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I walk out to the living room just to see my friends sleeping there. Seulgi's on the far side of the couch with Irene cuddling while they're sleeping. Jisoo's sleeping on the floor, she probably let Rosie have the small space on the couch. Jackson, Eunwoo, and Bambam are scattered on the floor. I tried my best to not step on Bambam's arm since it's spread out on the floor. He then turn around while murmuring words that I can barely hear

"Bam move!" I said looking down at him but his eyes remain shut. I then kick his shoulder lightly which makes him stumble on the other side. He won't wake up with that anyway.

I walk towards the huge glass window and open up the curtain a bit, it won't wake them since it won't hit their face. I went to the kitchen to make myself a coffee and took some time to finish it. Once I'm all done I checked the time and it's around 10 pm already so I started waking everyone up since they have to catch a flight at noon. Jennie texted me later on, cause she can't go to the airport since she's already at work. Actually they don't want me to bother driving them to the airport cause I have some work to finish as well, but it's the least I can do for them. When I dropped them off at the airport I went straight to my work. For like the whole day I just drowned myself with work related stuff so I haven't really heard anything from Jennie. I went home quite late but Cory said Jennie's not yet home. Ella's in her apartment cause Kang's not home yet, I took Ella in and we ate dinner together. She stayed at my place until 9pm and send her back home when Kang texted her that he's on his way back.

Good thing Irene left me a number of Jennie's friend at work. She did reply back to me saying that Jennie's still inside the operating room for hours now.  Long story short, I didn't get to see Jennie.

The next day I went to work without seeing her again cause she drive Ella to school. With all the luck left, I saw her getting out of her car the same time I arrived at the apartment's parking lot. It's just 5pm so it's quite early for her to clock out of work. I sneakily went out of my car and approach her quietly.

"Doctor Kim!" I yelled out and tap her shoulder making her scream and jump in fear. I laugh at her reaction which quickly made her furrow.

"Lisayah stop it, will you?!" I thought she was just annoyed that I scared her but the look on her face made me understand that she's having a rough day.

"Sorry" I apologize quickly. She sigh out as she tries calming herself down. It looks like she didn't get enough sleep last night. Her friend did told me that she spent the whole night in the operating room. Ah, I get this now.

"Operation didn't go well last night?" By that she turn her head to look at me. I guess I cracked the code

"How did you know" she ask in the same tone but it somehow get softer than before

"You're always like that when we were dating back then. It's either you're mad at me, you're mad at someone, or you're mad at yourself" she sigh out "what went wrong?" you'll probably think not talking about it will help her but it doesn't. I mostly found this out back in Korea. When I'm still missing some of my memories. She'll always get frustrated when she didn't get to save a patient and they end up dying. That is completely normal as a surgeon but Jennie somehow get extremely affected by it cause she's a top class surgeon. Everyone expects her to be great, the only one who understands her failure in our workplace is the other surgeons and the director. Jennie gets mad at herself and if I shrug it off, she'll keep thinking about it by herself.

"Infection" she said

"What's the operation about?"

"Craniectomy" my eyes widen as I heard that

"That's like getting A's on all of my school subjects" craniectomy is basically one of the riskiest surgery... I didn't even dream of being a surgeon that's why I stick with being a pediatrician back then

"Which is very possible" she said

"For you yes it is... But in terms of surgery, the risk is just very high"

"I could've done better"

"You did your best already. You know that patient's won't hang around for too long if they're not destined to" I said

"Well I'm a surgeon so I need to make sure of that rather than putting it all on what they're destined for" she's very mad at herself. Before she can even start heading towards the elevator I stop her midway and put my hands on her shoulders to turn her around so she can face me

"What have I told you before?" I asked her, she furrow her brows like she's ready to get mad again then her eyes soften as she move her eyes away from mine "Failure is always around, but it is your choice to either sit on it or be better" she sigh out and nod her head making me smile as I pull her closer to hug her

"I'm still mad tho" she said breathing in and out trying to calm herself down

"Then be mad, there's nothing wrong with that. Just move along anyway, you'll always be better tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and so on" She pinch my side making me pull out from the hug


"When did you get so smart" she said teasingly making me roll my eyes. She let out a soft chuckle as we make our way towards the elevator. Once the elevator door closes I look at her reflection and I can still see that she's still carrying a heavy weigh on her shoulders. I hope she'll feel better.

When the elevator door open up we both walk out and stop infront of my apartment.

"Have you eaten yet?"

"I don't really have an appetite since yesterday, but I'll try and cook for Ella so we can eat dinner together" I nod my head. I was gonna lean in for a hug but she immediately push me away as her eyes went wide while looking behind me "go" she said quietly

"Who the fuck are you?!" I heard Kang yell out behind

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