"what are you doing?" I ask since when I arrived at our apartment floor I saw Jisoo dragging a couple of bags from Cory's apartment to my apartment
"I'm moving Jennie and Ella's stuff" I literally stayed at the courthouse cause the attorney talked to me about scheduling a meeting between us so I can be well prepared for the next day of trial.
"What for?" I ask and that's when Jennie walks out of Cory's apartment looking at me like she's also questioning Jisoo's motives
"You see, Kang knows that you guys are together and he had the audacity to use it against Jennie in court so now... Since everyone seems to know already, you guys don't need to hide and stay separately" she said pushing the last bag inside my apartment. I mean she's not wrong, but isn't this all too sudden?
"Eomma" Ella calls me out when she walk out from my apartment. I'm guessing she's also helping Jisoo. Jennie doesn't seem to mind it but she was not informed that they're moving to my apartment right now, I mean.. I'm not informed too. "Have you eaten already?" Ella ask approaching me to give me a hug
"I'm not really hungry, how about you?" I ask as I put my arm around her as we walk inside my apartment with Jennie and Jisoo entering right behind us
"Mommy and I ate when she arrived" she said, I turn to look at Jennie and she gave me a slight smile. I know she's still pissed about Kang's attorney and Kang from earlier but I know that she's trying to not carry the baggage here because of Ella. I am also frustrated about what happened earlier but it is not like I didn't thought of such consequences when I chose to help Jennie.
"I'll make a quick call" Jennie says patting my back when she pass by us. Jisoo on the other hand also grab her phone and walk the other way, she'll probably call someone.
"Eomma" Ella calls me out again
"Morgan told Kang huh?" im guessing Jennie informed her.. or it might also be Jisoo
"I'm not entirely sure.. don't worry about it tho" I said walking towards the couch to sit there
"I mean, I'm not saying that seeing each other behind him is good.. it's just that, I like it more when mommy's happy" she said. Jennie did told us that Kang is a good father towards Ella so she's probably confused about what's wrong and what's right at this point
"Ella.." I call her out this time "this is wrong alright?"
"What is?" She ask
"Affairs... cheating isn't something you should tolerate. Even if I'm protecting your mom, doesn't mean we're completely on the right side. I'm not telling you that you should've told Kang about your mom and I.. but I'm just telling you, make sure that you're doing it for a greater good. Your mom is married, I'm well aware of that. But your mom is also hurting, that is why I made such decision" I said trying to clear things up for her. I don't want her to grow up with the knowledge that any of this is normal.
"I know, eomma.. mommy said the same thing. The court said they will also ask me questions and I will just answer honestly" I nod my head "but still.." she added making me look back at her "Eomma, I haven't been in a single fight in school since we moved here in LA"
"You're very friendly even when you guys are still in Korea" I said
"Right? That's what I'm saying.. but Morgan.." she scoff as if she's very pissed too. With that little scoff, I can literally see Jennie in her "My hands are tingling.. it's like it's telling me to go pull the hair of a certain woman named Morgan" I chuckle at how serious she looks when she said that
"Go do that before your mom stop you" I said playfully. It seems like I summoned Jennie by mentioning her name as I saw her walking back to the living room
"Stop her from what?" She ask overhearing our conversation
"Pulling Morgan's hair" I said looking at her to see her reaction
"You can't do that" she said towards Ella.. I knew that she'll stop her from such thoughts- "better bring scissors so you can also cut her hair" she said which caught me off-guard but Ella laugh at that
"Ya Jennie, don't say such things to Ella" I said still shocked that she actually said that
"I'm kidding" she said sitting next to me "or am I?" I squint my eyes as I look at her making her laugh. It's actually quite shocking that she's not as stressed out as she was inside the courtroom
"You're feeling better?" I ask
"I don't know.." she said pausing as she slide her hand on my back leaning on me "I'm very mad at the courtroom earlier"
"I did notice that" I said looking up to see Ella walking towards the TV to turn it on
"But you know what, it's not like my anger will help us both. It made me furious so I'm now very motivated to actually win the case. I'm fighting for my divorce and Ella's custody and that's already a lot for me.. but Kang chose to bring you on board as well. I'm very competitive you know?" She said in a lighter mood making me smile as I nod at her
"I'm actually surprised that you're doing just fine" I said making her smile
"You see.. I haven't been a top surgeon in the industry by just sitting pretty. I went against many surgeon to be well respected. I don't see why I can't do the same in this court case, you know?"
"You're doing well already, plus your attorney and Jisoo's attorney works hard. If this doesn't work out.. I may have to just take you both with me anyway" she scrunch up her nose and smile even wider at my statement. She was about to say something when Jisoo walks back to the living room
"They're here" she said which makes us turn around to face her
"Who's here-" I didn't even get to complete my question when the door open and a couple of people started flooding in.
"Ella your favorite uncle is here" Jackson says carrying a couple of bags. Irene who's right beside Jackson glare at him for being too loud when it's night time already.
"Send me the pictures you took outside the airport" Seulgi says towards Chaeyoung.. it looks like they're on a vacation rather than being here for the actual trial
"You invited them?" I ask Jisoo but she's busy laughing at Bambam for something i don't even know
"Are you guys here for the trial?" Jennie ask Irene.. it seems like they're the only people whose having an appropriate and normal conversation right now
"Yeah, even though it doesn't really look like it" Irene says, she wave at Ella and engulf her in a hug
"But the first day of trial is over" Jennie said
"Don't even get me started. We talked about being here a day before the trial and these 3 guys went on a night long party the night before our flight" she said rolling her eyes
"Don't forget the fact that Seulgi forgot your flight ticket too" Eunwoo says. Chaeyoung started laughing by the thought of it
"We were gonna leave without Eunwoo, Jackson, and Bambam but when we're already at the airport Seulgi told Irene that she forgot their plane tickets" Chaeyoung explains. I'm not even surprised
"The important thing is we're all here now" Seulgi says trying to divert Irene's anger towards the 3 guys again