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"is this final?" I ask Mingyu as we walk back to my apartment. He called me earlier and told me to come down for a second as he will pass the pictures to me and also the papers to sign. He can send the pictures online but I also need to sign up some papers for the exhibit.

"Yeah, text me if you want to edit something" he said. I haven't really gone to work this past few days cause I'm just trying to rest, plus Jisoo keeps on bugging me as she wanted to try a lot of restaurant and food chains around.

"Thank you, I'll give you a raise" I said playfully making him chuckle. We're now walking back to the apartment cause Jisoo told me to buy her some food from a near convenience store. Mingyu told me he will go walk with me and since he parked his car outside the apartment we need to walk back together

"That's not a bad idea" he said looking looking towards me

"You've worked hard, maybe even more than I did" I said which made him shake his head

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"You've worked hard, maybe even more than I did" I said which made him shake his head

"You worked as hard, don't worry about it" he said as we made it back to the apartment "I'll go now, don't forget to sign up the papers" he said waving at me as he head towards his car.

I entered the building and walk straight towards the elevator. It's about to close so I push the button to open it up again. What a mere coincidence that I also saw Jennie inside. She smile slightly as she saw me but we stayed silent as I walk inside the elevator. We agreed on not talking outside Cory or my apartment unless it's urgent. We can talk when we're away from this area but we're trying to be extra careful in this building specifically.

I take a glimpse of her and by the looks of it, I think she just got home from work. She's holding a cup of iced coffee on her other hand. I look up at what floor we are in and it's not even close to ours yet. After a few floors the elevator open as a certain woman walk in while looking at both of us suspiciously. Is it bad to think of carving her eyes out of her face when she looked at us?

"Can you guys stop being so suspicious" Morgan says as she push a button on where she's going. We're not even talking and we're literally not even standing close to each other. "I've heard what happened and honestly I am not surprised. I am not naive, you know?" She said looking back to take a glimpse of us. Not naive yes, but very nosy. Both Jennie and I didn't utter a word as we tried to not jump her or anything. "People are literally shameless huh? You guys will have an affair and bluntly show it off.. what's wrong with you guys?" She will not shut up huh? At this point I won't even be surprise if I'll start pulling her hair. I don't have as much patience as Jennie. I look up to see that we're 3 floors away from our apartment which is great

In less than a minute the elevator door open and since I'm closer to the door I walk out first not even looking back cause that will make Morgan suspect that I'm waiting for Jennie.

"What the hell?!" I heard Morgan say in her usual high tone which sounds like a nail scratching on a board.

I turn my head around and saw Jennie's iced coffee cup on the ground and Morgan's white clothes is now stained with coffee

"Oh it slipped" Jennie nonchalantly stated "I guess it knows that I'm about to throw it on a garbage bin.. well that's quite helpful. I didn't know garbage bins can walk now" she said before walking out of the elevator leaving Morgan inside who seems shocked about what just happened.

I blink my eyes a couple of times trying to think about what just happened. Jennie pass by me chuckling at how shocked I am too. People should honestly be careful when they're around Jennie. Never piss her off or you'll regret it. That coffee stain will stay in that white clothes now.

I turn back around and I saw Jennie walking towards Cory's apartment already. I shake my head and started making my way towards my own apartment when I saw Jisoo peek out from Cory's apartment.

"What the hell are you doing there?" I ask

"Come here quickly, Jennie's attorney is here" she said waving her hand at me. She's always everywhere honestly. I walk towards the apartment and entered. I don't know if this is a bad idea cause I think Kang is home.

We walk towards the living room and saw 3 people sitting on the couch with Cory. Jennie walk towards the three of them and it seems like her attorney is introducing the other people too.

"Who are those?" I ask Jisoo since she's just standing next to me

"The short haired girl is Jennie's attorney and the other two is my attorney" I nod my head in understanding, all three of them turn to look at me so I just bow my head down a bit to greet them properly.

"I'm sorry for not telling you that we will drop by" Jennie's attorney said while Cory let Jennie sit next to her

"No, no, it's alright.. is there any news?" She ask, I walk closer to the couch and stand behind where Jennie's currently sitting.

"Yes.. I decided to come and see you in person rather than calling or texting you" she said, I look around and behind us trying to look for Ella

"She's on a phone call with Irene and Seulgi" Jisoo answered without me asking any question. I then take my eyes back to the attorneys to listen to what they are about to say

"So, Ms. Kim's attorney has been helping me so much. We made sure that we have all the evidence that we can put our hands on. We also reviewed every single thing that may come as our advantage and disadvantage just to make sure that we are fully prepared.." she pause and pull up a couple of paper to place down on the coffee table "I'm happy to tell you that... we finally have a date for the court trial"

Jennie didn't even move an inch while I started crying my eyes out after hearing the news. I can't even say how relieve I am right now. This is a start of a very long and tough process for Jennie, and I just feel genuinely happy for her. She's been stuck for a couple of years and I'm just glad that she can finally have a way out of it.

"Ya stop crying" Jisoo said patting my back "you cried way before Jennie can even process anything" she said as I try my best to pull myself together. I then saw Jennie stand up from the couch and thanked her attorney. I thought she's gonna go and start crying too but she turn around and smile when she saw me crying already. She walk towards me and pull me in for a hug. Now this looks like she's the one comforting me cause I'm the one crying.

"I'm sorry, I'm just so happy for you" I said burying my face on her shoulder

"I know.." she said in almost a whisper  as she keep rubbing my back. She let out a shaky breath of relief as she tighten her hug. "We're almost there.. I'll hold on to you and make sure you're in the end with Ella and I"

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