Lisa's POV
"Where the hell is that?" I grab the other bag and starts looking for my other camera lense. I will start working later at noon so I'm trying to prepare everything now at 8 am.
After Jennie said those words last night I wasn't able to speak cause damn that hurts a lot but then I tried so hard to get myself together and told Jennie that I won't get in her way if that's what she wants but I also can't leave my work here just because of any problems we have. I told her that she can't always run away because of the stuffs I did before which causes her a lot of pain. She somehow need to tell me everything she feels, If she hate me for that then she should tell me right in front my face. We didn't even get to talk properly. I told her I'll apologize over and over again if that's what it takes. She ended up just going back to her apartment.
"There you are" I said picking it up. I walk towards the table where I put my bag for my camera and tuck it in there. I was about to close the bag when my door bell rings.
I immediately walk out and open the door, I then saw Cory with a carton of milk standing right in front of my door.
"I'm guessing you haven't bought anything yet have you?" I smile slightly and nod my head. She reminds me of my mom
"Thanks Cory" I said as she give it to me. My eyes trail on her back as I saw Jennie's apartment door open up and her literal carbon copy walks out. Damn she grew taller and prettier. Before Cory can even go back home Ella's eyes landed on me which makes her stop from walking. I thought she'll continue walking and ignore me but she run towards me so fast and hugged me tightly. Cory on the other hand is looking at us with a smile on her face
"I'll go back in now" she said to give us space making me nod as I thanked her again for the milk
"Eomma I missed you" she said which caught me off guard... I didn't know Ella will still call me that after all these years.
"Who are you? What did you do to my little girl?" I said playfully making Ella laugh. But seriously, she grew up so much
While Ella is still hugging me Jennie walks out of her apartment with Kang following her. Her face drops when she saw Ella hugging me while Kang just look at us
"Ella!" She call her out making the younger girl turn around while her arms are still wrapped around me
"Mommy please let me stay with eomma for a couple of minutes. Also she can drop me off to school if she's not busy right eomma?" She said looking up at me but I'm just looking at Jennie waiting for her answer
"Go get your bag inside Ella, let us talk for a minute" she said
"You haven't had breakfast yet eomma?" Ella ask looking at the milk in my hand so I shake my head slowly. Ella then turn to Jennie expecting her to say something which makes her mom sigh heavily
"Just go and get whatever there is inside" she said towards Ella before the little one walk back to their apartment
as she also gesture Kang to go in as well. At first he's looking at us curiously but end up following Ella anyway. Weird guy"Jennie I-"
"I will let Ella hang out with you while you're here but don't cross the line. Being around her is fine and that's that" she said basically telling me to not be around her
"It's not like I can ask you to go on a date with me" I said trying to joke around like the old times but she gave me a cold shoulder and walk further away from me while waiting for Ella and Kang.
After a minute both Ella and Kang walks out and Ella's smiling widely at me making me smile as well. She walk towards me first to let me hold the plate of food. She then turn around to walk back to her mom to give her a kiss since Jennie's probably heading to work