Since Jennie was talking to her lawyer after everyone left the courtroom she told us that she'll have lunch with her and Jisoo's attorney since they wanted to talk. I'm pretty sure no one is prepared now that Jennie's mom shows up. We don't even know if who's side is she on. As far as I know her mom lean towards Kang's side a lot so I am quite nervous.
We're now back at the court house after a quick lunch and the first person I saw was Jisoo's attorney who's currently on the hallway.
"You guys are done eating?" The attorney ask
"Yeah, have you seen Jennie?" I ask. She turn a bit to point her out and she's currently sitting on the ground.
"We can't go in yet?" Jisoo ask looking at the time. There's literally 10 minutes left before the trial continues
"You can.. Ms. Kim wanted to stay outside for a little longer" I nodded in understanding. There's not much people outside so that's probably why she doesn't mind sitting right there
"Is she feeling sick?" I ask since her face is buried as she is hugging her legs together
"I don't think so"
"Can I go to her?" I ask not knowing if that'll look bad or that'll risk something
"Sure" I nod my head and walk towards her. I thought someone was running behind me so I look back just to see Jackson getting pulled back by everyone
"I want to come too" he said but they all drag him towards the courtroom so he can leave us alone. I walk towards where Jennie is and kneel down infront of her so we can be on the same level.
"Hey" I said softly not trying to startle her. She immediately lift her face up and gave me a smile.
"Hey" she greeted me back
"You alright?" I ask
"Yeah.. I'm nervous about mom" she said not trying to hide it from me
"Me too" I said honestly, I sometimes don't want to lie to her just to make her feel better. I feel like there are times where I can lie to her just so she can be positive about it but at this time, she'll feel more comforted if she knows that she's feeling the same thing as someone else and her feelings are valid.
"Did you had your lunch?" She ask diverting the topic a bit
"Yeah, did you?" I ask her back
"I had a sandwich.. not a proper lunch huh?" She said probably thinking that I will start nagging her for not eating a proper meal. I chuckle and nod at her
"The trial will most likely be done by dinner.. we can eat together" I said
"Just say it if you're asking me out on a date or something" she said playfully which made me roll my eyes as I heard her laughing lightly
"Ms. Kim, let's go in" we heard her attorney says from the courtroom's door
"Let's go in Ms Kim" I repeated when her attorney went back in
"Shut up" she said making me chuckle as I stand up and put both of my hands out so I can help her up. When I pulled her up she let go of my hand and I thought she'll go straight to the courtroom but she lean over to give me a hug. "I love you" she said softly before letting me go and walking straight to the courtroom.
We basically just waited for the judge and I haven't seen Jennie's mom around but she's for sure here, maybe not inside the court room but Jisoo's attorney said she's around earlier.
"Now may we call Mrs. Kim to the witness stand" the judge says. Most of the people inside the courtroom looks back but the side door opens and she walks in. It happens that she walks in from the side door where Jennie is close to. She's not wearing any expression so it is harder to actually think of her thoughts right now. I'm used to Jennie's mom being all mad or someone who always seems displeased no matter what we do. Since she entered from the side door near Jennie, I saw how Jennie immediately stood up and face her. She didn't really stop walking but she slows down when Jennie stood up.
"Mom please... just please say the right thing" Jennie says in almost a desperate kind of tone. Her statement will for sure help the custody more than anything. Jennie's lawyer asked Jennie to sit back down since her desperation won't actually help anyone. I turn to look at Kang and he has a smirk on his face. I'm pretty sure he knows that Jennie's mom likes him and will most likely be in favor of him.
Our whole group is just silent as we wait for them to start. We're all just nervous and we can't help Jennie even though we all wanted to. Jennie's mom sits on the chair and keep her eyes glued elsewhere. She's not making any eye contact with anyone.
"Mrs. Kim, we will proceed with your statement" I don't think they will question her since she's really not around Jennie and Ella often. The court just needed her opinion or her statement for them to decide. She stayed silent for a couple of seconds which leaves the whole courtroom in a very loud silence.
I'm Ella's grandmother and the petitioner's mom. Ella was given to Jennie to be taken care of since she can provide for her and she loves her as much as she loved her sister. I wasn't really around Ella nor Jennie most of the time as I have my own work and I'm living quite far from them. Ella occasionally checks up on me which reminds me of my late daughter, Ella's mom. I am here as Ella's grandmother cause I wanted her to have the future that I wasn't able to give both of my children, especially Jennie. I am sure that Jennie won't do anything to harm my grandchild that is why she chose to stay in LA and marry Kang thinking that he is a great guy." She pauses and lift her head up to look ahead. I turn to look at Jisoo's attorney and she nodded.. I'm not entirely sure of that but I just know that she's somehow swerving on Jennie's side.
"I won't pretend that I didn't push her into marrying Kang, I also thought he was a great guy who will make Jennie and Ella happy. If you ask me, how is marrying someone or settling down a way of protecting her child? Jennie is the type of person who will put others before herself. She will always put Ella's safety and happiness first. As you all know, Jennie is now with Lisa.. for the third time. I am well aware of how cruel I am when it comes to their relationship. I have tried separating them all the time. You see if Jennie put herself first, she would've stayed in South Korea and gave Lisa the fourth chance but no... she knows that she's not just holding her own future but also Ella's future. Instead of trying their relationship again without the assurance of it, she chose to just move on and live here in LA. I wasn't aware that she's hurting nor was I aware of her current state. As Jennie's mom, it hurts me a lot. I have been mean to Jennie plenty of times, I have compared her a lot to other people but I have never..." Her voice cracks up a bit as she tries to hold back her tears and she look towards Kang with anger in her eyes "I have never hurt her physically. I have never laid a finger on my own daughter" I look towards Jennie and her tears are already streaming down her face. " I would've never pushed my daughter into marrying you if I found out earlier. If Jennie's sister and Ella's biological mom is still here with us, I know for a fact that she wants her child to stay with her sister. I know for a fact that if she can decide all over again, she would've picked the same decision. And I know for a fact that Jennie's sister also wanted her to be somewhere safe and happy. So please your honor... give the custody to the right person, give the custody to my daughter Jennie"