𝟏𝟗 - 𝐑𝐮𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠

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That moment still lingers in your mind and you have yet to figure out why?

It's been a week since the events, Daniel was caught and after further research, the police found other illegal activities through his company and so the Kang corporation was shut down for not only trying to kill you but for committing multiple law violations as well.

Things were going back to normal and you would never have imagined even escaping or getting to see your mother break out into tears when you were back in her arms or find Mia finally being able to sleep properly after you were safe and sound.

It was a beautiful night as you heaved a long sigh. Your legs dangling in the cold pool in your backyard. The stars looking like glimmering glitter in the reflection of the water.

"Can't sleep?", you flinched slightly, clenching your heart only to see Jungkook taking a seat next to you.

"Didn't mean to scare you", he chuckled, his feet now dangling in the water just like yours.

"It's alright", you smiled.

You guys no longer uselessly bickered. Jungkook felt like a friend now. Funny how it took Daniel kidnapping you for you guys to end up on good terms. You did feel you owed him a lot, you owed him your life and come to think of it, you never got to say a proper thank you.

"Thank you", you uttered, almost like a whisper as though you were practicing before saying it to his face but he heard it loud and clear.

"For what?", he tilted his head slightly to look at you, those doe eyes coming in full focus to meet yours.

"For saving me", you rolled your eyes as if it wasn't obvious, was he really making you say that?

"It's my job you know, you don't have to say thank you", he replied.

That did sting a little, it was his job and nothing else, he did it only for the sake of his job.

"I'm sorry about pretending to kidnap you and stuff but I gotta be honest, I got you good!", he smirked.

Even in an apology, he had to fit in somewhere that he was a jerk.

"That was not funny!", you playfully smacked his chest.

"P-please Jungkook, don't do this", he mocked you as you gasped causing him to fall into a laughing fit.

"You're a jerk, you know that!", you pushed him not thinking where you were until you saw that you had pushed him into the pool.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry", you called out but Jungkook didn't come back up.

You saw his body floating like a dead man, his face in the water.

Did he not know how to swim? The realization dawned on you, you might have just killed Jungkook.

With panic in your eyes, you jumped in the pool in hopes of rescuing him. Quickly you realized he was very heavy, you tried to turn him over but it was no use. You opted out on dragging him slowly to the edge of the pool.

"Almost...there", you grunted.

"Boo!", in a flash, you felt a hands around your waist making you flinch.

There stood Jungkook laughing like a crazy man as you narrowed your eyes at him.

"I got you so good!", he laughed even harder. What a monster.

"I hate you!", you splashed his face with water.

"No, you don't", he splashed back. No, you didn't.

His hands were still on your waist, steadying you in the water. And you guys were only getting closer from the constant ripples in the water moving you guys in sync.

He suddenly stopped laughing, your hands now resting on his chest from the closeness. You gulped.

In Jungkook's eyes, you looked perfect like this, in his arms.

He looked between your eyes and lips, only wanting to move closer and closer until he couldn't.

He didn't know how you would feel, this could ruin everything.



Hope you enjoyed!❤️✨

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