𝐁𝐨𝐧𝐮𝐬 𝟎𝟏: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐞 𝐨𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐞𝐫

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"So you'll be there?", Jungkook anxiously asked through the phone.

You glanced upon your schedule in the office which was fully booked but how could you not attend something that was so important to him.

You sighed through the phone which Jungkook quickly caught.

"Please", he whined like a little kid.

"Alright alright, I'll try my best to be there", you gave him a probable answer, not trying to disappoint him but not wanting to bring his hopes up either.

You and Jungkook had been together for two years now, a lot had changed around the two of you but fortunately, nothing had changed between you and him.

There had to be hiccups here and there in your relationship but nothing too big and a lot of the time you had to give it to Jungkook.

When you would get mad, he would quietly listen, giving you time to cool down. He was very understanding and you wondered if your idea of love would have been different if it were someone else.

Would you have felt this safe? This happy?

After Jungkook had gotten back from America, he enjoyed the time he spent around you but you could see he wasn't completely satisfied.

For a while you had pushed the thought to the back of your mind afraid to confront him but it got harder to watch him in so much distress so one day, you went right out and asked him what was wrong.

He hesitated at first but he knew he had to get it off his chest, "I just, don't get me wrong, I love hanging out with you all day but you work too and when you go out, I'm left all alone in the house, it's like I don't have a purpose", he had grumpily fallen on the couch.

"I guess ever since I was young, this is what I was afraid of, I was afraid of not knowing what my life's purpose was, I mean, I know I enjoy being a street fighter but it isn't a career really", he sighed, crossing his arms.

Just then, Jimin had entered your house like he did ever so often. In fact Mia and Jimin were always coming in and out of your house, not that you minded.

"What brings you here?", you asked Jimin.

"My eye was twitching and it's my kookie instincts, I knew something was wrong, my poor baby!", he ran to Jungkook on the couch.

"Kookie instincts ? My poor baby! I'm not a child hyung", Jungkook huffed, ironically like a child.

You chuckled watching from a far.

"Now tell me what's up?", Jimin asked.

Jungkook had gone over all his complaints that he did with you when Jimin got an idea.

"Why don't you come with me, I think I have the perfect thing for you", Jimin insisted.

"Good, I could use a break from a sulking baby", you chuckled, sipping on your water.

Jungkook abruptly got up, "Who you calling baby?", he narrowed his eyes at you, smirking.

He came closer, just enough so Jimin couldn't hear what he would say.

"I think you know better than anyone that I'm not a baby", he whispered in your ear, leaving you flustered.

Luckily, he had left with Jimin already giving you enough time to not choke on your water from his previous remarks.

The day past swiftly since for the first time, it was you having your day off and having to be alone in the house.

You soon heard the door knob twisting and turning before Jungkook had entered the house in a very surprising outfit. A police officer uniform.

"What do you think?", he excitedly twirled for you like a little child in a tutu.

"Jimin hyung said I'd make a great police officer and I think I'm taking up the opportunity", he beamed with excitement and you were so happy for him.

"I'm so happy for you hun", you smiled as he hugged you.

So Jungkook began his training at the police academy and today was the day he would graduate and become a police officer and you would try your best to be there to see it happen.

You focused back on your work as you typed away the last of the business report. A few more things to go and you would be done.


Your eyes flickered open, you lazily turned your head to the other side only to see the clock glaring back at you.

You jolted up as the sudden realization hit you, you had fallen asleep and you were supposed to be at Jungkook's graduation.

With a quick grab of your coat and purse, you were running out the office.

You tried your best to drive quickly and fortunately, there wasn't a lot of traffic on the road.

Within a few turns and a few glances at your watch, you were at the hall.

You entered in a hurry, trying to find a seat.

You could see Jungkook at the front nervously looking around for you until you lightly waved to catch his attention.

His nervousness turned into relief.

Jimin and Mia were also there but they were in the front since they had shown up quite earlier.

The ceremony began as they called out all the names, one by one and appointed the badges.

You were proudly looking at Jungkook the whole time.

Eventually, when the ceremony had ended and everyone began to disperse, you went to the front to meet Jungkook.

Once you saw him, he opened his arms for you and you gladly ran into them.

"I'm so so so proud of you!", you kissed his face on every "so" as he giggled.

"Thank you for trying your best to make it for me", he smiled.

"I'll always be here", you squeezed his hands which were in yours.

"So are you excited to start your new job mister police officer", you wiggled your eyebrows making him chuckle.

"Maybe, it depends, I can't wait to take on some heavy cases", he stated.

You knew being a police officer was not an easy task, most of the times, Jungkook would be dealing with criminals and putting his life in danger over and over against and that worried you deep down.

"Why don't you start slow, like umm being in-charge of traffic, catching someone speeding, sounds exciting right", you nudged his elbow.

"Seriously love, I rather take on something dangerous you know", he replied.

You sighed solemnly looking down before you felt two hands around your waist making you look up at Jungkook again.

"I know you're worried but whatever happens", he connected his forehead to yours.

"I'll always come home to you", he smiled.

Bonus one done!

Hope you enjoyed! ❤️✨

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