𝟏𝟔 - 𝐏𝐥𝐨𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐭

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You watched how Jungkook's softened look full of defeat diminished when his eyes stiffened, a harsh glare making its way to his face.

You felt the atmosphere change, it become darker and it become harder to breath.

It wasn't just the fact that you were being held at gun point by Daniel, it was Jungkook. A smug smile lingered on his face as both fear and confusion consumed you.

He kept walking nearer to you and Daniel despite being warned not to have done that. He stood right in front of you.

"Well, you got her, now where's my money?", he asked Daniel.

You couldn't believe what he was saying, this better be a joke.

"You'll only get your money when we get her to sign the paper and then, we kill her", Daniel grinned. You couldn't see it but you knew he was grinning.

You couldn't think of anything other than the fact Jungkook had practically sold you to the enemy, exactly when did this happen? 

You were sure as heck going to think twice before letting your mother hire a stranger she met in the mall again.

"Tell those friends of yours to scram and if they step in my way again, they'll only be found dead!", Daniel stated. Jungkook turned around to command the others to leave.

Were they also just going to abandon you here?

Your question was soon answered when Jimin gave you a pitiful glance and the others followed suit, some of Daniel's men showing them their way out of the warehouse leaving you to die in the hands of the newly formed duo of Jungkook and Daniel.

"Alright, the papers for the merge should be here soon, take her back to the room", Daniel ordered as you were now handed to Jungkook with handcuffs making it unable for you to do anything. You couldn't even think of escaping with the tight hold Jungkook had on you making marks on your wrists that were sure to sting.

Jungkook brought you back into the room he had initially rescued you from, the irony.

You sat in the corner like a puppy still stunned by Jungkook's change of personality. He was tying your legs when he stared up at you and you tried to avoid his gaze.

You weren't scared of him, even not now but you were disappointed.

He began to answer the question you were thinking of but would never ask.

Why was he doing all this?

"Nothing personal princess, it was the only way I could save myself  and I figured this teaches you a lesson to quit being a brat!", he retorted.

You knew you guys  had your ups and downs but he was wrong about this one. He was a coward for saving himself.

Though you though he was different, Jungkook began to look like everyone else you had ever met in your life, chasing you down for their own fulfillment and greeds.


Well that was sad.

Also if anyone is confused, Jungkook is now helping Daniel.

Hope you enjoyed! ❤️✨

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