looking down at his feet. 

Crossing your leg, and propping your head on your right hand. You look at him. "*sigh*, Okay...how do we know your not lying? Why is your boss asking you to do this? AND most importantly who is your boss?" You question. 

He looks at you in confusion and then says "Like I said, I can't tell you anymore information. You will have to find out on your own. I can not answer any of those questions nor can I tell you where you'll find the information you need." You then look him up and down, rolling your eyes afterwards. 

(Y/n POV)

"Both of you....PROVE YOUR SELVES OR DIE!" I demand . Everyone's eyes widen at my sudden rage. "W-what do you mean?" Bertoldt asks. "I SAID BOTH OF YOU PROVE YOURSELVES OR DIE!" I respond standing up, now furious.

 "Ymir, take Y/n for a walk" Captain Levi says. I give him a glare. "C'mon Y/n...Let's go for a walk." Ymirs says while tugging at my arm. I just huff and walk away with her.

"Why did yo-" I go to say as Ymir kisses me. I look up at her and as our lips separate, I let out a deep breath that I didn't realize had been being held in by fury. "Y/n...What you did today was awesome, Even bad-ass but I was really worried and so was everyone else. We all have our problems but please don't do anything to wreck-less because they love you....I love you." As Ymir finishes her sentence I smile and hug her.

 "I love you to Ymir..." I whisper into the crook of her neck. She starts rubbing my head, calming me down. "You okay now? We've gotta stay calm here because whenever we find what he's talking about....You might be able to save Humanity." Ymir says.

 "Yes, i'm calm...and..W-what did you mean me? Don't you mean we?" I ask. Ymir just shakes her head and pulls me to go inside.

"Captain, Can I talk to you?" I ask. Captain Levi nods his head and follows me outside. "So...Can I have the syringe...." I ask. Levi's eyes widen for a moment in shock but then he goes back to his stone cold stare.

 "Sure Y/n, But may I ask why?" He answers. I look down at my feet starting to fiddle with my fingers. "Well, If worst comes to worst....I'll use it on myself and help humanity." I tell him. He just nods and hands me the Syringe. 

"Look Y/n, If worst does come to worst....Call me so that I can be there if you need to be Killed." As Levi says this, I feel a deepening sensation in my abdomen....A very uneasy feeling takes over.... I just shake it off, well at least try to.

He really could kill me if he wanted to.....And easily at that..

We enter back into the basement and just as I get down the stairs, I hear.... screaming? I run down the hall. "HEY! What the hell is going on?" I ask raising my voice. Everyone looks at me and Eren nods his head looking pissed. 

"So, I'm assuming Bertoldt isn't cooperating?" I state. Everyone nods their heads yes. "So, Hoover would you rather me kill you or Levi kill you?" I ask. Reiner clenches his fists. I glare at Reiner and he slightly flinches.

 "I'd rather me kill you" Bertoldt says as he goes to bite his hand. I laugh causing everyone to look at me as they're trying to run. "You see, when I cut you guys out. I made a small slit in your spines just big enough to stop you from transforming. So nice try but me and Levi will take a vote to see who will kill you." I say with an evil grin. "So! Who kills Bertoldt?" I ask.

"Okay, if no one can decide me and Levi will just do Rock, Paper, Scissors." I say. Everyone looks at me with a confused look as I say this. "I-isn't that kid of Childish?" Eren asks.

 I shrug my shoulders. Me and Levi walk into the middle of the room. "Rock, Paper, Scissors, SHOOT" I yell. He throws out rock as I throw out paper. "Guess your killing him huh?" Levi says.

I walk over to Bertoldt and unlock his cell. "Field now!" I demand. He just nods his head. 

Me and Bertoldt walk out into the field and get into fighting stance. Without hesitation I run at him and jump onto his shoulders spinning my body causing him to fall down to the ground. I take out my pocket knife and slice his back. 

"AHHHHHH" He screams out in pain. "That's what you get for not cooperating and being an ass" I say standing back up. I go to charge at him once more but then I hear Reiner yell "I'M SORRY Y/N BUT I CAN'T JUST WATCH YOU KILL MY FRIEND" As he bites his hand.


Finally! A chapter more than five words long-

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