𝟐𝟎 - 𝐃𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐢𝐧 𝐚 𝐬𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐨𝐰 𝐩𝐨𝐨𝐥

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His lips were mere inches away from yours.

You attempted to close the distance.

But it all shattered.

Jungkook suddenly let go of your waist and broke away from you.

"I-umm I have something to take care of actually", he scratched the back of his head as he increased his distance from you.

You watched him walk away and out the pool, not even turning to give you one last pitiful look.

Tears welled up in your eyes, maybe you had gotten something wrong.

Maybe he had someone else...

Maybe just maybe this was the heartache you were afraid of, the one your mother faced when your father left, the heartache of love.

You were left alone in the shallow pool but it felt like you were drowning.


"You have to get up, Y/N, you'll be late!", Mia smacked you with a pillow to the back of your head but you could care less.

You slumped your face deeper into the pillow, not bothering about what time it was or that you were supposed to be at work at this very hour.

It was never like you to be late anywhere, forget work. People could always count on you but today was different.

You didn't want to see him or that perfectly sculpted face of his which would only make you want to retreat to your room and hide under the blanket.

Mia was beyond frustrated, she had never seen you like this and frankly she was worried. She sighed in defeat with the lack of getting you to even slightly move off your bed. She took a seat next to your body on your bed.

"Look", she heaved a deep breath in, "I know something's wrong but if you won't tell me, I can't help you Y/N, please talk to me", she whispered the last part.

"I'm fine", your muffled voice rang out. You didn't want to tell her because maybe you were still trying to convince yourself otherwise.

"Do you want to get up then?", she asked.

"No, I'm good", you huffed.

"Tsk, Y/N, give me something to work with!", Mia whined.

With some sudden courage and an attempt to keep your life from falling apart, you got up abruptly.

Your hair sprawled in all directions and your face, wide awake. Anyone could tell you hadn't been sleeping because you hadn't.

"Y/N you-", Mia abruptly cut her sentence short. She didn't want to be rude to you but you could definitely use some help.

"What", you retorted.

"N-nothing, you look...great", Mia faked a smile.

"I'm getting up, don't worry", you got out of bed with a huge scowl on your face and watching you rage at your closet door that was taking too much effort to open on a terrible day like today, Mia knew she didn't want to question what had gotten you so upset.

"I did want to tell you, the wedding day has been arranged a few weeks from now", Mia tried to contain her excitement.

You took one look at her and all your pent up anger and sorrow vanished. You owed Mia an apology, she was supposed to be full of bliss since she had been so excited for her wedding and you couldn't be a pessimist right now.


You eyed your watch running to the car, you were terribly late at your first day back at work.

It was only fair your employees gave you a warning for this delay. It wasn't fair you got late while they actively tried their best to be on time.

You entered the passenger seat, throwing your bag to the back and trying to stuff the remainder of your breakfast in your mouth.

You didn't even get to see the driver when his voice caught your attention through the car.

"You're late", Jungkook was beyond annoyed.

For a second, just for a second, you had forgotten about him.

"I've been waiting here for 45 minutes", he stated nonchalantly, staring you down through the rear view mirror.

Had he woken up on the wrong side of the bed?

It didn't matter, he had no right to be upset, it was you who did.

You plain out ignored him as you stared out the window.

There were new boundaries between the two of you now, it wasn't as enemies with constant bickering, or as friends, the relationship you would do anything to return to.

This time he was only your bodyguard, no lines crossed.


Yikes, this is a train wreck! hehehe

Hope you enjoyed!❤️✨

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