Ymir's POV:

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(Reverse Timeskip)

I'm outside with the rest of my squad when I decide to do it....

I'm going to miss Y/n with ALL of my heart but....I'll leave a note in that guys old place for if they go there. I don't want to hurt Y/n but....I need to do this...S-she can't find out my secret...I-it's WAY to risky...

"Sasha, tell Captain Scrubies that I'm going to the bathroom." I tell her, A smirk arising internally as I see the fear on her face. Last time I told her to do something for me and she didn't I told commander ugly brows that she was eating instead of training. That scarred her for LIFE man hahahahaha....Oh okay......I'm going to act as if i'm going to the bathroom and i'll go to my hiding spot underground.

Then during the night when everyone's sleeping....I'll go say goodbye to Y/n....Even if she never forgives me...I'll always love her....


"S-Sasha! Wh-where a-are the o-others?" I hear Y/n ask, I peek from my underground hole and see that Sasha looks utterly terrified.

"Th-their looking for Ymir...." Sasha says. I see Y/n look back at her really confused. "W-Wh-what do you mean their l-looking for Ymir?" She asks, still gasping for air from running.

"She's gone........" Sasha responds, I sigh not wanting to hear Y/n's crying knowing that I wouldn't be able to hold myself back from running over to her and making up some kind of lie while grabbing onto her and not letting go.

I sigh, moving the piece of fake grass that I made. I should actually make a new one though...What do I need again? Ughhh this is just a pain in my ass..

Okay...I need a large but thin slab of wood, Some of the MP's green spray paint. Some of that weird confetti stuff that they use in wall Sina for the fake grass. Finally I believe I need a bowl, spoon, water, and flower.....I mean I do need to say goodbye to Y/n and then I guess I can grab everything. I needed to get food and shit anyways....

Rolling my eyes in frustration I sit on the small chair I made previously of hardened dirt and wait for my time.....My time to leave Y/n for awhile. I hate doing this to her but it's for her own good i'd rather heart break sooner than later. Though....If I had a choice I wouldn't do it at all...

(Small Time Skip)

It's now dark out so I can finally walk around almost freely. Though i'll have to watch-out for the damn night guards. They're always on the lookout no matter what time of day or night. So...I got a schedule off the third guards office desk.

Wow....It's.....so dark........I hope she just forgets me....So she doesn't have to feel as dark and as lonely as this.....It's just so....Depressing...

Making my way to the back way into HQ, I notice Y/n's lights are already gone out. She's usually the one to stay up WAY past when we're supposed to. She'd stay up late studying things that no one knew were even possible....That's something I loved about her, she'd push herself even when she wants to be lazy......I love her...

I start walking in and realize that....Everyone's lights but...Souta's are off? 

Are these crybabies all sleeping already? Pfft- HAHAHAHAHA that's funny because if I even sleep in for five minutes I get scolded by everyone except for Y/n....

Walking through the halls, I get to Y/n's room and as i'm about to walk in...I feel someone taping on my shoulder.


"Souta, What the fuck do you want?" I ask, politely.

"Well, why are you going into her room? Everyone though that you ran away..." He says.

I look at him dead in the eyes and grab his shoulder so I can whisper closer to his ear.

"Can I trust you?" I ask, he nods his head yes as I sigh...

"Well, Don't tell Y/n this but I need to leave for her own good. I have a secret which she can NOT find out or she will be in immediate danger and so will I. I need to leave so at least she doesn't get hurt okay? You can't tell her no matter what. Please....If she forgets about me in three or four years return back here. If she doesn't.....Well you'll find that out another time...." I explain to him, Souta swallows a wad of saliva and looks at me while moving me in-front of him grabbing both of my shoulders.

"I will protect 'your'Y/n with my LIFE okay?" He whisper yells, Pretty much staring into my soul.

"Thank you.....Your a good guy Souta....Take care of her for me...." I say, patting his left shoulder.

Now.....I've gotta go in and come out as quietly as possible....But if someone were to see me....I don't know what i'd do or say at this point...

Walking slowly into Y/n's room my heart breaks a little....There's tissues everywhere..

Oh...Was she crying....Already.....Y/n i'm so. so sorry, please forgive me and just forget about me....

walking through the pieces of crumpled up tissues I finally find myself standing at the side of her bed....

I usually sleep on this side....Holding her....Hugging her....kissing her....I don't know what i'm gonna do without her but...like I said...I-it's better for her...i-it's f-for her own good...

wait....am I crying?.....Heh...Wow that's rare...

I lightly grab her hand knowing that when she's sad she put's a protective layer of hamster skin over her body..at least.....she used to do that when we weren't so close....

"Ughhhhh, Y/n...I know that you can't hear me because you've blocked out your hearing but....I just wanted to let you know how much I love you....Your like the light to my life...You ARE the light to my life....Shit i'm crying again...Well I love you and i'm never going to to regret anything I said that made you smile...Now we'll die with memories not with dreams....I love you a lot Y/n but for your own good....Please PLEASE for gods sake forget me....." 

I then kiss her forehead and quietly walk out of her room and back to my hideout.

I find my way into a smaller forest and rest there until I hear a sound...


I am tired ash and I still wanna work on some chapters of my Itachi X F: Y/n story that I'm gonna start publishing eventually.

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