"Did you tell Jennie about it?" Jisoo asked as I'm getting off of work. It's been a few days since she told me that they found Kang's ex.
"I did, she was relieved that we're actually getting somewhere after years of her suffering" I grab my bag from my chair and swing it back to carry it. Mingyu walk towards my table with some folder and he put it down on my table. I look at him and he mouthed 'you can check it tomorrow' he knows that I'm talking to someone over the phone and he didn't want to interrupt. I nod my head and mouthed thank you before heading out.
"I was talking to the lawyers earlier and they told me that it is actually a huge thing if we'll have someone who shared the same experience as Jennie" I walk towards the elevator and press the button. I stand still and wait for the elevator door to open
"I have a couple more shoot then it's all editing and meetings, I can do all that online so I'll go there" once the elevator door open, I step in and press the button for the parking lot
"In Amsterdam? Are you nuts? That's so far" Jisoo said making me chuckle
"Do you think Kang's ex will appreciate if we'll just send some random people to talk to her when we're the one who needs her?"
"Then what about Jennie? You'll leave her alone for a couple of days without the assurance that Kang won't a hand on her?" the elevator door open so I step out and head over to my car
"I'll tell Jennie to lay low.. I'll ask Cory to look after her while I'm gone. It's basically a few days in exchange of the freedom for the rest of her life" it's risky but at the same time, it's not like I can do anything while I'm here "anyway, I have to drive now. I'll just call you some other time"
"Alright, tell Ella her favorite Aunt greeted her a happy birthday. We sent our gifts to your address make sure to give them to her" I chuckle before ending the call. It is Ella's birthday today. Kang had dinner with Ella and Jennie yesterday since he can't make it today because of multiple surgeries. I'm glad he's busy cause I can spend the rest of the day with the two of them without the need to worry. I drive back to the apartment since Jennie's there. She just arrived home from work and she told me that she'll drive cause she's less tired than I am. I didn't even bother changing, I literally just walk out of my car and go straight to Jennie's.
Jennie pulled up right infront of the school's gate. There's a couple of kids going out already so we're just inside the car waiting for Ella. Jennie did text her that we'll pick her up and she replied that she's on her way out. Also since it's Ella's birthday we'll go and eat, it's quite hard to actually hide from everyone around here so I told Jennie that we should go drive out to a farther restaurant so we can be comfortable.
"Ella's there" Jennie said making me look ahead to see her walking with a couple of friends
"Do you want me to get her?" I ask unbuckling my seatbelt
"No, no.. it's quite risky. I told Ella to just head over to the car anyway" I nod my head as we continue watching Ella. She turn around and it seems like she's saying goodbye to her friends when one guy jog towards her that made her stop from turning around. I'm trying to watch his mouth to try reading it but it's hard to read. The guy gave Ella a smile and pull out a bar of chocolate to hand it over
"Oh my gosh, Ella has an admirer!!" I said with a smile from ear to ear
"Shut up" Jennie said since I literally squealed. Ella turn around and head towards the car. She open up the door as I turn my body around to face her.
"Hi birthday girl" I said and when she saw me her face brighten up and hugged me immediately
"Eomma I missed you" she said while I'm rubbing her back
"So... It seems like someone gave my baby a chocolate" I said teasing her, I just can't help but to smile while she's shutting the car door
"Ella, who was that? Is he bothering you?" Jennie said authoritatively.. here comes her strict mother mode on
"Mom here we go again.." Ella says, she probably heard this way too many times
"It seems like everytime I'll go to your school there's a guy attempting to get too close to you" she said as she starts the car so we can go
"Eomma, mommy's overly protective" Ella complains making me chuckle but I saw in my peripheral view that Jennie snap her head to look at me so I immediately put away my smile
"Put your seatbelt on Ella.. also you're too young" she says while driving out of there
"let her be... It's literally just a crush and you can't really blame them that this lady in the back seat is very pretty" I said pointing at Ella. I look up at the rearview mirror and saw Ella smile at what I said.
"Lisa will you please stop-"
"Doctor Kim calm down will you?" I said and since her hand is resting on the gear stick I hold it briefly and squeeze it "it's her birthday, don't scold her" I said more like in a whisper so it's hard for Ella to hear "your aunts and uncles sent you some gift so make sure to drop by my apartment later okay?" Ella give me a nod making me smile
"You don't have a present for Ella?" Jennie asks
"Of course I do, it's back at the apartment " I said defensively
"I gave her my gift this morning"
"I think she'll like my present more than yours" I said teasingly making Jennie roll her eyes "I am Ella's favorite so I'm pretty sure she'll like mine better. Right Ella?" I said looking at the rearview mirror waiting for Ella's answer. She turn her gaze towards Jennie making me laugh
"Ya Lalisa!" Jennie said making me laugh even more
"You know you can just say it Ella, it's not a big deal" I said looking up at the rearview mirror again
"Eomma, do you want my allowance to get cut off?"
"Hey your mom might be a doctor but I earn a lot as a professional photographer too!" I said turning my head around to face her
"But you don't have to ask me that eomma.." she complains making me nod as I just let her.
The drive there took atleast an hour before we arrived. We all go out of the car once we reached the restaurant. Jennie head in first since she needed to use the bathroom to pee. I turn around to wait for Ella since she's making sure she looks decent.. which she always do. When she finally get off from the car, she shut the door behind her and turn around to look at me
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"So Eomma is your favorite?" She sigh out and rolled her eyes making me laugh.
"Alright alright.." I put my arm around her as we started walking towards the entrance "I swear you got your mom's temper"
Ella is such a smart and jolly girl, I just hope she'll stay the same. The only thing she knows is that, her mom isn't happy with her marriage anymore. Kang has been always kind towards Ella. He mostly took care of Ella when they moved here in LA. He take Ella to school, he take her out to eat, go shopping, and all the things a father do for his own kid. Was Jennie wrong for not telling Ella about the abuse she's going through? No. Jennie isn't being selfish or secretive about it. Ella is still young, but she's smart enough to know what's right and wrong. Jennie's just worried that it will affect Ella while she's growing up. Knowing that your mom's husband is abusing your own mom, it can leave a huge mental toll towards Ella, and Jennie doesn't want that.