𝟏𝟒 - 𝐎𝐝𝐝𝐬 𝐢𝐧 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐨𝐮𝐫

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"Alright so here's the plan, Y/N may or may not be in that warehouse meaning we need to spread out to look for her", Jimin explained.

As being part of the police, he was able to retrieve satellite photos of the warehouse and somehow manage to piece them together as a map. He'd also called in back up which were the other police men, Jin and Taehyung.

Now there were seven and they had one goal in mind, to save you.

"We know according to the information we were given", Jungkook looked at Namjoon, "that Daniel comes to the warehouse after work".

"According to that, we have to loosely follow him when he does so the next time", Jin cut in as everyone nodded.

They knew this wasn't going to be easy, perhaps they'd even get outnumbered by Daniel's enormous security but they had to try it, Jungkook wasn't willing to give up on you that quick.


"Get up, the priest is here", Daniel waved his finger at you as you followed his order, mainly because you lacked energy to do anything else.

"Am I supposed to be doing the ceremony here?", the priest asked rather frightened since he'd never conducted a marriage in a warehouse.

"Do as you're told old man!", Daniel yelled making the man flinch and bow.

"Yes yes ok, position the bride and groom", the priest spoke as some guards nudged you to the centre of the warehouse.

Daniel stood smugly, knowing he had won.

Everything was all set in stone now, you would get married, he would merge the companies and you could only imagine how terribly he would treat you.

"Do you, the husband promise to love and cher-"

"I do", Daniel made it quick.

"And do you, the wife, promise to love and cherish your husband till death do you apart?"

A moment of silence.

"Say the damn words!", Daniel gritted his teeth.

"I-", before you could finish your statement, you heard gunshots outside as Daniel sighed in frustration, halting the ceremony.

"Go, see who it is!", he commanded some guards.

"Don't let her move!", he commanded another guard to hold you down.

You could hear everything going outside and it made you curious. You didn't have to wait long to know what was happening since eventually the fight was moved inside.

And there he was, Jungkook. So all this time he hadn't just forgotten about you. He was in the midst of fighting a guard as some others helped him.

"Jungkook!", you called out as his eyes made contact with yours.

"Y/N!, I'm coming", he was out of breath from all the fighting as he ran to you.

Little did he know, Daniel was following him from behind with a metal stick.

"Jungkook watch out!", you yelled but it was too late as he got knocked to the ground with a proud Daniel standing behind him.

"Get him!", you heard the others say as they tried to attack Daniel but at this point, the fight wasn't in your favour.

Daniel and his guards had their guns held up as the others sighed in defeat, raising their hands up.

All you could see was Jungkook passed out and this was looking worse than you expected.

The odds were definitely not in your favour.


I know the chapters are getting short but atleast I'm updating this way lol

Hope you enjoyed! ❤️✨

𝐁𝐨𝐝𝐲𝐠𝐮𝐚𝐫𝐝 𝐉𝐞𝐨𝐧 - 𝐉𝐤Where stories live. Discover now