𝟎𝟓 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐞

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"He's kind of cute for a bodyguard, don't you think?", Mia wiggled her eyebrows.

"It's never going to happen so I'd let it go if I were you", you narrowed your eyes. You knew exactly what Mia was thinking, anytime a boy had entered your life, she'd always expect that you might just have yourself a man but it never happened and Jungkook was no different, heck, you rather date a trash can than that jerk.

Just then, your conversing was interrupted then none other than Jungkook. Speak of the devil. "Ms. Y/N, I am taking the room next to yours in case something happens, I'll be right next door", he stated.

"One, don't call me Ms. Y/N and two, take any other room than that one", you groaned.

"One, I can call you whatever I want and two, it wasn't a question, I'm taking the room next to you", he grinned.

Ugh, you absolutely hated his guts. "Well have a nice night Ms. Y/N", he waved knowing very well you hated being called Ms. Y/N. You tried your best not to choke him right there and then.

"Aww you two are cute!", Mia chuckled as you mentally gagged.


The next morning, you were up and ready at your usual 7 am. A routine you had stuck by since high school. After all, you only got busier and your sleep only got shorter.

Dressed in your office attire, you walked out of the room when your curiosity took over you as you went over to the room next to you.

To your surprise, Jungkook wasn't there so he was probably already awake. You walked down the stairs as a delicious aroma hit your nose. Following it, you ended up in the kitchen where Jungkook was whipping up some pancakes.

Wow, he was a good cook!

"Good morning Ms. Y/N", he smiled and for the first time he was actually nice to you. Wow, sleep really changed him huh.

"Why don't you take a seat, your breakfast will be ready in a minute".

Usually, you would just eat any leftovers from dinner for breakfast but this treatment was new to you and frankly you could get used to this. He placed the pancakes infront of you which looked too good to be true. You picked up your fork but you noticed how Jungkook just stood there watching you.

"Aren't you going to eat any?", you asked. "I only made a few since we don't have that much time", he said eyeing his watch. He was right, you had to be at the office soon.

"Well why don't you join me?", you smiled passing him a fork and pushing the plate forward so it was between the both of you to share.

Maybe you guys had just gotten off on the wrong foot and maybe you guys could be friends you thought. He nodded his head as he grabbed the fork and you both dug in to eat.

This was your second time seeing Jungkook up close and you were mesmerized. His perfect wavy hair, the flawless skin, the doe eyes, he was so handsome.

"Stop it Y/N", you mumbled yanking yourself out of the daze only to see Jungkook staring at you weirdly. You just smiled as you got back to eating.

"So if I can't call you Ms. Y/N, what can I call you?", Jungkook randomly asked.

"Just Y/N", you shrugged your shoulders.

"Hmm, I think I'll choose better words like brat or princess", he smirked.

And he's back, a total jerk who was supposed to follow you around for God knows how long!

"Listen here Jungkook, I don't know what your problem is but if you don't stop-", your words were cut short when your mother entered the room.

"Hey kids, seems like you're already eating breakfast", she smiled.

"Good morning Ms. Lee", Jungkook smiled.

"Good morning mom", you smiled as well as if you weren't just threatening Jungkook seconds ago.

"Well we have to get going now", you kissed your mother's cheek bidding her goodbye before heading out.

"Jungkook?", your mother called out when you were gone. "Yes Ms. Lee".

"Take good care of Y/N for me okay", she smiled.

"I will, as long as I'm here, Y/N is safe", Jungkook smiled back before leaving the house to catch up with you.

"Where are my car keys?", you huffed looking in all the pockets in your range.

"Looking for this", Jungkook waved the keys as he ran past you to the car. "

Hey! Give them back!", you ran after him.

"I am driving", he smirked before closing the door on you.

You were getting late so after groaning in frustration, you sat in the front passenger seat, compromising this time. "Look buddy, I am more than capable of driving myself", you retorted.

"From the accident yesterday, I would think otherwise", he teased.

Can't believe you were going to be stuck with him for a while. You slumped back into your seat in defeat, atleast it was finally quiet in the car, you liked to use this time to relax before thrusting yourself into your daily busy schedule.

After a while of peace, it was interrupted yet again by Jungkook. He was humming some tune as he pretended to play the drums on the steering wheel.

"Can you please stop that!", you groaned trying to be nice although Jungkook was making it so hard.

"You mean this", he made his humming and drumming playing even louder. Unbelievable


Reaching to the building, you were first to get out of the car, finally free from Jungkook. You ran to the elevator hoping Jungkook wouldn't catch up with you and just as it was about to close, a foot stepped in and you rolled your eyes in annoyance.

"You can't escape me that easily princess", he smirked.

"Don't call me that!", you huffed. Your bickering with Jungkook went on nonstop until the elevator opened as someone else entered.

It was Daniel, he did visit your company often. "Good morning Y/N!", he said, taking your hand and kissing the top of it. You took it away, out of his hold as soon as possible and Jungkook could see you were feeling uncomfortable. Jungkook initially figured he was your boyfriend but after seeing your tensed up state, he thought otherwise.

"So do you want to go for dinner with me tonight since you couldn't yesterday?", Daniel asked closing the distance between the both of you.

"Umm actually I'm busy", you passed him a fake smile hoping he would back off. 

"It will be quick", he whispered in your ear as you tried to back away from his hold.

"She said no", Jungkook said coming infront of you to glare at Daniel.

"This is between me and Y/N", Daniel rolled his
eyes before shoving Jungkook away.

Jungkook was having none of it. He grabbed Daniel by the collar, putting him against the elevator wall. "Listen up, I'm Y/N's bodyguard so if it concerns her, it concerns me so I suggest you leave before you make a fool out of yourself", he said through gritted teeth as you stayed stunned at a corner.


Jeez how long is this elevator ride 😂

Thank you for reading!❤️✨

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