Jennie didn't went back to their apartment the whole day. She stayed at mine and had fun with everyone. She did take some time off for herself and stayed at my bedroom. When Ella went home from school she went straight to my apartment. We watched movies together with my friends while Jennie's still asleep. Around 8pm I told Ella to go to sleep since she needs to go to school tomorrow and I told her to just sleep next to Jennie. After letting Ella enter my room I went back to the living room to continue watching with everyone else.
All of our friends will go back home tomorrow noon. At first I thought they're literally just taking a vacation here at my place but Jisoo gave me a piece of paper. She listed down names and numbers of people that she worked with. Jisoo is a CEO so I understand the strings that she can pull here in LA too.
"Lisayah we went out for a couple of days to visit these people. Some of them worked with me or for me, some of them are their people" she said referring to our other friends "I listed down atleast 3 more attorneys that are well known here in LA as well as outside the country. They can help you with Jennie's case. I also listed down a couple of doctors who have worked with Kang so you might want to look for something that you can use against him since he doesn't really leave some mark on Jennie."
"We heard Kang also abused an ex girlfriend before but his family did something to cover it up. We don't really have much information about that but I'm still looking through it since I know someone who worked as the girl's driver for quite a while. All we need is to look for the ex girlfriend and probably let her testify.. I mean hopefully she will" Rosie says
"Do you have any leads on where she is?" I ask
"The driver told me some possible places so Jisoo hired some men to locate her. We'll just update you if we got something" Rosie says
"Lisayah, if nothing works out I know someone" Jackson says and slide in a piece of paper with a name, number, and the word 'butcher' under it which immediately earned a kick from Jisoo while the others laugh "what? I'm just suggesting it" he said defensively
"I really appreciate this" Jisoo nodded and pat my back before we go back to watching. I'm laying on the couch for the whole time so my eyes started getting heavy in the middle of the movie.
"I want some McDonald's happy meal" I heard Seulgi says
"Me too me too!" Someone else says but I'm too sleepy to even notice who it was.
"Lisayah we'll be back immediately.. don't you dare watch it without us" and when I heard the door shut I just fell asleep thoroughly
My eyes starts fluttering when I felt something drop on my cheek. I was gonna ignore it but something drops again and it flows down my cheek. I then recognize that there's a warm hand on my cheek which makes me open my eyes up just to see Jennie infront of me. The room is quite dim because the lights are off, but the light from the television illuminates her face and the tears flowing down her cheeks. When she saw my eyes open, that's when she started sobbing as her tears flow down rapidly like she's been keeping it for so long.
She lean down to burry her face on the crook of my neck which makes me wrap my arms around her automatically. My heartbeat starts raising not knowing the reason behind her tears. I'm very worried, but I don't even know what to say. We stayed like that for a while, I just continue patting her back lightly. I want to cry as well but I already cried earlier and it's not like it'll comfort her.
"What's wrong?" I said as I run my fingers on her hair softly. She didn't answer at first as she's still crying.. she then move away just to look me in the eyes.
"Are you tired?" At first I can't comprehend what she's trying to say but there's just something on the way she looks at me, I do get her point
"Why would I be?" I stretch out my hand to wipe out her tears but it just keeps on pouring
"This was my fault... I should've just stayed in Korea with you. I should've just waited until I can finally forgive you instead of coming all the way here and end up marrying a person who will do things that I know you wouldn't do" it seems like every single thing is just falling apart for her... like she's on a battle alone for a long time that she barely got the chance to be vulnerable around someone.
I push her gently so I can sit up. I then stand up from the couch and offered my hand for her to hold. She grasp mine as we walk towards the bedroom, the others will surely be back anytime soon and I want to talk to Jennie alone. She pull my hand making me look back at her. She look towards the bed where Ella's sleeping making me shake my head as I lead her towards the bathroom since she wont hear us clearly.
I close the door behind us when we entered and let Jennie sit on the counter beside the sink.
"You've been holding up for quite a long time aren't you?" I said as I brush her hair out of her face. She's not crying as hard as earlier which is good.
"Lisa... I'm scared" I nod at her as I understand her "I'm scared of so many things. But I'm most scared of the fact that you might get tired of this... You might get tired of me" I sigh out and give her a reassuring smile as I pull her in for a hug
"Listen... Do you think I'll go all the way to LA for my work? I might, but that wasn't the reason I completely accepted this project. I knew both you and Ella are here and I wanted to see you both. I didn't even know if you've forgiven me already when I came here." I continue rubbing her back while she's resting her head on my shoulder "then I saw your husband before I can even see you. I could've just run away and went back home that time... But I didn't. I wasn't planning to be a homewrecker or anything" I said making Jennie let out a small chuckle "I respect you a lot... and I was considering on going back home that day cause I don't want to ruin your happiness, but I'm glad I stayed. So if you're asking if I'm tired or will I ever leave you because of these... my answer is no. I'd rather be inside this misery and spend the rest of my time with you than not having you at all"