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I was staring in to the distance for quite a while now. I have been thinking about what Ella said last night. She didn't get to talk about the letter since Jennie was waiting for her. I was gonna talk to her this morning but I woke up late and Cory told me they left with Ella already. I'm very curious about that letter especially when Ella said that Jennie wrote it without the intention of sending it to me. Why did she wrote it then? She probably want to let out her thoughts.. but still, I want to know what it is. She did say that Jennie wrote it before she get married... That must've been something really important but I'm just losing my mind here not knowing where that letter is. I'm planning to visit Ella's school later to ask the teacher in person but I will also be very busy today so I don't have the time 

I jump out of my seat a bit when a hand hit the table in front of me which made a loud thud. I snap out of my daze and look up to see Mingyu with a smile on his face. He seems to be comfortable around me already.

"sorry the traffic's bad" Mingyu immediately move towards the seat across from mine. He's always well dressed.

"It's alright, I just arrived a few minutes ago" I said

"You drink coffee that fast then?" He said making me look down at my cup of coffee seeing that it's already half empty making me smile at how quick he is

"I'm just saying.. it's alright" I said making him nod

"Sorry if I asked you to have breakfast together. I'm just new to the place" I nod my head in understanding

"It's alright, we need to talk about the studio setting anyway"

"Oh about that, I already checked everything. A couple of staffs will be there later to help us but not all of them since we're not starting yet"

"It's alright, we can use extra hands today"

We basically just ate breakfast while also trying to have a decent conversation. Mingyu seems like a nice guy. I have been hanging out with Jackson, Bambam and Eunwoo back in Korea so I do know when someone is good or just acting good. He's also listening very well and not just talking about himself all the time.


"Can we like move this light right here?" I said politely. Two staffs walk towards me since some of them are either doing something else or helping Mingyu on the other side of the studio trying to fix the backdrop. We moved it on the far side since both lights are too close to one another

"The track light has been flickering since earlier" one girl beside me said. I look up to see one track light flickering and it's up in the ceiling so I can't really see the problem

"Do you know how to fix it?" I ask the other guy but he shake his head. He just needs to tighten the bulb, I don't know what's hard with that. I turn to look and saw Mingyu still busy so I don't have a choice "please get a ladder for me" the guy nod his head before walking out.

After a couple of minutes the guy went back with a ladder and a couple of staffs helped me to go up. Once I reached the light, it doesn't really stop blinking. I tried looking at it first and saw that I don't really need to tighten the bulb since it's on the right place. The bulb stops blinking for a couple of seconds before it continues.

"We should just change this one, there might be a bigger electrical issue there" I said and starts going down. Before I can even move away I heard glass shattering and I felt a hit of pain on my back around my left shoulder

"Lisa!" The worker panics as they helped me to go down thoroughly.

"Are you alright? The bulb exploded" the other guy said as I feel like my shoulder is getting wet. I look up and saw the other workers and Mingyu rush towards our direction while one guy turn the track light off

"There's a nearby hospital, let's go" the employee who's standing on my back said which confuse everyone but when they saw the blood stain they immediately helped me to walk out of the studio.

I seriously don't know how I got to the parking lot that fast since my mind's just roaming around the glass that's pierced on my shoulder. It doesn't hurt as much as I expected but it is getting kinda numb and it's giving me a weird feeling.

"Hang in there, they said the hospital's near" Mingyu said as we sit right next to each other at the back of a staff's car. "Just go fast, it's an emergency" he said tapping the guy who's gonna drive. They can't put pressure on my wound as well to keep it from bleeding cause the glass might pierce deeper

For like 5 minutes we arrived at the hospital and they immediately helped me to go to the emergency room. There are a lot of patients who's in need of help so they had to call for some doctor who's available. The nurses let me sit down the empty bed as they wait for a doctor.

"Please wait the Doctor is coming" I look up and saw Jennie walking towards our way but when she saw my face, I don't know if she's shocked or she simply doesn't want me to be here

"Doctor Williams" Jennie calls out which makes us look at the other doctor not that far from us "can you please-" before the doctor can even listen to Jennie another patient came in who needs assistance and since he's closer he immediately run towards them leaving Jennie with no choice
She sigh deeply but run towards me anyway. She put her hair up first before grabbing a scissor to cut my jacket

"Wait wait! This is expensive" I said which earned a laugh from the nurse beside me but Jennie still has her straight face on

"Do you want to help yourself then?" She said handing the scissor towards me which makes me shake my head

"I'm just joking" I said as an excuse. Jennie cut my jacket to see my wound clearly

"We won't be needing the surgery room, it didn't stab you too deep and the rooms are probably occupied now" she said

"I know, I was a former doctor remember?" I said which made Jennie stop again. I turn my head and she's looking at me with the same straight face

"Am I asking?" I acted like I zipped my mouth and I won't be talking anymore making Jennie continue "please wait outside, draw the curtain please" she said towards the nurse who's inside with us.

"Call me if you need something" Mingyu said

"Do you want me to get the glass or you'll just talk for the whole day?" Jennie told Mingyu so the guy raise his arms up in defense as he apologize quietly before going out

"You shouldn't be too harsh to Mingyu, he's a kind guy" I said when there are just three people inside the curtain, the nurse, Jennie and I

"I'm not asking" she said once more as she start to clean the blood stains around first

"I'm just saying... We're friends aren't we?" I said

"No" I scoff and just chuckle as I let her do her job. As usual Jennie is still gentle when it comes to this kind of things. No wonder she was one of the best doctor in Korea back then.

"Stay still" she said as she grab something from the tray that's being held by the nurse. I know she has her gloves on but I'm suddenly in daze when Jennie place her free hand on my shoulder to hold me while she pull the glass out "do you lay on glass during photoshoots or what?" Jennie said sarcastically making me chuckle

"A lightbulb exploded in the studio as I'm trying to see the problem. It's not serious anyway, right?"

"I thought you were a doctor? you should know answer then" she said

"Well I can't see my back from here, can I Doctor Kim?"

"Doctor Song"

"What?" I asked since I didn't get what she's trying to say

"Doctor Song, I have Kang's last name" oh that... I forgot

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