𝟏𝟓 - 𝐂𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐦𝐞𝐭𝐚𝐥

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You heaved in breaths unable to comprehend that others were getting hurt because of you.

You sat in the dark room you were once held in alone only now, there was Jimin and some of his friends it seemed like. They had all come to rescue you with Jungkook. But unlike them, he wasn't in the dark room with you guys, he was out there captured by Daniel. You couldn't imagine what they were putting him through.

"He'll be fine", Jimin nudged your shoulder as you looked up to him passing you a pity smile.

"This is all my fault", you managed to choke out through the tears that had built up.

"It's no ones fault, instead of blaming each other, we need to get out of here", a raven haired man commented from across the room.

Eventually, you learned his name was Yoongi, and the others, Namjoon, Jin, Hoseok and Taehyung.

You were beyond thankful that they had come to save your life, even though it hadn't gone exactly as planned, they knew what they were jumping into but they did it anyways.

Eventually you guys had fallen asleep and it definitely wasn't the one to rest, it was rather sleeping because nothing else seemed to work in the moment.

There seemed no way out of the dark tunnel you had found yourself deep into.


You heard a thump of some sort as it jolted you awake. You looked around but everyone else was still asleep. Moving slightly to the door, your hands were captured behind your back as you replied back to the thump with your head against the door, trying to make any noise you could.

If it were Daniel's men, they would have the key to the room and wouldn't need to bang against it.  Maybe it was someone else. Hopefully not Daniel or his men?

Another thump was heard back as you finally decided to question it.

"Who is this?", you whisper screamed hoping the doors were fairly thin enough to let the noise through.

"Y/N!", Jungkook whisper screamed back and you let your head rest against the door in relief, relief that he wasn't killed off, relief that he was okay.

"You're okay!", you exclaimed.

"Duh, what do I look like to you, a rookie?", he scoffed as you slightly giggled. Despite the twisted events you were a part of, Jungkook still managed to make you smile.

"Are the others in there too?", he asked.

"Yes!", you replied.

"Alright, do me a favour and stand back, I'll try to bust this door open", you heard a clang which was probably some sort of weapon Jungkook had acquired to open the door.

With his command, you stepped away to the further side of the room where everyone else was.

One hit, it didn't work but it sure did wake the others up.

"What's going on-", Namjoon didn't have a chance to complete his sentence as you could see Jungkook standing right in front of you with all the cuts and bruises on his forearm and face, you were just glad he was in one piece.

He threw the metal stick which was in his hand across the room as he quickly came to untie you.

"We don't have much time, I was unconscious in the starting but afterwards, I only pretended so they went on a break but they'll be back any minute", he commented as he untied your ropes and one by one, the others' too.

In the moment, you wanted to latch onto Jungkook for dear life because hell, were you grateful for him.

It took you a while to manage to get up as the others were already up on their feet. Your legs had become so sore and numb from the cold floor. You were trailing behind the rest but you didn't want to say anything since you didn't want to slow them down.

You knew you should have said something when you were suddenly grabbed from the waist, held close to a body with a cold metal feeling on your forehead.

It was Daniel with a gun to your head. You gasped unable to form words as he let out a laugh, getting the attention of the others.

Jungkook could sense the fear in your eyes as his eyes slightly softened. He nudged the others to go behind him as he stepped closer to Daniel.

"One more step and she get's it!", Daniel warned.

Jungkook froze in his spot. There were more men behind Daniel, that too with weapons of their own. There was no way he could fight his way out of this one. He was stuck.


Can Daniel just leave oh my god!

Again, trying my best to update when I can, hope you enjoyed! ❤️✨

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