"we checked everything. The letter was delivered to South Korea" a guy who's probably in his 50s said while standing on the other side of the counter. I went to the post office once I finished eating with Ella. Of course I took her out first before doing all these. We've been here for almost an hour trying to look for that letter but they kept confirming that it was sent to South Korea "we deliver everything to each country and they'll take over so we really don't have any information about your letter. All we know is it arrived in South Korea" he said once more making me sigh
"So I can't contact those people in Korea who delivered it?" I asked
"Our partners in Korea changed these past few years so I'm afraid not"
"Eomma why don't you just ask mommy about it?" Ella said
"It won't be easy to ask her" I said breathing deeply again before turning my head back to the guy to thank him politely before we walk out of the post office "I don't think I can find that letter " I said while we're walking on the sidewalks
"I mean, it's too late anyway. Even if you read it today, mommy wrote it before she got married" I nodded. Ella is right, that letter was written before she got married so it's not like I can change anything now.
"Wait hold on, I'm gonna ask someone" I said and pull my phone out of my pocket while we stood on the sidewalk waiting for a cab. I scroll through the list of numbers on my phone and press the call button. I waited for a couple of rings before the other line picked up
"Hello? Lisa, do you need anything?" Irene asked from the other line
"Irene since you were the closest person to Jennie during these past couple of years I'm gonna ask you about a letter she wrote before her marriage"
"A letter? She didn't tell me anything about a letter. I only went there in LA during her wedding. I arrived a day before the wedding so we didn't really talk a lot" she said making me sigh for the hundredth time today
"Alright, I'll tell you everything about it later" I said since she's probably confused about what letter am I talking about
"Lisa" she calls out before I end the call
"What's up?" I ask
"Look after Jennie will you?"
"Irene, you know that I can't do as much right now since she's married-"
"Just please... Look after her" I guess Irene is just worried about Jennie since they're far away from each other
"Alright, I will" I said before we end the call
We waited for a cab and went straight back to the apartment. It's around 5pm when we reached the apartment. I don't know if Jennie's even back home now.
"Ella, your mommy's back already" Cory said when she saw us "she seems unwell again"
"Is she sick?" I ask, she doesn't seem sick when I was at the hospital earlier
"I don't really know. Go check her" I will if I can. "Kang's not home yet so no one's with her"
"Ella, go check your mom if she's alright. I'll stay outside your door so you can call me if you need anything" I don't even want to go inside their house cause Jennie might get mad.
I stayed outside for a couple of minutes but Irene's words keeps ringing inside my mind. I don't really know what she's thinking but she seems pretty worried about her friend.
"Eomma!" Ella pull me in without any warning and drag me towards a dark room. The light from the living room is slightly illuminating the room. She then drag me towards the bathroom and I saw Jennie sitting on the floor with stain of tears around her eyes. I immediately lean down to look at Jennie but her eyes seems like it's anxiously roaming around the bathroom. I look down on her hand and check everything if she's hurt anywhere.
"What happened?" I asked as I try to stay calm
"I entered and mommy's already there" Ella says and it's obvious that she's freaking out as well
"Ella, go out and grab some water. Don't worry your mom will be fine" I said as I continue searching for any wound but she doesn't have any. Once I let go of her other hand she immediately put it back on her stomach as I noticed how fast her breathing is
"Ya Jennie!" I said looking right on her eyes but it's still unfocused "Jennie look at me!" She didn't so I put my hand on her shoulders to shake her which catches her attention so she look right into my eyes as she keeps breathing heavily "breathe slowly, follow me" I said and inhale through my nose and slowly exhale with my mouth. Jennie put both of her hands on my arm to hold on to it as she follow what I just told her even though she's having a hard time because she keeps sobbing. "Good good, keep going" I said and let her straighten her legs out and her body so she can breathe properly "calm down, it's alright" I said and keep on breathing with her. I haven't seen Jennie like this. Not even when we shared the same roof for years.
I stayed there with Jennie until her breath somehow comes back to normal even though I can still see that she's still having a hard time. Ella went back with a glass of water and she's still worried about what just happened so I told her to stay outside and calm herself down.
"Did you had a panic attack?" I asked Jennie. I'm still kneeling infront of her with her hands still holding both of my arms.
"It's nothing" she said
"I know I promised you that I won't be overstepping my line but what just happened is some serious stuff Jennie" she keep her eyes fixed on the floor. She stayed silent so I just did the same. I roam my eyes around her arms once more to see if she's alright. I stopped looking when I saw a red kind of hand print on her wrist "someone held you too tight" I said which makes her look towards where my eyes are. She immediately pull it back but I'm fast enough to grab her arm softly to look at it again.
"Patients can hold you tightly sometimes if they're too scared about something" she said but her voice betrayed her.. that sounds like a lie to me
"Do I know this patient you're talking about?" I ask trying to catch her eyes but she keeps on avoiding mine
"It's just a random patient" she said
"Jennie, I just hope that this patient who left a mark on your wrist isn't the same patient who made you lose your breath earlier. If it is the same person I'm sorry... but I will cross the line that I drew"