I didn't really stay that long in the hospital since there's no major problems. The doctor told me to rest as he also prescribe a few medicine for the pain so I won't have to deal with it. We were also in a different hospital and not the hospital that Jennie and Kang works in.
I promised Ella that I'll pick her up but Cory told me that she got it. Jennie texted Ella that I wasn't feeling well so Cory will pick her up. Ofcourse Jennie won't really tell her what happened. Honestly if I'll put myself on Ella's shoe I might get a little upset that I don't know anything that is going on around me. But at the same time, Jennie doesn't want Ella to worry that much, Ella's literally 16 and that's too much if she'll carry the same baggage as her mom.
I'm just laying on my bed inside my apartment cause I just want to regain my energy back as soon as possible. The TV is on but I literally just left it open so it won't be dead silent in my room. Jisoo was in my bedroom earlier talking about random stuff but she needed to attend some meeting online so she's on the other room.
Jennie and Ella will be staying at Cory's place which is great. I just wanted the hearing to finally happen.. I'm pretty sure Jennie's tired of everything so the sooner the hearing starts the better. I close my eyes again to drift into another sleep.
I was on the verge of falling asleep when I heard a knock on the door. I won't stand up cause Jisoo will surely get it. I keep my eyes open as I stare at the door waiting for someone to come in. When the door open, I saw Ella come in with Jennie following from behind carrying Ella's bag.
"Eomma, you're not feeling well?" She ask as she walk closer to my bed and sit on the space beside me. She lean down to give me a hug so I wrap my hand on her as well. My eyes then turn to look at Jennie while she's just looking at us. I wonder if Kang is not around cause they can't possibly be here if he's literally just a couple of doors away.
"I'm sorry I couldn't pick you up" I said patting her back
"It's alright, don't worry too much about it. Also mommy wasn't buying me this for a long long time cause I've been on my phone way too much but.. look what Jisoo bought me" she put out her hand towards Jennie making Jennie roll her eyes as she pass a box down to Ella. She then show a box of Nintendo Switch to me
"Jisoo's brainwashing you cause you think that she's the stingy aunt" I said chuckling
"Well I'm completely brainwashed" she said smiling "I'll go out, Jisoo told me we can order food" she said as she stand up and leave my room
"Kang's not around?" I asked once Ella's outside
"Yup, he's on a long shift. Ella wanted to see you, that's why instead of going straight to Cory's place she walk straight to yours" Jennie says as she put Ella's bag down on the corner
"You wanted to see me too, I get it.. don't sugar coat it that much" I said playfully
"It's quite cold in your room, it's making my skin crawl" she said acting like she's cold making me laugh "did you take your medicine already?"
"I did.. my stomach is quite painful earlier so I drink one"
"Let me see" she said as she sit to where Ella sat earlier. She then pull my cover down to lift up my shirt
"Right... being a doctor gives you the excuse of doing that all of a sudden . I know you too well Doctor Kim" I said teasing her more. She then put her hand on my stomach and press it harder than she have to
"Ouch! That hurts!" I said furrowing my brows as she tried to hide her smile
"What? I'm being a doctor right?" I scoff out and laugh at her response "I'm checking so you won't have to go back to the hospital"
"You pressed so hard though" I said pouting making her chuckle
"Aww is the baby hurt?" She ask like she's trying to talk to a literal infant
"Ya unnie, doctors can't do that. I mean you can press it to check but not that hard" I said defensively
"I mean, I'm a surgeon so I'll do your operation if there's any complications" she said jokingly as she pull my cover up so it can keep me warm. "I'll go out, I need to talk to my lawyer on the phone. Do you need anything?" She ask
"A different surgeon please" I said making her shake her head as she head out.
After she head out I tried my best to fall asleep once more which didn't take too long since my eyes are also very heavy.
I flutter my eyes open and look at my bed side table to see that it's already 7 pm. I slept for a few hours which is not enough. I then turn my head on the other side of the bed as I felt movements just to see Jennie laying down beside me.
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"Are you feeling better?" She ask
"How long have you been there?" I ask instead of answering
"I don't know, I lost track of time"
"Unnie, if you're just there looking at me sleeping for a long time.. that's quite creepy" I said which made her chuckle
"I was watching dumbass" she said pointing at the TV which is still open
"But you can't watch when you're facing me" I said since I did caught her laying like that when I woke up
"You just have answers for every single thing" she said pinching my cheek which made me flinch again. Kang literally punched me right on my nose and pinching my cheek kinda stretched out that part
"Stop pinching or pressing near Kang's punches" I said and instead of apologizing she just chuckle at how annoyed I am
"Alright alright" she'll do that again later on, I can tell
"Help me up, I want to drink water" I said, she sit up and arrange my pillow so I can lean back comfortably before she help me sit up. She reached out on my other side to grab the glass of water and put it right infront of my mouth "I literally can hold it.. my hands are still working"
"I didn't ask, drink now" she said and help me drink as well. "Do you want to lay back down or just stay like that?" She ask once I'm done drinking
"My back is already sore from laying down way too much. Aren't you going home yet?" I ask
"Do you want me to?"
"Is that really an option for you right now?" I ask her back
"I told you Kang will be on a night long shift so I'll stay here with you to take care of you"
"I just need to rest, I am fine I swear" I said
"Well I'm not.. so let me sleep here with you so I can look after you"
"Isn't Ella going back to Cory's apartment?" I ask
"She's been watching a series with Jisoo earlier, Jisoo told me that she'll let Ella sleep there so don't worry about anything" she then scoot closer to me so she can rest her head on the crook of my neck and hug me by the waist. Jennie's scent is just fucking addicting.. like have you been in relationship or have you liked someone who has an addicting smell? Like it's not even the perfume they use or the smell of their clothes it's more of the scent from their hair or their skin. It sounds weird honestly but that scent lingers for a long time, that is why when Jennie's simply next to me.. without looking at her, I know that it's Jennie.
"I guess I have no choice" I said playfully. Since she's now literally pressing her face on my neck I can tell that she smile from my response