𝟏𝟑 - 𝐈𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐠𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧

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The room was dark with only one light hanging right above you. It had been five days just like these. You couldn't even cry anymore.

Running out of breath became easier for you, you were not the same person you were five days ago. And this was just the beginning.

Daniel would torture you to the point you'd break and given to merging the companies but regardless you weren't going to let that happen. You weren't going to let him take away all your hard work just like that.

You just knew Jungkook would come looking for you but after five hopeless days, you could only hope and nothing else. You wondered how your mother had handled it or how Mia must have felt. This was all your fault in some sense and the people you loved were paying greatly for it.

A loud bang echoed on the prison like door before Daniel entered with his guards, smirking as he did so.

"I see you're looking well", he bitterly chuckled as you stayed put on the chair.

"No matter what, I'll never give you the company", you spat the one thing that Daniel was going to question you about again.

"Oh you will, when all this torture gets to you, you definitely will", he gritted his teeth.

"I might as well die but I still will never ever do such a thing", you retorted and somehow you had made things even worse for yourself.

Daniel was fuming as he looked at you.
"Well I guess this leaves me no choice", he came
dangerously close to you as you tried to back away.

You kept your head down unable to look at him.
"I'll just have to marry you then", he smirked lifting your chin.

Your eyes widened as Daniel had finally left you no choice. He watched your face in amusement, "That's right, once we get married, you'll have no choice but to merge the companies", he proudly stated.

"I will never marry you!", you scoffed.

"Oh you don't have a choice", he chuckled before leaving the cell with his guards.

Once again you were all alone and now the fear of what Daniel said lingered in your head.


"So I sent an investigation team and hopefully something turns up", Jimin explained.

"If something turns up, something turns up!, it's been five days, your investigation team is pathetic, I need more help!", Jungkook smacked the table in a fit of anger.

"Jungkook, we're trying our best, you have to understand we have a lot of other things going on to, we're the police station and unfortunately Y/N isn't the only thing we can focus on", he tried to calmly speak so the irrational maknae could understand him.

"Whatever, I'll figure it out on my own", he scoffed walking away from Jimin but he knew what kind of mindset Jungkook was in, Jimin didn't want to accuse the boy of taking his anger out on him because if he was in Jungkook's place, he'd probably be freaking out the same.

Just as Jungkook was about to walk out the police station, the investigation team came in as he stopped in his track.

"I think we got something you'd like to know", Namjoon, the head of the investigation team told Jungkook as they all took a seat.

"We had kept a close eye on Daniel and we noticed a serious pattern", Yoongi, the second member of the investigation explained.

"You see after his office hours, unlike Daniel's usual commute home, he started going somewhere else", Hoseok, the third member of the investigation team spoke.

"It turns out he's been visiting this warehouse about 2 hours away from the city", Namjoon went on to add.

Jungkook and Jimin exchanged worried glances, they both knew where this was going.

"We think Y/N might be held hostage there", Hoseok continued.

"Infact they even have guards circling the warehouse meaning they must have something in there or in our case, someone", Yoongi told the last piece of detail.


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