𝟎𝟒 - 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐥 𝐢𝐧 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐠𝐮𝐢𝐬𝐞

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Parking at your mansion, you couldn't wait to finally get this terrible day over with. You were about to enter your house when you saw the same wrecked car you had been cursing this whole time enter into the gates. It was that jerk again. He had the audacity to follow you. You walked over to the man just as he had parked the car.

"As you can see, this isn't your house so leave", you spat.

"Woah woah, is that really the way to greet your guests", he smirked. Guest? What is he talking about?

You were about to speak up but your mother had already answered your question. "There you are", she smiled, hugging Jungkook.

"Y-you know him?", you asked your mother.

"Yes dear, this is the boy I was going to tell you about, he saved my life", she explained.

"I invited him over for dinner since being such a gentleman, he didn't accept money", she smiled fondly at Jungkook.

"It's my pleasure being here, thank you for inviting me", Jungkook said.

How did he go from being a jerk to this so quickly!

"Jungkook dear, this is Y/N, my daughter and Y/N, this is Jungkook", she smiled introducing the both of you. Jungkook smiled sweetly at you just as a devil did before destroying his victims.

"N-nice to meet you", you forced a smile trying to keep the act infront of your mother going.

"The pleasure is all mine", he smirked.

You kept glaring at Jungkook as he was so kindly helping your mother make dinner. What a suck up.

"What happened to your car Jungkook?", your mother asked eyeing the wreckage from the window. Your eyes widened, was he going to rat you out?

"Oh some lady didn't know how to drive", he sighed smirking to you on the couch. You were relieved he didn't say that it was you and clearly it was him who didn't know how to drive.

"And you didn't call the police?", your mother asked wanting to know the whole story.

"No, the poor lady was begging me to let her off the hook so I did", his cocky smirk only grew knowing how bad he was working up your nerves.

"Aww, look at you, such a kind hearted boy", your mother exclaimed.

You couldn't take this anymore and you were so glad that Mia came at that exact moment. She looked out of breath as she shut the door behind her.

"Woah, is everything okay?", you asked. "Y/N, there....man.....kill", she was so out of breath.

"Okay calm down, let's take a seat", you helped her to the nearest spot.

After she drank some water and felt better, she finally spoke as everyone anxiously listened.

"There is a man outside, I heard him talk about killing you, I don't know who or why but they're after you", Mia said grabbing your mother's attention.

"Oh come on, you're over exaggerating, they probably just want the money", you sighed.

"No Y/N, this is serious and it wasn't just one person, it was a whole lot of men", Mia gulped just thinking about what she had seen.

The dinner table was fully set up by now and the four of you sat around it. Your mother handed out the food as she began to speak.

"This is serious Y/N, you can't just shrug it off, there are people out there who want you dead!". Your mother had always been really protective of you.

"But don't worry, I can deal with it", you sighed taking a bite of your food as everyone else did so too.

"Jungkook how long did you say you would be here?", your mother asked. "About 6 months", he replied.

"Well how about a job offering?"

"j-job offering?"

"Yeah, how would you like to be Y/N's bodyguard", your mother offered as you practically choked on your food.

Jungkook was hesitant at first but he looked over to you as you pleaded him to say no but he did exactly the opposite. "Sure", he smiled.

"But-", you were about to protest when your mother shot you a death glare.

"Great, and you can stay here from now on", your mother stated.

"Great!", Jungkook exclaimed knowing how you hated this arrangement.

"Then it's settled", your mother looked over to you who had the biggest frown on your face.

You were planning Jungkook's murder in your head.

Thank you for reading so far, means a lot ❤️✨

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