𝟎𝟕 - 𝐌𝐢𝐝𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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"Well that was fun!", you saw a genuine smile on Jungkook's face after your outing tonight.

"Yeah", you chuckled which was interrupted by a slight rumble coming from your stomach making your cheeks flush a shade of red.

"Guess someone's hungry", Jungkook teasingly laughed as you sent him a death glare.

"Well I would've eaten something if it wasn't for you stuffing your hand in my popcorn", you retorted.

"Fine fine, that one is on me, how about we make dinner?", he suggested already rummaging through the kitchen to find something to make.

"We have some ramen", you stated.

"That will do", he spoke before taking out the necessary ingredients. For a young man, you didn't know where he had the time to learn how to cook but boy, was he good at it.

"So how can I help?", you asked.

"You can cut the green onions for the ramen", he passed you the knife and the cutting board.

You began to cut the onions as you saw fit only to get disapproving looks from Jungkook.

"Tsk, you're doing it all wrong", he sighed coming around you to take a hold of your hand to help you cut.

"Like this", he whispered only then realizing the close proximity of the two of you.

You froze under his touch as your faces were inches away although you didn't mind it, when it had been Daniel, it felt suffocating but when it was Jungkook, it felt..okay, you both stared into each other's eyes for what felt like forever until a sudden cough interrupted the scene.

Jungkook swiftly moved away from you, you both turning to the direction of the cough.

You and Jungkook were both blushing red as Mia chuckled.

"Mia, when did you get here?", you asked hoping she hadn't watched all that because you knew how much she would tease you for it.

"Just now", she smirked and you knew all too well she had been watching the whole time.

"I just came to say that my wedding is in a few months and I have yet to choose my dress", she dramatically sighed making you chuckle.

"Well after my meeting tomorrow, we can go to the stores after?", you suggested.

"Yup, that sounds good", she exclaimed.

"Well dinner is ready, would you like to join us Mia?", Jungkook asked as he began arranging the table.

"I mean I wouldn't want to disturb the love birds", she whispered so only you could hear as you sent her cold glares.

"Did you say something?", Jungkook was left clueless.

"I said sure, I'd love to", she smiled.


After eating the food and bidding goodbye to Mia, you and Jungkook made your way to your own bedrooms.

"Goodnight princess", Jungkook chuckled knowing how you hated him calling you that.

"Stop it", you retorted.


It was around midnight when you just couldn't fall asleep. In all honesty, the horror movie you and Jungkook had watched was still lingering in your mind vividly. You quickly turned on your lamp not being able to bear the dark. You couldn't possibly sleep now and the first thing your mind lingered to was if Jungkook was awake? With that thought in mind, you headed over to peak in his room only to see his eyes glued to the TV.

"I can see you", he chuckled as you got startled by his sudden voice.

"Oh umm I was just umm going to get a glass of water", you lied obviously embarrassed you had been caught.

"What's wrong?", Jungkook sensed your tensed stare.

"I can't fall asleep", you openly admitted.

"I can't fall asleep either", he sighed and then it was just the two of you looking at eachother awkwardly.

"Well I guess we could introduce ourselves better to eachother, you know because we're stuck together for a while and all", he suggested.

The next few hours were spent conversing about anything and everything and you had learned so much about Jungkook as he had about you too.

You finally felt sleepy and without caring where you were, you fell asleep on Jungkook's bed.

He chuckled seeing you slightly snore in your sleep. "Cute", he mumbled before picking you up bridal style and placing you on your own bed.

He even put a blanket over you and closed the lamp.

"Goodnight princess", he whispered as he made his way to his own room to get some rest.


Sorry for delaying this part for so long.

Thank you for reading❤️✨

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