𝟐𝟐- 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐡 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐬𝐩𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐝 𝐝𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐤

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The orange drink seeped into your pants and in seconds you were up and out the chair. 

"I'm so sorry", Jungkook replied although it came off as sarcastic, as if he meant to do it all this time. What was his problem anyways?

"You did this on purpose!", you protested.

"I swear I didn't mean it", Jungkook came to his defence but at this point you lacked the capacity to take anything sincerely from his mouth.

"Oh sure you didn't", you bitterly chuckled and it was your turn to take your revenge

You could care less who was watching or the fact that you guys were in the middle of the mall's foodcourt creating a fuss out of nothing and with that you grabbed the closest thing which was Mia's half drunken sparkling water and dumbed it on Jungkook's head.

It was his turn to stand up and gasp as you crossed your arms, standing proudly.

He narrowed his eyes at you and anyone could tell he was shooting daggers.

"Why you little-", you were sure he would have begun his never ending profanities at you if it wasn't for Jimin and Mia coming in between the both of you as if they were holding off two children from getting into a fight.

"Ok thats it!", Jimin stood in front of Jungkook so he didn't get too close to you and Mia stood in front of you. People were gathering and surely you had made a fool out of yourself but you were only glad that Jungkook was a fool too.

"Why would you do that Y/N?", Mia asked taken a back because she would find you the last person to do something like that.

"I wouldn't have done it if he hadn't!", you frustratedly let out.

Unfortunate for you, Jungkook had heard you loud and clear and he wasn't backing down just yet.

"Oh yeah! well at least mine was an accident, I wasn't the one who acted like a brat", he huffed trying to take a step closer to you but you were lucky Jimin was holding him off.

"You're a jerk you know that!", you yelled back, from all the times you had called him a jerk, you meant it the most right now.

"Let's go Jungkook, thats enough", Jimin dragged Jungkook away from you, whispering something only audible to Mia before leaving.

You watched Jungkook and Jimin disappear as you sat back on the chair not bothering how wet your thighs were getting from the drink.

"What was that?", Mia was irritated and she had every right to be. This was supposed to be a fun get together but you and Jungkook ruined it for all of you.

The crowd slowly dispersed as you began to talk.

"I-I don't know, I wish I could tell you", you mumbled while looking down to Mia. You wish you could come clean of the irritating feeling on your chest but you had no idea how to express it.

"And I wish I could help you if you just told me, I hope you figure out what's going on Y/N, I want to be there for you", Mia sighed.


A few days past, after the first day of getting back to work, you proposed three weeks off for everyone as a way to cope with everything that had happened and you needed it considering you were part of planning and attending Mia's wedding. She would kill you if you missed it.

You stared out your bedroom window looking at the morning sun. You couldn't believe how hopeless you felt looking at the literal sunshine.

Grubbily, you walked down the stairs for breakfast but not before making sure you couldn't hear Jungkook's voice coming from the kitchen. Ever since the drink incident, you both had been avoiding each other and you were grateful since being off from work you never went anywhere thus you didn't need a bodyguard. Your mother and Mia even had to eat two meals every time, one with Jungkook and one with you. 

You walked down the stairs cautiously as your mother got a glimpse of you from the kitchen.

"He's gone", she sighed knowing very well what you were looking for.

You passed her a smile as a thank you.

Your mother placed the eggs in front of you. You were surprised because she left cooking to you most of the times.

"Jungkook made the food today", she replied to your unasked question.

"I can make my own", hearing his name, you rolled your eyes.

"Don't be childish Y/N, leave this fight in the past and plus he made extras just for you so be a little thankful", your mother stated.

You didn't protest further because frankly who wouldn't like free meals. Although the thought did linger in your head, "he made extras just for you". 

Was he really thinking about you? 

The thought fluttered your heart and as much as you hated the feeling, you couldn't stop it.

You couldn't hate him even if you tried, even despite it all, what was this feeling and why did it make you feel exactly how Mia felt when she would talk about Jimin?


Y/N and Jungkook have a lot of things to resolve, Yikes! 

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