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"so how many people likes you in school?" I said while we're all settled down on a table and eating our meal. Jennie let Ella choose the restaurant this time

"Eomma!" She complains making me chuckle

"What? I'm just asking if you know... People like you in general like your friends" I turn to look at my left side and caught Jennie rolling her eyes because of my excuse

"Ya Jennie! Ella will learn that from you" I said as she look down on her plate to continue eating her food with a hint of small smirk on her face

"I have a whole box of love letters at home that Ella received" Jennie suddenly said

"Damn, you got so much admirer huh?" I said looking at Ella who's keeping herself busy just to ignore this kind of topic "and why the hell did you said, I have a whole box? Shouldn't Ella keep the letters that are supposed to be hers" I said turning my attention back to Jennie

"Those are just crushes and it's not deep so they'll get over it" she said

"Your kid is literally a teenager, she's not a baby anymore so let her read the letters"

"She already did" I turn my gaze back to Ella to get a confirmation. She look up at me and nod her head

"And?" I said pushing her to tell me more

"Eomma they are all the same.. I don't want to put their hopes up" she is indeed Jennie's kid

"You don't like any of them?" I said cause if she received plenty then she must've atleast liked one

"No" she said simply

"What do you mean they're all the same tho?"

"The content of the letter. It will always be, Ella you're pretty and all that. It's giving me chills... bad kind of chills" I started laughing at how she said that. She said that with the most disgusted expression ever

"That's mostly the start of the letters" Jennie added while I was laughing

"Eomma what about you.. what did you say to mommy to make her like you?" Ella asks

"It's more about my looks I guess..." I said earning a pinch from Jennie. Ella laugh as she watches Jennie pinch me.

"Don't believe her, she's just imagining things" she said towards Ella. After all that we just continue eating while Ella's talking about their last project in school and how much she hated it. I mean, I can't blame her.

"I'll just use the bathroom real quick" Ella says excusing herself in the middle of her story. I look towards Jennie and she's busy cutting her food and basically just stuffing her face

"I feel like your cheeks will pop off anytime now.. slow down" I said earning a glare from her

"Lisayah you seem to have a problem with me since earlier inside the car" she said since I'm teasing her a lot today

"Really? Hmm.. I don't think so" I said putting my arm around her to pull her closer and place a kiss on her forehead just to keep her from getting mad at me

"I'll seriously hit you with my elbow if you tease me once more" she said and put her cutleries down. I scoot closer and wrap my arms around her again to hug her and pepper her cheek with kisses "Lisayah, Ella's on her way back" she said trying to stop me

"And? Your kid calls me eomma doesn't that explain how much she's fond of me" I said but Jennie push me away playfully but her elbow ended up hitting my stomach quite hard

"Ouch! Ya Jennie Kim!" I said offended which immediately made her laugh

"Ouch! Ya Jennie Kim!" I said offended which immediately made her laugh

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She hold my arms as she keeps on laughing at my reaction. That was quite painful to be honest, since she accidently hit me harder than she should've.

"I'm sorry.." she said in the midst of laughing. I pout out but I also can't help but to smile at how much she's laughing right now.

Ella walks back looking at us like we're both being weird. She slowly sit back down while looking around trying to check if we're gaining attention from other people.

"Ella do you want to change seats? We can eat together and leave your mom here on this table" I said playfully which just make Jennie laugh continuously

"What happened?" She ask with a bit of smile on her face

"Your mom is quite cruel don't you think?" I said earning a wider smile from Ella as she shake her head in disbelief

"You guys are weird" she said making both Jennie and I laugh


When we finally arrived back at the parking lot of the apartment, Ella went out of the car first since she wanted to open her gifts already. I went out second and waited for Jennie to get off since she's the one parking the car. I just stand there and watches her as she make sure that she didn't leave anything inside the car before getting off of it.

"What time-" I got cut off when the elevator door opens and there's a couple of people who are living on the same floor as us. Jennie immediately walk towards me and pushes me so I can go and hide. I run towards the corner and crouch there since the car and the wall is blocking me. Jennie can't risk being seen with someone right now since their suspicion is all on her so whoever she's hanging around with especially someone living close to them will put the suspicion higher. I stayed there crouching while Jennie's standing right beside the car. I heard those people talking and I'm just waiting for them to leave but they keep on talking for atleast a couple more minutes. Probably around 5 minutes of hiding in this narrow, tight, and dim corner I heard their cars heading out making me sigh out of relief.

I duck my head as I breathe out again. My adrenaline literally burst out right there and my heart's beating so fast. When I saw someone approach me, I look up and saw Jennie looking at me with the utmost sympathy. She breathe out shakily as I saw her eyes starts getting teary. She lean down and engulf me in a tight hug.

"I'm sorry" she said in almost a whisper. When I heard that from her a truck of emotion just hit me and that's when I get the reason why she's down here hugging me right now. It is such a pain when we both need to hide from the eyes of the public. Like we're commiting such a big crime. This is considered cheating, I get it. But do we really know what's wrong and right when it comes to this type of situation? What even is the right thing? Is cheating such a big crime when there's an abusive relationship behind it?

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